The Geared Immortal

1364 Heavenly Samsara: Chapter 114

Chapter 1364

Heavenly Samsara: Chapter 114

Xin Ja is running while grabbing his left hand which is heavily wounded, while behind him follows Jing Xue who is also in a sorry state.

The two have been struggling in the tunnels while being chased by the denizens of the dungeon.

They just killed a dragon-like beast which wounded Jing Xue heavily and broke Xin Ja's left hand. They did expect the fight to be dangerous and were prepared for it, but this is just a nightmare.

Xin Ja suddenly saw a small hole on the wall side and quickly headed that way.

As he jumps inside, he quickly grabs Jing Xue and then threw a couple of bone arrays to cover the hole with camouflage. Then he quickly sets up a silencing array around them.

The two are breathing heavily while looking at the darkness outside.

Not long later, before they could even heave a sigh of relief, they saw a large head peering out of the darkness followed by a long neck and a large body.

"That… That is a real dragon, right?" Jing Xue muttered as fear could clearly be seen in her eyes.

But Xin Ja just frowns as he began to think of something suspicious about the tunnels.

He shook his head and shifted to his broken left arm. He quickly takes out a pill bottle from his ring and then pops a pill into his mouth.

He then handed the bottle to Jing Xue.

"One pill only…" he reminded.

She nodded her head and takes the bottle while popping a pill.

She began checking her wounds which made her grimace in pain as she moved.

While running, she did not feel such pain, but now that she is seated and hiding, she could now feel it.

She did not waste more time and quickly sits on the side and focused her energy on using the pill's energy to recover her wounds.

Xin Ja on the other hand gritted his teeth and aligned his left arm's bone first.

Crack! Crack!

The sound of his bone-cracking while he aligned them echoed in that small area. After that grueling and painful alignment, he closes his eyes to concentrate.

He could only lament that his dantian was only partially healed. If only he could have more time, then his dantian would be fully healed.

In fact, spending his time concocting pills and taking them has helped with his healing along with the small flame in his dantian. But he still needed time to fully close the dantian and then he could use his power at a full capacity.

But for now, he could only use this little-by-little process to heal himself.

Two hours have passed in a blink of an eye and Jing Xue has already opened her eyes and looked at the situation outside.

She has noticed that the giant dragon has passed by them twice in these two hours.

Meanwhile, on the side, Xin Ja finishes what he was working on and carefully puts them in his ring.

"Senior, how are you feeling?" he asked while turning to look at Jing Xue.

"My wounds have been partially healed… I think we can continue traversing this dungeon…" she said while nodding her head.

"Umm… Well, you have to wait for a few minutes… I have sent something out so once it is returned we can continue to search this place."

As soon as he finished talking, he suddenly turn to the side and saw a small flying drone going inside the camouflage and landing on his palm.

Then that small drone transferred the information it has gotten to a small box where it landed.

After a while, Xin Ja opened the box and it showed the full map of the dungeon.

"So the center part of the dungeon is this place… and we are in here…"

Jing Xue squinted as she did not expect that there would be such a thing.

She had heard that there is something like this in the kingdom of Jimal, so she is not that surprised. But still, seeing it firsthand is a bit of an unexpected thing for her.

She now looks at the young man before her with a new light.

"Haha… Senior, I think we have been going in circles… The center part of the dungeon is actually hidden in this part…" Xin Ja pointed to a location where they once fought a two-headed snake.

"The lair of the two-headed snake?" she muttered.


After figuring out the real location of the central part of the dungeon, the two prepare to set out.

"Are you ready?" he asked while looking outside.

Jing Xue nodded her head as she held a weird-looking artifact.

What she has in her hand is a staff that can channel her energy easily and produces her desired spell with a flick of her hand.

Then the ground began shaking.

They know that it was the dragon appearing once again.

After the dragon passed by them, they carefully walk out of the crevice and Xin Ja deactivates the array.

They then rush out of the hole and run back to the two-headed snake's lair.

As soon as they arrive, they could still see the corpses on the ground but the two-headed snake's corpse is already gone.

Jing Xue frowned when she saw this.

"Did another beast eat the corpse?" she asked.

"Maybe…" Xin Ja shrugged but dared not look her straight in the eye.

How could he tell her that he was the one who took the corpse? As for the rest, he has no use for them, so he just lets them be.

He quickly walked towards the back of a large boulder and quickly checked the walls.

"We have to search for an entry point in this place…" he said while searching the walls.

She nodded and closes her eyes as she concentrated her sense on the area.

She soon opened her eyes and found a weird object near the entrance.

When he saw this, a smile crept on his face. In fact, Xin Ja has already found that thing, but dare not say it out because he wanted to know if she also has some kind of sensing ability just like his absolute sense.

And from the looks of it, she really does have such a thing. But she needed to close her eyes and concentrate on using it. Plus, it seems that it takes a toll on her mental stress.

As she presses the protruding stone, something clicked on the side and they heard rumbling sounds.

They did not hesitate to quickly go through the opening door.

They now found themselves inside a large room and discovered a lot of treasures lying around the room.

The chaotic Ki in the air is very rich and this is combined with the pure Ki.

This almost made Jing Xue's mouth fall to the ground.

In truth, she has also entered a Shen's Abode while staying with the An Clan. But that abode is nothing compared to this place.

The danger level of that place is like a playground compare to this place.

If not for her strength and those weird artifacts that Xin Ja has, she is sure that the two of them would have already been a corpse.

Plus the treasures she is seeing right now are nothing compared to what she had seen before.

"This… This would really push the An Clan to the top of the kingdom." She muttered in excitement.

"To the top or to their death…" Xin Ja broke her train of thought.

When she heard this, her mind suddenly sobered up. She knew that what he said is the truth.

If other clans could learn that the An Clan has taken such a vast amount of treasure, then they would be chased after and even destroyed by those more powerful clans or families in the name of getting the treasure for the people.

This thought made her sober up and then look at Xin Ja with admiration.

This guy seemed unfazed after seeing such vast riches in front of him.

The mountain of Ki stones and artifacts is uncountable and it is making her feel uncomfortable. She is both excited and worried at the same time.

By this time, Xin Ja has already found the main control of the whole dungeon and the outside arrays.

As he stood near that thing, he frowned and realization dawned on him.

"I knew that it would be like this…" he thought while looking at the runes in front of him.

Then his eyes look at the 14 inches black crystal screen in front of him.

From where he is standing he could already understand the rune arrays that are written on the surface of the small table in front of him.

He could say that this thing is like a computer table and the thing in front of him is a keyboard with many functions.

Form letters to words to commands, he could see it on the keyboard-like thingy.

But of course, for those that do not know what it does, they would just look at that thing as a stone slab with many runes.

This time, Xin Ja was amazed at the architect of this abode and is now really interested in what is in store for him if he opens and explores this thing.

And so without hesitation, he lifted his finger and pushes the power button.


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