The Game Rune System

Chapter 80: She is here!

Chapter 80: She is here!

The relationship with the vampires was not the only thing that changed in Tetsuya's life.

Because the game's appearance in the birds forest had gotten so much attention, a lot of people had come over and played the game.

They raised Tetsuya's stats so much and his understanding of the rune that he personally felt the huge surge of power, but so his Rainbow Adventurers that had been stronger in the MOBA GAME!

Not only Tetsuya rewarded them more, he also passed his knowledge and made their abilities naturally stronger in the game.

By leveling up in the moba board, Rainbow Adventurers simply had better ratios and so they could dominate the whole land.

The Rainbow Adventurers' Headquarters shifted to the Bende City and this was where they began to get truly stronger and wealthy as well.

"Symphy looks so majestic. Just look at those feathers, haha!" Skylar laughed, then extended her hand to touch the silver feathers.

The bird didn't like it, though. It slapped her away, then flew to another shoulder.

They were just coming back from another game.

Both siblings, Millia and Marre were also looking better and stronger. Their looks were adequate to their strength and one could only wonder what their peak was.

Skylar also had shiny black hair and her skin seemed more smooth. Her looks were as pretty as other ladies on her level. She didn't look weak and feeble, but held enough delicacy in her appearance.

The other two members were one of the first recruits.

One man with a slightly greedy heart and a woman with love for money had joined the Rainbow Adventurers as one of the first and their talents allowed them to enter Skylar's team who was the closest to the boss.

The boss was Tetsuya under the name Narashi.

"Miss Skylar should stop it already He will soon snap at you and I won't be able to stop him if he really goes mad" Millia gently told Skylar to stop, but the lady was far from scared!

She just laughed and patted Millia's shoulder, "It's my property now," Her eyes looked deeply into the birds' and it quickly snapped with its feathers spread widely.

Symphy went mad and raised its body high into the sky. Soon, it descended with a silver aura straight at Skylar whose ax had been already up.

She blocked the beak and both of them fought until the bird gave up.

Winning this small and not so hard spar, Skylar laughed, "Haha! Next time, I will go harder on you and touch your feathers."

The lady seemed somewhat interested in the silver feathers.

The other siblings' pet, the tiger cub, surprisingly grew so much that it could reach Marre's knee without jumping. It was a fast growing pet that already helped its owner greatly as their skills were connected.

Upon their return, Skylar went to meet the boss!

"I will be back soon! Let's prepare for another party. I think the Blue Knife dudes want to fight with us next!" Skylar shouted, then went upstairs.

She didn't even wait for others to react to her words!

Millia just shook her head and whispered, "It's a Red Knife and they are different parties"

After Skylar knocked on the boss' doors, she opened those and looked into the room with a slight blush on her face.

The former night's moans were so damn loud that she could imagine what had happened here without any problem at all.

She also knew that not a weak woman had been his partner, because this fun lasted for a long time.

It was hard to look into Tetsuya's eyes, so Skylar stood in a silence for a little.

Tetsuya began the conversation, "So the Red Knife party is your next opponent?"

He already saw their victory in his game master window and their fights were great. The rewards were a little too much of favoritism, but they were his people and Tetsuya naturally wanted to have a lot of people in his Rainbow Adventurers business.

Skylar just jumped and thought, "Ah, true! It's the Red Knife. I must correct myself later"

"Millia already knows who is your next opponent. I also told all of you to look at new recruits. How are they?" Tetsuya laughed faintly and asked.

The reports were also in his game rune system, but he just asked as the opinion of his player was also valuable.

It also was the kind of bonding that he wanted to do anyway.

Skylar just told about the new recruits and how she kicked butts of people that didn't want to listen to her.

"I hate when they think they are strong on their own! I used all advantages from the game and beat them so hard that they no longer dare to talk back," Skylar nodded with content.

The moba game's suppression is amazing and even strong nobles began from the first level where their skills were limited.

The lady used all of this to dominate them all!

The Moba Game also has advanced greatly and not only sticks were components that one could buy!

Tetsuya continued to make mass items such as Bloody Wine that was like potion in the moba game.

He could use the blood from others for potions, but why would he do it for the game? Instead, he made mass potions that could be useful in real life where MOBA GAME wouldn't be able to begin unless he became strong.

Just a few hours of Bloody Wine creation allowed Tetsuya to learn a concept where he could mix Bloody Wine and his potions made out of blood for amazing effects.

"Nice, keep winning. Our Rainbow Adventurers will become experts in this game," Tetsuya spoke confidently and Skylar nodded similarly.

They were players in both moba games and the outside world, so they were in a way chosen to dominate and lead people in moba games.

Tetsuya had also a plan to mix MMORPG and MOBA GAMES, but it was plan for the far future.

This plan could be tested in the eastern part, but only after Big Mom became Tetsuya's ally as she surely would notice too many changes in her land.

"Hmm? What is this commotion?" Skylar suddenly heard the loud voices from the Bende City's streets.

For a moment, she thought that the festival began and she inadvertently came closer to the window.

This window had some hot action a night before, but Skylar carelessly touched the edge and looked around.

She found a lot of people on the streets, standing in orderly rows from both sides.

"Isn't this like a path to our building?" Tetsuya asked, his smile a little wider than usual. He saw that those people were making a path, similar in the festival, but who could make them act like that?

Surely not some cheap noble from the neighborhood!

Tetsuya used his good eyes to carefully look onto the road, then a woman with immaculate beauty finally entered his eyes.

She wore a faint smile on her face while going forward. Her eyes kept jumping from one building to another and one could see content sprouting within those.

She had officer-like clothes, but this didn't take anything from her beauty at all. Instead, it added a nice charm to her delicate face.

However, her delicacy soon disappeared as eyebrows narrowed! Her face slightly distorted, but it was like another wave of excitement for the surrounding man that just couldn't get enough of her nice looks.

"What is this wrapper doing here?" She asked while pointing at the wrapper on the street.

It belonged to some man who enjoyed a little snack after his moba game and he blinked his eyes when the lady's attention fell on him.

He began to shiver uncontrollably, then his teammates distanced themselves from him.

"Damn, I told him to look around This idiot" One of them whispered.

The other nodded and sighed, "Big Mom's daughter is the same as her Just a little stain on clothes would be able to make a roar Luckily, it's just a wrapper."

Everyone from the man's side felt lucky that the lady didn't roar. They eyed their friend raising the wrapper, then sent thumbs-up at him when he put it in the bin properly.

On the other side, other men just smiled widely as big mom's daughter's angered face was the sight they would gladly dream for the rest of their lives!

They soon looked at her going forward with the content yet again on her face.

She liked that the city was properly maintained and no stain could be seen on the buildings and roads.

"Is she going to Rainbow Adventurers?" The man finally could see her destination properly.

The whole row continued to move together with her, but it halted and not everyone could follow the lady!

This row stopped exactly before Rainbow Adventurers and so the crowd nodded, "It's the place that has the most experience in the Moba Game! She must have a lot of questions for them!"

"How lucky Boss Narashi can be?!"

"Too lucky! Have you heard the rumors?"

"What rumors?"


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