The Game Rune System

Chapter 69: Bloodsuckers?

Chapter 69: Bloodsuckers?

Next day.

Despite the comfortable bed, Millia woke up at the same time as her brother. The sun barely reached her room's window, so it was still early in the morning.

All of this was because today's day was important.

Millia's still sleepy eyes trembled and dilated, her sleepiness fading away.

She left the bed quickly and rushed to the bathroom to take care of herself. Bathing before sleep and after was now possible for her as she had a proper house together with her sibling.

Those two bumped into each other as if their routine had been the same.

"Good morning."

"Good morning."

After a little silence, both siblings smiled widely at this nice feeling. Her brother allowed Millia to go first and he also took the role of guard in case Mr. Narashi tried to peak. Though it sounded absurd, no one could tell what lays behind each heart!

Soon, his sister left the bathroom and he himself took the proper routine.

The sun already hung up in the sky.

Tetsuya left his room, seeming fresh and neat.

His hair, clothes and skin exuded clean and proper aura that blinded the male sibling.

How could Tetsuya look so clean and good in mere pyjamas? His looks were so plain and yet...

Soon, his eyes spotted Tetsuya slicking his hair with nothing, but hand and yet it ended up neatly on his head.

This left Marre speechless.

"G-Good morning."

He stuttered as he greeted Tetsuya, but the game master just laughed and entered the empty bathroom.

Soon, Skylar also left the room.

Her appearance was even a big mess compared to the siblings, so they just looked at her and simultaneously exclaimed

"What a gap."


Skylar scratched her black hair and prepared to enter the only toilet. With still sleepy eyes, she opened the doors and entered inside while the siblings had been shocked by the gap between her and Tetsuya.

Soon, a loud voice rang out from the inside, "SORRY!"

She apologized and slammed the doors after leaving the bathroom. Skylar didn't even think of questioning the siblings as the naked game master somewhat intrigued her. Even though he had that simple look, his eyes were something different as if pulling her into a shared bathtub!

For a moment, it felt natural for her to join the game master and so she apologized before escaping to her room.


The morning was somewhat fun despite his sealed looks, so Tetsuya had been in a good mood ever since.

He also created recipes for more items. The whole tiger ended up as a resource except its meat that had been stored in the fridge for future dinners and adventures.

Though the meat also got bathed by the purple cube and could provide proper nourishment with stats such as strength and some defensive ones.

The bones were used in both ways. One way was to completely pulverize the bones. This process allowed the game masters to create dust with temporary penetration buffs. By pouring this dust onto the weapon, the player would be able to get penetration stat against the Tooth Tigers.

The blood had yet to be used, but Tetsuya planned to enter the wine market with it and have fun with nobilities around them.

It was for later as today's day was to get a pet for Millia.

"We have to visit a winery and battle tailor." Ashley reminded from the inside. The former was to her partner's plan for the future while the latter was important for the whole Rainbow Adventurer's business.

The fur could be turned into clothes and it would be great to have a person that could make those. The battle tailor was the name of such a profession here that worked with dangerous things such as fur and skin from Tooth Tiger.

The recipe alone wouldn't give Tetsuya such ability and the same went for the wine plan.

"I know." Tetsuya replied. He then enjoyed the breakfast with everyone before the Rainbow Adventurers scattered in their respective directions.

"Good luck, Marre!"

"You too, Millia!"

Left alone with Millia, Tetsuya took the lead and both of them entered the carriage. Their goal was a city not too far away from their home city.

The city was known as Bende City and its lands were known from fast birds. Those beasts fell into the beast category and were dangerous species whose extinction had been stopped numerous times by Big Mom as her rule was meant to keep things intact!

One of those birds will become Millia's beast companion.

"R-Really? I can't This is too much, Mr. Narashi" Mumbling quietly, Millia unconsciously gathered some attention from other carriage members.

It was pretty crowded in the carriage and both Tetsuya and Millia were sticking up close.

As one would have guessed already, many people imagined Tetsuya's hands sneaking its way past Millia's clothes to her beauty.

A lot of people glanced at Tetsuya with uncomfortable eyes, but he just said out truth!

Some disgust also could be seen within those eyes and he laughed out inwardly as those would be different if he were to have his true looks.

In any case, he ignored all those people and decided to save the talk for later.

He also extended his hands forward and cracked his joints

People felt some threatening aura and turned their eyes away.

After Bende City unfolded its content before the duo, Tetsuya took Millia's hand and both of them quickly left the carriage as the atmosphere became disgusting even to Tetsuya. All those people were unable to hide their feelings at all.

Once on the road, Tetsuya explained himself.

"If you don't aim high, then you will stagnate and regret it, won't you? You also have my help, so rise your face and follow the quest's content." Tetsuya said.

Millia nodded affirmatively and asked, "The quest doesn't specify any beast in particular, so should we make some research?"

"The quest will update itself based on the knowledge you get and tailor the best path for you. So your idea is good." Tetsuya smiled and followed the nineteen years old lady who entered the mercenary guild in Bende City.

It was rough to find any proper information with her E Rank, but Millia didn't give up. Some mercenaries took pity on her and shared what they knew about this land.

This was home for many and dealing with those birds was part of their lives.

It was not secret that those birds often left their homes to prey on weaker humans!

This fact scared Millia, her eyes wide. But she nodded soon after as Tetsuya's words echoed through her mind!

She has to work hard!

"Thank you for telling me this!" She thanked everyone genuinely, then peeked at the quest updating. A smile bloomed on Millia's face! It was so sweet that it broke through her poor looks and made people feel merry, even if a little.

Her eyes then turned in Tetsuya's directions.

Mr. Narashi had been standing in the corner, but he managed to find someone to talk to. Not surprisingly at all, it was a woman whose looks didn't seem bad for the mercenary quality.

Even if the current Narashi seemed out of place, his eyes had been something else.

The game master found a flaw within that sealed appearance and he began to leverage those heavily!

"The Bloodsuckers?" Tetsuya repeated the woman's voice.

At this point, Millia also could hear it as she quietly closed distance and appeared not too far away from them.

She propped her ear and listened to the conversation.

"Yes, the bloodsuckers. Once in a while, those birds become fervent for the blood monsters and use their beaks and claws to suck out the blood." The woman mercenary played with her hair as she spoke about unusual behavior of the birds.

She looked sulky and as if in a need of something.

Millia couldn't tell, but Tetsuya was different as he was a target.

This woman needed someone to embrace her and accompany for a little.

Her eyes soon went up and slowly began to narrow with a charm directed straight at Tetsuya.

With so many signs, Tetsuya wrapped his arm around the lady's waist and both of them went to the bathroom in the guild.


After Tetsuya took care of the woman and similarly relieved himself out of his desires, he left the bathroom and found Millia pretty fast.

She was at the table by the corner, alone with a cheap drink.

"Welcome back" She uttered, looking at Tetsuya with a deep blush. 

He didn't seem red or exhausted. His clothes weren't sullied or creased! He also didn't smell any different and just looked like usual.

But an hour in the bathroom?

What did it mean?

Millia was a nineteen years old woman and she knew what exactly happened, so her blush was genuine.

"It seems like we both found some valuable information. Let's head to the forest now." Tetsuya smiled as he said.

Millia belatedly nodded and followed the game master.

On their way, Tetsuya told her, "It's futile to think about it without a close person. Find one first and you will naturally end up together in the bed."

"Mr. Narashi wasn't close with that woman, though." Millia faintly smiled, but her lips were shivering. She found it easier to talk about it somehow.

Was it Mr. Narashi, who was so casual about it?

"If you don't have one, then you can always extinguish this desire with someone else. Though you have to be careful, right?" It wasn't always safe, right!

"Right" Millia felt weird as her image about sex ended up different!

"It's good that you treasure your virginity. I find it charming and your loved one will be even more. He will be also proud of you and the fact that he is the one to take it." Tetsuya added.

He then said out loud, "Let's talk about our bloodsuckers." And immediately shifted to the next topic as Millia would faint on him soon.

"Y-yes!" She really would!


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