The Game Rune System

Chapter 65: You are an adventurer now!

Chapter 65: You are an adventurer now!

Tetsuya guided his recruits to their new house.

While Skylar sighed after seeing the small house, the siblings parted their lips with happiness. Their eyes were glittering with relief!

This house was new one and looked far better compared to the shabby one they had been forced to live in all this time.

"Will we really get a room for ourselves here?" Millia asked.

Her hand held Marre's sleeve tightly and it was clear she was speaking for both of them. She was really content with having room with her sibling despite being nineteen years old.

The same went for her brother, Marre.

Tetsuya thought otherwise, "Everyone will have their own room." He even spoke faster than Skylar who wanted to voice out her opinion on this.

She shared similar thoughts and nodded upon hearing Tetsuya's words.

After everyone entered the house, Tetsuya locked the doors and allowed everyone to choose a room.

His room was similar like others, small and not so spacious with lacking features.

But it was fine for the beginning of their business. As long as the house was warm, had enough space to have a meeting and allow everyone to properly rest, the small house couldn't be a better choice!

"We will have a meeting in an hour. Accommodate yourself to new rooms." Tetsuya spoke loudly.

"Thank you very much. We don't have any stuff, but we will take care of our rooms!" The siblings spoke in an unison.

As for Skylar, she sighed, "I live in the wilderness." Even if she lived with nature, she should have things such as a tent and backpack!

Tetsuya didn't ask what happened to those. There was a possibility that her former teammates just took it away from her while he had fought her.

It was time for them to think about a new chapter in their lives.


After an hour.

Tetsuya left the room, then slowly strode to the closest one.

It was a room occupied by Marre. The weakest E Rank Mercenary had many titles other than that. However, never in his life did he back off from protecting his sister.

Tetsuya learned about such worthy treat through gossip.

Knock! Knock!

He knocked onto the doors gently, then called him out, "Marre. We have meeting."

Only Skylar was in the meeting room! Since it was a small house, Tetsuya could even peek at her right now.

She also kept her eyes on him.

No response could be heard from the other side, so Tetsuya decided to open the door. He was man, and no stupid misunderstanding would occur if he were to enter right now.

After appearing within, Tetsuya found Marre hugging the pillow as he slept beneath the warm blanket.

His face was of pure bliss and he seemed like dreaming of something good.

He was so content with the bed that Ashley told her partner, "Don't wake him up." She also sounded like a lady looking at the cute thing!

Tetsuya could only respect his partner's wish and closed the door.

"Come here." He called out Skylar then, "Take a peek inside and check whether she also enjoys the bed right now. If so, then don't wake her up and come to me." Leaving such a small order, Tetsuya headed to the meeting room while leaving Skylar alone.

She opened the door, gently peeked, then a similar reaction to Ashley spread on her face.

There was a cute thing sleeping on the bed while drooling the pillow!

'So cute!' Skylar screamed inside, then closed the door.

Any lady enjoying the bed would look cute, but the siblings had genuine reactions added with bliss that had overtaken their bodies. They were just genuinely happy to have a warm place, so their appearances were much better.

"She is sleeping." Skylar uttered silently, then took a seat before Tetsuya.

Both of them were silent for a while with lingering smiles on their faces. Then, Tetsuya broke the silence by extending his hand.

It seemed like a normal handshake, but The Game Master began his plan with this very move.

What was this meeting for? To pass the game rune officially and make them get stronger from the day one!

Though siblings were no good right now, Tetsuya could show his strength and business plan for Skylar whose experience amounted to something serious already.

"I am Skylar, a twenty-four years old human." It seemed like a business handshake for Skylar, so she announced before grasping his hand.

But the information that just left her mouth, appeared before her eyes in a strange floating window. It appeared exactly after the handshake!

What was even more shocking was that this profile had information about her strength in numbers! Not only strength, but her speed and intelligence

"..." Shocked by all those numbers, Skylar mindlessly began to read all those while ignoring Tetsuya.

The game master also used his powers wisely.

Since she had introduced herself as Skylar, Tetsuya didn't dare to show her surname. He also kept most of her abilities hidden as those would evolve into QWER and passive abilities anyway.

However, her stats were genuine. Because it was just too easy to explain. Tetsuya could always say that he has seen through her potential and strength with his masterful eyes and be done with this topic!

[Quest! Quest! Quest!]

A lot of quests began to swarm Skylar's vision by then.

Those quests could bring out more of her potential that no human would be able to see through. As the demon's energy also permeated her, it might just have taken root within Skylar's body and awaited for the game master's quests!

The Game Rune was just that good!

"Is this real? Can I just increase my strength so easily?" Skylar uttered.

"If hunting beasts is that easy for you, then go ahead." Tetsuya faintly smiled.

Of course, anyone could hunt beasts. People often sold meat and any other parts on the market, but the quests weren't related to missions only.

The missions from the Mercenary Board were also rewarded through the game rune system as people doing those would need to exercise their muscles!

"I can't believe it." Skylar was still not convinced.

Tetsuya accepted such a reaction easily.

Who wouldn't? Mercenaries have been always working with death on the line. Their struggles were rarely bountiful in strength progress after a few missions. It was easy for their progress to stagnate.

But it didn't seem like this quest had some limit! She could progress and progress until her body truly reached potential!

All her missions felt so empty right now that Skylar had become expressionless and a little sad.

"Show me your axe." Tetsuya requested!

His power was so unnatural and amazing that Skylar didn't need much time to pass her weapon. She left it in Tetsuya's hand in daze, then waited for his next move.

With an axe in his hands, Tetsuya clenched it tightly.

His experience with an axe was small, but he had fought with her already.

[Skylar's Axe +1 Att: 234~~268 Durability: 48/100 Grade: Common]

"Hmmm" Tetsuya tried to bring out his experience with this weapon and strengthen it. He couldn't understand the beauty of the axe and its brutal side yet, so it was just a little!

However, the message was pleasant nonetheless.

[Skylar's Axe has been upgraded! It contains a lot of experience!]

"Check this axe now." Tetsuya passed the weapon.

He felt it being a little heavier which was something that Skylar immediately noticed. She grasped the weapon tightly, then waved it a little.

Her eyes then dilated on the window explaining its stats.

"You will be the one to bring the axe strength. It contains a lot of experience, so you got a knack for it. Don't disappoint me." Sounding rather too arrogant just now, a little of Tetsuya's former self appeared on his face.

But Skylar just nodded and eagerly stood up.

"What do we have for dinner? It seems like the kitchen is empty!" She asked.

Knowing what she wants, Tetsuya stood up, "I will go with you for a hunt." World never lacked any beasts! It was also a good time to search for some leveling grounds and make beasts more active in the area.

Tetsuya reached out for paper and pencil, then wrote a message to siblings who should wake up soon. It wouldn't be weird for them to freak out in the empty house with various thoughts, so he wrote a message to explain a few things.

His handwriting was so beautiful that Skylar just kept her eyes glued to the paper.

"..." Tetsuya raised his eyes and took another piece. Then, he wrote her name on it with his style.

That small piece of paper got hidden silently in Skylar's pocket after she had folded it.

For those who had been writing in wilderness without proper teachings, Skylar had no means of describing Tetsuya's handwriting and just called it beautiful.

Tetsuya understood that and didn't comment on that, but just allowed her to have something for herself.

A mystery around Nanashi grew deeper, though.

"Let's go then." Tetsuya left the message on the table, "You are an adventurer now, Skylar. Focus and snatch a little of fortune from this world."


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