The Game Rune System

Chapter 63: Tetsuya's plan for Tonghen Province!

Chapter 63: Tetsuya's plan for Tonghen Province!

Tetsuya first wanted to rest after a long journey.

He rented a room in one of the inns, then spent it by gathering some information of the Tonghen Province's lands by talking to all sorts of people.

It started with simple rumors known by townspeople to the meeting with mercenaries. Those mercenaries shared something nice with him.

It was about the northern part surrounded by unknown creatures.

Since there were three strongholds, the borders had separated those on the southern, easter and western side.

There was a small part on the north that belonged to the protector. It turned out that the northern part had been surrounded by monsters for a few years already. Those monsters' origins were unknown, but many had their own speculations.

The most popular one was that the barren land had finally advanced.

It began to spit out monsters to take down those who could control its influence!

Though Tetsuya found this rumor to be somewhat too abnormal for the fantasy world's standards, he could only keep this in mind.

"Mercenary Business would be the best." Tetsuya uttered after putting down a cup of coffee that he had just taken a sip from.

It wasn't like he couldn't go to one of Milady Yuhi's descendants, but there were two things Tetsuya had to keep in mind.

First, those descendants were all in three different strongholds. It was known by Milady Yuhi, but what about the rest of the world? Of course, the whole world wouldn't care much about them, but at least this province should!

Who knew about them and their identities?

Secondly, Tetsuya would need to climb the ladder in those strongholds. Each stronghold was separated in many grades and it would be something similar to his time in Yulia Household.

It would all depend on luck whether Tetsuya would progress fast or not.

"We also don't know what exactly the descendants plan." Ashley added.

If those descendants wanted to compete with each other, then it would be all fine, but Tetsuya couldn't forget about the possibility of an all out battle between those brothers and possibly strongholds.

He decided to build his own strength here and business!

Not only Tetsuya would get people to rule on his own, he would be able to get closer to Yuhi's descendants with his new fame. After all, who else other than mercenaries were the best all-rounder people that one could hire?

This business would help him get closer to one of the strongest people here as well as those people all make checks by themselves.

Such all-rounder profession also would help Tetsuya spread his game rune influence as it would be classified as one of his business' features.

"We will have a lot of adventure before us!" Ashley commented.

"Yeah," Tetsuya replied.

They had a lot of adventure because they were in the southern part.

This part had a powerful male leader and his son has been on the tongue of every person with how charming and powerful he was.

The western part was more normal with no one set in the succession and the leader's family was naturally big.

He had a lot of sons and daughters, but the eastern part was just too good to not go here for the person with Eroge Mini Game Rune.

The leader was a stern and powerful woman, her daughter following the same traits. Both were diligent and popular with their beauties being the last thing people commented on.

Was it because their beauty was too common?

Certainly not!

It was because their hard-work, high expectations and strength outshined the beauty! One also couldn't properly feed oneself with beauty only at such a level.

They always looked for new ways to strengthen themselves.

"People often joke about her title 'Big Mom'. Tetsuya, I think you will end up one of her sons!" Ashley chuckled.

This didn't sound that bad to Tetsuya. If he were to become her 'son', he would get closer to her real daughter this way.

He had confidence that his power would be gladly welcomed by Big Mom and her daughter, so if he were to turn into her son, then Tetsuya would leverage it as much as possible.

Though he had yet to see and feel the Big Mom's affection, Tetsuya had bright plans already.

It would be not like him if he were to give up such an opportunity and nice connections!

Furthermore, Tetsuya has heard that eastern province often bought some swords and sword runes from Yulia Household, so there was a connection he could use as well!

Nonetheless, it was time to set on another adventure.

Tetsuya packed his things, left the key at the reception desk, and said, "Our mercenary business needs a name. Do you have any idea, Ashely?"

"Oh, you want me to name your business?" Wouldn't Tetsuya rather choose some suitable name to boost his ego? Ashley felt that thread of trust and affection then stuck out her chest,"The name shall be Rainbow Adventurers!"

"Alright Explain." Tetsuya rolled his eyes upon this name. Would people take them seriously after hearing adventurers?

The rainbow itself could mean many things. It could be that hope or better future, but it also could mean the same-sex relationships! If rainbow really meant the latter, then people would think Tetsuya's business consisted of such people.

Nonetheless, Ashley had a simpler reason for that, "Rainbow because our game rune will pass a lot of classes. Each color will represent class and the rainbow itself brings out merry feelings!"

"This Are you serious?" Tetsuya was a little against it. He felt like colors should at least represent mercenaries' level, but he was fine with mixing two concepts for his Ashley.

He then asked about adventurers, "So why adventurers?"

"Yes!" Ashley liked the two concepts in one, then loudly and cheerfully explained, "Adventurers is because our players will be different from mercenaries! Because our game rune should see through the world's mysteries and give them quests, each step will be exciting and something they will look forward to. But it's also because the mercenary word is associated with a harsh lifestyle and struggles to get even one coin! I want even the weakest mercenaries from our business to have a good life!"

"What a noble desire." Tetsuya genuinely laughed.

His demoness didn't disappoint him, "I am a former noble after all!"

Ashley's words raised Tetsuya's laugh to the one big merry laughter, then their journey began after Tetsuya joined one of the mercenaries groups. He was just a person who would stay in their group and help them with necessities.

Such 'job' was for the poorest people, but this mercenary group actually had carriage which was the reason why Tetsuya bothered to adventure with them.

Tetsuya also needed to have proper knowledge about the mercenaries.

He had spent some time with Karola and the old man, so Tetsuya knew a little. It was nothing to the experience, though.

Additionally, The Ego Sovereign had been still blooming back then! He acted and did things his own way which no way would show the struggles and feelings of the mercenary world.

"Those people seem to be the middle party It should be C Rank? B Rank? I can't tell, but they have carriage and horses." Ashley called out from within.

It was hard to protect the carriage on the mission and it was even harder to keep horses alive. One arrow would be able to take down these and all costs would be gone by then!

Mercenaries had to worry about many things, and such risks were often proved to be true which hurt people.

Tetsuya glanced, "B Rank at most." He could tell at least this much from remembering all mercenaries in their guild.

His work here was to keep the fire loud, get branches and water from the nearby river. Tetsuya had been doing pretty much what he did during the merchant's carriage job, but his eyes were more focused on the mercenaries.

Their formations used to hunt the beasts, their equipment and all preparations including mapping.

After some time, Tetsuya stepped to the eastern part of Tonghen Province.

It was easy to tell that he crossed the border. It was not because of any walls or guards, but because the air felt different.

If he were to comment on that, then Tetsuya would say it was tastier, making his inhaling far longer.

But the mercenarie's movements had also been different here.

For example, the bonfire!

They carefully chose the place for it, then after their camp ended, the mercenaries together with Tetsuya properly took care of its place. They gathered a few buckets of water and poured it in a bonfire's place, then hid muddy ground beneath the leaves.

By the time those leaves dispersed, nature itself would take care of the ground!

Similarly, the adventurers did their best to gather all the trash.

It was the influence and rule of Big Mom!


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