The Game Rune System

Chapter 2: Villagers aren't so nice!

Chapter 2: Villagers aren't so nice!

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" As if the punishment for all his casanova acts on the earth, Tetsuya screamed with pain. He was swallowed up by the flame wall, his body melting from all the licks of this ferocious element.

Not like he had any other choice. Surrounded by nothing but flame walls, Tetsuya's path was to only go through these! He also took a deal with a royal woman with a demon bloodline solely because of these flames!

Once he got devoured up by those, Tetsuya clenched his teeth and let the new bloodline do its work! This flame embrace was so painful that he could only curse his new bloodline and environment!

"This bloodline... is too weak for me! How laughable! A... demon? Nothing in front of me!" Tetsuya bellowed!

His curses reached Ashley, whose small hands were up to cover her ears. She began to understand Tetsuya a little more just from this act alone. She shifted her attention to his eyes that were closed tightly with resolution.

Once he left the flame wall with a devastated body, Ashley's hands slowly went down. She got slightly mesmerized by his confident eyes, ready to take a new challenge in the village.

"It's wrong" It was not a challenge, but rather an easy path. "He is confident that village life is the best in this world for him and that he will have leisure life here" Tetsuya was sure that he would begin a good life in the village with an eidetic memory. It might not be that exciting like on earth, but the new world meant new possibilities.

As long as there was no killing he was honestly disgusted with, Tetsuya believed he could make a fulfilling life for himself.

"Ashle...yyyy" Tetsuya stuttered.

"Y-yes?!" And Ashley jumped within his mind due to it. She clenched her clothes and patiently waited for his next words, which were to guide him toward the closest village. She blinked her cute purple eyes, then tilted her head.

"You want to go naked?" Haven't those flames devoured up his clothes? "Look at yourself in the water's reflection. I think I can hear the river nearby." She passed on useful information for Tetsuya! His body instantly crawled in the direction mentioned above, with pain stinging him all over his body.

It hurt like hell, but once he gets healed by the demonic bloodline, Tetsuya will stand up to begin a new life! He might be naked, but good villagers should help him in this case!

However, there was a surprise prepared for Tetsuya already!

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[Tetsuya Lv. 4 HP: 900/900 MP: 300/300 Class: Tank!]

"Level up!" Tetsuya embraced a surprise closely. He waited for the level up to heal all his wounds, which lasted around five minutes. It was different from the games where it was done instantaneously, but wasn't it real life? He was fine with it as long as he would get healed!

After five minutes passed, Tetsuya sprang up, then tapped the ground with contentment. He also shook the burnt skin in this way! While doing so, his eyes looked around his skin to see whether there were some changes.

For now, there weren't any changes despite the new bloodline appearing within his body.

"Ashley, why the hell am I tank, and you are a demon mage? Shouldn't I also be the demon tank?" Tetsuya first asked this question as he believed that he would've done far better in the flame's mouth if he were to be The Demon Tank!

He also had the bloodline, so why was it like that?

"First of all, my royal house wasn't aware that we were descendants of a playful demon. I can tell you what I know from reading the royal library." Ashley reminded him about this as it was just too important. She then began to pass the information about the demons.

"Demon women are stronger than men. It was written in history that demonic women were the leaders and naughty entities while men were just subordinates. I think this is the reason why."

"So you are saying that women are born to be naughty? This is true as they easily go mad over petty things. I remember 'forgetting' about an anniversary from one of my women, and she just jumped at me with her nails, then sulked for a week. Seriously, why was it my fault? It was just an anniversary, and if it was so important, she could always tell me about it before the day. I was a busy man with many women around me."

"It was clearly your fault, you asshole." Ashley instantly snapped. "An anniversary is an important day! On this day, you remember your first serious life-changing decision and treasure it by spending the whole day together-"

"I can spend many more days if I feel like it." Tetsuya chimed in her speech! "Just because it was an anniversary, I was forced to change my schedule, go to the same restaurant and do all this stuff? I do it whenever I feel like, get it? The same with those birthdays Ugh, If not my mother..."

"You seriously need to change! But, don't worry, parents. Your son has fallen into good hands!" An oath that went between two worlds escaped lovely red lips! As the new partner, Ashley swore to help Tetsuya look at the world differently! She also had nothing better to do besides her job as 'demon mage' and 'bookworm'.

But more than anything, Ashley already swore to be his partner and gave herself! She wanted to have a good man who would treasure those close to him!

This oath was understood somewhat by Tetsuya, but he instantly crushed her with his next words.

"You seem like a good woman Ashley. It means you have to stay away from your bloodline as much as possible, don't you? Playful Demon How would it react to such a good lady like you? Haha~~" His laughter echoed through Ashley's mind as those were words soaked in truth.

Her newly awakened bloodline will influence her the more she grows in strength. In an MMORPG sense, Ashley would lose herself more with level-ups! It was unavoidable with such a powerful bloodline, but Ashley's eyes stood clear.

She, unlike Tetsuya, was ready to challenge the cruel path! If killing some demon would allow her to stay clear, then she would go for it!

After a deep breath, "I won't change at all! This demon bloodline will be at my wish instead!" She will play games with Tetsuya instead of allowing it to influence her! Everything will be poured into the game rune and its system!

The influence that comes out of it will be thoroughly suppressed by her! If killing comes in, Ashley will also face it with the game rune and Tetsuya's help!

"I can help you." Tetsuya nodded.

"Really?" For the second time today, Ashley felt a surge of happiness!

"Yes, we will become revolutionizing villagers, and no influence whatsoever will appear in our lives."

"You moron won't be even a villager for an hour! Hmpf." For betraying her like that, Ashley crossed her arms and pouted while saying the obvious! "Good luck becoming one!" She then reminded him about the closest village in the vicinity, then refused to talk any longer!

This was a little bothering as her voice was euphonious to Tetsuya's ears. He scratched his neck while shrugging, then walked his way toward the village.

"Won't anything come out from the shadows? This world surely holds many surprises for me." Tetsuya asked relatively quickly, however.

Once he left the royal household, the sky turned darker, and coldness began to slap him from time to time. He was alone in the forest, trees his only companion. Left alone like that, Tetsuya stomped with his naked foot on the soil, then hugged the trees while following Ashley's guidance.

If some monster popped out in this fantasy world, then Tetsuya would run so fast his shaft would dance madly. He was a little lucky, however. As the night made an appearance in the fantasy world, his eyes spotted the village!

One could see many torches scattered across wooden houses!

"I am here! Nice villagers, extend your hands as I have arrived." Tetsuya joined his hands behind his back, then went forth. He stepped on the road taken by the villagers, then roamed a little with his naked butt. It was painful to be in the creator's clothes, but his game rune wouldn't give any clothes out of anything!

But the villagers should be friendly and supportive! They would understand if he said that he got robbed by the bandits! They would offer meals and clothes then! Tetsuya would get closer with them in such a way, then help them with their work using his revolutionizing methods.

As he learned the past from his earth about the farms and stuff, Tetsuya felt like he would become accepted by those villagers relatively quickly. He will then get many villager ladies with huge tits and bodies ready for birth and begin the family.

"It will be a merchant family later on. The best one since it's me." Tetsuya whispered his thoughts all out for Ashley, who just harrumphed inside. She was eagerly waiting for the first villager to appear! When her eyes turned lovely, it was indeed time for the first contact!

"Who the hell are you?" The villager that appeared with a torch didn't look like a villager at all. This alone made Tetsuya narrow his eyes, but he instantly said, 'It's so cold here' and faked his state. No matter how the villager might look, Tetsuya couldn't possibly allow himself to lose this golden chance.

"I am from the nearby village! On my way I got attacked by the bandits! They stole everything from me! Please, let me work here!" Tetsuya used a rather convincing voice while speaking about his experiences.

He had that charisma that could work well on people, but only Ashley fell victim to this charm. She knew the truth, yet she got somewhat convinced by him, so her small hand went up to hit her head! In the meantime, the villager passed a torch.

His board and muscular body covered by nothing more but a small armor around the crotch twitched while doing so.

"Ughhh! Why does this torch dares to be so heavy for me?" Tetsuya grimaced when he grasped the torch. Its flames were dancing vividly in front of his eyes. Very close, too, as he had to hug this torch to hold it.

"You are a damn pussy, aren't you? How can you work with such petite arms? Get lost and don't even come here!" The villager snatched back the torch, then kicked Tetsuya backward. He used a little strength, yet Tetsuya rolled on the ground after the kick.

The otherworlder flew around three meters, then rolled until the kick's strength lessened. The pain that spread throughout his stomach inside was like a black hole eating him alive. Tetsuya grumbled and puked out some blood, then his eyes went up.

"You fucking idiot! You think strength is everything?! With my knowledge, I can turn this whole village into a prospering city!" His voice thundered in the villager's ears.

However, it had a little effect. "Strength is absolute! Strength is everything as you said, you pussy." The villager waved his heavy torch to show his muscles, then put on an ignore status.

He no longer listened to any insults that came out from the 'pussy' mouth.

"Pathetic! This fucking dickhead just gave up on a good future for his family and the whole village! I am going to another village!" Tetsuya wiped the blood off his lips, then stood up with pain still slithering around his stomach.

He was ready to go through another forest, but Ashley stopped him.

"Another village will be the same." She said with utmost certainty. "The villagers solely rely on the strength to do their work and survive the beasts' raids. You would need to spend a lot of time to get their trust and get more muscles on your own."

An immediate response rang out in her ears! "You think I don't have muscles? This gorilla is just wide."

This brought up a sigh from Ashley as every villager was like that. Even women were fatter and more muscular. It wasn't wrong in any way, but Tetsuya surely wouldn't like such women and the environment.

She raised her voice and shouted. "They use runes too! Their broad and overly masculine bodies are the side-effect of the rune as they lack understanding and comprehension!" The whole world revolved around runes. "But if you go to the city, you would be caught up by slave masters before you settle yourself here!"

"The fuck? Slave masters?" Tetsuya questioned his own ears, but Ashley answered it for him. "Yes, there are slave masters that would catch you first as you are handsome and naked! This business is legal, but their ways of getting slaves are not so! While the whole city is filled with runes, some runes are used not for killing as you believe. However, you would find a hard time learning those as you have a class already!"

"This shitty game rune threatens my future?!" No other response could possibly come out from Tetsuya's mouth! "So there is no home for me, huh? Because of slave masters, right?"

"Not necessarily slave masters There are more criminals and bad people." Ashley answered with a slightly worried tone.

"I just need someone to share the world's schemes with. It can't possibly play with only me just because I am handsome and talented. So slave masters, was it? I will fucking destroy their business first." Tetsuya swore to himself. He won't go for any killing, but free all the slaves with the strength of his game rune system! For now, he has to raise his stats!

[Quest! Grow up in strength to have leisure and comfortable life!]

"This is the quest I shall take on. As I am the game master, I shall give myself a quest." There were two game masters and maybe players, but there were always exceptions in the games and worlds. It looks like some had knowledge of unique quests; some were game masters!

[Tetsuya's Quest - Push-ups for the strength points.]

"Easy. Who the hell needs killing? I am so fucking awesome." Tetsuya whispered as he slid his black hair behind, then went down to get the quest done.

"You are far from awesome." His partner whispered, her hand on her forehead as she shook her head.


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