The Game Rune System

Chapter 123: Devil Merchant

Chapter 123: Devil Merchant

Though Tetsuya's smile was indeed addictive, his powers were what pulled the queen's attention. She had to focus on the strength the most as the ruler of the whole race! Anyone who could work together with her runes and forest was a valuable ally.

Tetsuya proved enough with his deeds, but his abilities continued to hammer the queen's heart. She felt the loud beating and her eyes intermittently went from the purple cube to Tetsuya's face.

While providing the sacred spring, the queen just kept doing that.

After a lot of pills filled another grail and threatened to tumble down, Maya asked, "The next problem would be our appearances. We have to blend into their community." The queen yet again got surprised.

Tetsuya just flicked his fingers and his appearance began to change. Though he didn't turn into a giant or small devil, his appearance looked like a devil that was medium sized. His human features began to disappear and evil shrouded popped out horns and bat wings.

"It's not convenient for us, but I can also control my height and either become 160 cm or 4m devil." Tetsuya smiled, but didn't do so as that was not the point here. He flicked his fingers again and his appearance returned.

Maya woke up from her bewilderment, "You are convenient." The queen stated, then turned heels. A lot more branches popped out and each dropped a heavy amount of sacred spring. "I would like to have some time for myself... If this supply ends, wake me please."

"Sure. Work hard." Tetsuya smiled and continued playing around with his purple cube.

The queen nodded and went to another room where she entered the high meditation state. With her eyes closed, she summoned the royal fairy rune and circled its powers around it and her boody. She wanted to attain the impossible technique her race hadn't seen in a long time.

A powerful and charming man appeared in her tribe. If she stayed in her current state, then he would disappear and find another way to cross the continents later on.

The devils' appearance was misfortune, but also fortune as Maya learned about her neighboring races and the game master whose eyes yearned for the whole world! Could he achieve this feat?

It was the question she had in her heart, but even if not, she wanted to hold onto the prince charming and form a mutual relationship.

The wind wrapped around the queen's body, then sacred spring surged from below. The queen's beauty entered the ethereal state, enhancing her beauty. But this beauty held much more power than before, and the whole forest swayed in shock and happiness.

To keep this beauty and strength, Maya resolved to imprint the technique into her heart.


Tetsuya also could feel the changes from another room.

"It looks like I have pushed the queen to advance." He smiled and added, "Such a woman deserves to be at least considered as a potential partner."

Ashley laughed, "The Prince Charming! You have lost your 'Evil' somewhere." She chuckled and continued to laugh to the point where Tetsuya needed to appear within his body and slap her ass.

The game master pouted and covered her ass, "I can't wait to return." Her voice then meekly flew into Tetsuya's ears who sighed and ruffled her hair.

He also wanted to already do the same in real life where everything would feel much better. This soul was both a lifesaver and also a prison, so how could it feel good?

The game masters looked into each other for a long time.


A few days later, Tetsuya opened the doors leading to the underground.

He decided to go for the solo mission to spread the pills. He didn't want to go with others as it would burden his speed.

With the hot underground and mixture of both vampire and devil wings, Tetsuya believed he would be fast enough to escape the strongest devil here!

He also would be able to just go around the underground safer while alone.

"Tetsuya, I will pray for you," Maya said just before Tetsuya submerged himself in the pitch black tunnel. He had already bid farewell to others and even looked at her before, so her sudden words gathered everyone's attention.

The queen passed a small silver necklace, "If you tear it down, I and fairies will rush through this door to help you." The fire resistance pills were within their hands, so this was feasible.

However, the queen's looks and aura were so different that Tetsuya instantly nodded to this reliable ally.

"I will remember it." He waved his hand, "But I am sure I will be able to deliver here. Keep your strength for a bigger show." He finally disappeared within the tunnel! The doors closed and Tetsuya was left alone to fend for himself.

Going through the tunnel, Tetsuya whispered, "I want those devils to pay the price for what they did. And they will surely return... Without the queen, their Lord can be a mere soul." Those devils slowed down Ashley's return, so Tetsuya had a real reason to hunt them.

They also would return to the fairies' home to find the queen again. If they returned to the forest while Ashley's body was under Maya's technique, then Tetsuya would lose his calm.

It was just too dangerous, so those devils had to be stopped, "It's good that we found a way to wound them. This sacred spring should be heavy lethal poison for them. However, we also should look out for their way to the fairy forest. From underground, those races can reach many continents, but each pathway must have been built with heavy sacrifice. If we seal it, then we will get a lot of time." Ashley said.

"True." Tetsuya replied and pushed the doors.

He reappeared in the devil's house. However, the house had already been taken by someone. The devil around 165 cm tall was sleeping on the couch. He was more than 500 hundred years old yet his fate was worse than those that had attacked the forest. He was in this scum area, so all his years had been wasted.

Tetsuya unleashed his sword and beheaded the devil without batting an eye. He slid his hand through the shaft and wiped off the blood, "What a difference... If such a devil were to appear outside, then the whole world would laugh at those shrimps."

"Then big daddy, the four meter grand devil appears and protects his weaker people," Ashley replied with a chuckle.

But Tetsuya rolled his eyes, "The big daddy would first stomp on the shameful devil, then clean the stage."

"No wonder they have such strict rules! Haha~~" The lady laughed and enjoyed the small plotting. After turning into a devil, Tetsuya shifted his appearance into a small devil. He found it hard to move at first, but quickly adapted to this 165 cm body.

The difference of heights wasn't that big to begin with, but Tetsuya still needed to grasp the proper balance.

He wandered around the scum area, sometimes challenged by other races.

He fought them with raw fists, blatantly enjoying his raw strength and stamina stats. He then found out that there were devils with a size around 2m. Those devils were someone akin to merchants, but they worked solely for the royal castle far away in the horizon.

Those devils contacted their race and everyone gathered in the bigger, but still measly house.

Here, the medium sized devil began, "How many of you can afford the pill?" From his tone, it felt like he didn't want to speak with any devil here. He just bluntly asked the question and swept his gaze through everyone.

A few devils stepped forth and took out red tokens that should be the currency here.

The merchant ate the token, though, "It's the real one... Tasty." His lips curved into a sneer, then he asked for more money. The devils were prepared for that and didn't say anything. They gave more money, then extended their hands like beggars.

A few pills tumbled down onto their palms and they all exclaimed in relief, "Yes! Yes! I can leave this place! I can finally live in the capital!"

"I will return to the capital! I will... I will and I will become the devil!" Though no one dared to say it as it would be too insulting, the devils in the scum area had different nicknames. It was as if division, but they were called Lesser Devils or simply Wasted Devils.

Their desire to become devils was clear within their eyes! They wanted to inhale the proper air, they wanted to enjoy normal food and then contribute to the capital whether it would be missions outside or work within.

Tetsuya looked over the whole progress...

"I guess I have to mimic that merchant, hah." This merchant made things truly easier, but Tetsuya planned to kill him outside the scum area. He then would go to the royal devil castle and analyze the devils from within.

They weren't the only race that had scum areas. Many of those could be seen in the human cities and other races probably had them too. So would the devils be like any other races in their capital or... they had a different system?

Both game masters chuckled as they thought about that.

But, the merchant had to be killed first before any step could be taken here!


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