The Game Rune System

Chapter 121: Start another family tree

Chapter 121: Start another family tree

In the darkest corners of the underground, the worst of the worst races strived against each other. In these corners, no rules applied and confined races would do everything in their strength to make their lives better.

This place often reeked of blood and dead bodies strewn around were a natural sight. In such unslighly place, the miracle would be to see a normal human; even more to see a fairy.

So what would the fairy queen's appearance accomplish here if she were to get caught by all those worst races?

She herself stood out and had no mercy towards those people, "Quiet." In a queen's manner, Maya ended the devil's life by strangling. Her hands let the dead body go. As the devil's lifeless body tumbled on the ground, the sound of her heels rang out in the house.

The owner of it just died, so she took a seat and a heavy sigh escaped her lips, "The air here is toxic So toxic" Though holes were in the house' walls, Maya had found a room where she just needed a board to hide herself from the underground.

The stench pervaded the scum streets, but for any outsiders, the toxic air was the first and the most bothersome problem. The toxic air was due to the heavy flames and lava streaming alongside the underground.

For devils, black bulls, red orcs and any other races that had been confined here for a myriad of years, this toxic air became standard fare. Though they could live with the toxic air, any race without proper measurements wouldn't advance.

This became something that higher ups took a grasp for.

They controlled the market with resistance pills. For example, if there was a devil with an ambition to go for an outside mission, then this pill was one of many necessities. Without this pill, one just wouldn't advance in strength and continue to live in poverty.

In this scum street, this pill was the most desired one and races would do everything to get it onto their hands. Just a month free of toxic air would give them hope to change their lives for the better.

Maya had it much worse. She had never been exposed to such toxic air and environment and she couldn't stop it from invading her body. Her techniques had been wrapped around her all this time, but in this stalemate, the queen was on the losing side.

She would soon lose against the toxic air, the environment and the whole underground. And what would those races here do if they were to find her dead body? Even if she was dead, they wouldn't spare her from getting sullied.

As she had this kind of immoral thought, the queen closed her eyes and entered into a state of the highest focus. She wanted to buy as much time as possible before and potentially clean her body out of toxics.

Her plan was to heal, regenerate and then return through the same way she did enter this place. However, the toxic air increased the burden on her body and her wounds had yet to get healed.

But if those toxic particles disappeared, Maya was sure she would be able to heal herself in a flash, then attempt to escape. Although her body had been exposed to the dangerous threat, her energy and rune were regenerating just fine.

The queen focused deeply and lost track of time.


In the meantime, Tetsuya was just below her. He didn't know whether he should open the door, but if the queen were to move, then he would regret his impatience and wariness. It wasn't like he could prepare to, so Tetsuya pushed the doors.

The ground hiding those doors trembled and cracks spread not so quietly. In a flash, Tetsuya jumped out of the door and appeared in the shabby house. His nose twitched, "This fucking place." He shivered from the disgusting smell and other bugs teeming within the house.

A fairy company, Mayu, also shivered. Her emotions were different as she breathed with an indignation. This place had their queen inside, so she, as the fairy advisor, felt the same or even more shame then their queen!

Her wings flapped and she rushed towards the upper floors.

Tetsuya and Milady Yuhi followed her.

"The queen!" Mayu exclaimed after seeing the queen.

She was loud and pained as the queen's body was red; red with sickness. In her current state, the queen couldn't even focus on anything else other than toxins, so she didn't notice Mayu and others.

If some devil or other race entered this house while looking for a battle, then it would find a treasure trove.

Mayu put her hand on the queen's forehead, then took out medicines one by one out of her ring.

Tetsuya chimed in, "This place has toxic air We aren't liable to it because of our fire resistance, but the queen" Tetsuya's words stopped Mayu and she turned to him with big eyes.

Those eyes told him enough, "First, put this equipment on her and then pass medicine. We will be in the next room," He passed enough stuff, then left the room together with Milady Yuhi.

He did it so fast that Mayu couldn't react, "Prince Charming He is a charming prince How can we repay him after this?" Mayu whispered, then turned heels and began to treat her queen.


"Is this supposed to be a sky?" Tetsuya decided to look around the underground. Though he did it just from the upper floor of this shabby house, he could see enough with his good vision.

Atop the underground's ceiling, the dark orange clouds gathered. Their color was actually nearly brown and Tetsuya couldn't stop himself from thinking that shit had gathered here instead.

Those clouds danced around the purple orb that should be the replacement for the sun.

On the horizon, a castle out of dark brown bricks could be seen. The castle was protected by the giant devil whose horns reached the ceiling and seemed to be struck in it.

Just by turning his head to the side, Tetsuya could spot more of those castles. Each had their guardian protecting behind.

"I can't find even one good thing about this place," Milady Yuhi replied and looked over the scum street with narrowed eyes. The broken houses, dead bodies and constant battles wore her down already, "This area is filled with various races, so we can assume that the weakest are sent against each other."

"They just don't have money to go forward. I guess talent also plays a role here," Tetsuya and Milady Yuhi killed the time by speaking about the new world, then Mayu called them. They sighed with relief as this world had nothing interesting so far This was just a scum area, though.

Upon entering the room, Tetsuya's eyes brightened, "It's my pleasure to see the queen in her healthy state," He smiled.

The queen's looks were so charming that all his former impressions faded away. She was someone he had heard a lot from other fairies' stories , so Tetsuya took a great interest in her. Even though he had his loved one next to him, Milady Yuhi also appreciated the fairy whose face was serene and free of relief.

Even Mayu became better, her eyes and skin looking far smoother!

Both Mayu and Maya had more than five hundred birthdays on their account, so seeing them in their prime state, Tetsuya couldn't be more delighted, especially in this world. This impression got better after the queen spoke.

"Prince Charming That's what I have been hearing until now, but I would love to know your name," Maya smiled as well and the proper introduction unfolded between Tetsuya and her. As a gentleman, Tetsuya also introduced his beloved.

The talk's place shifted to Tetsuya's underground passageway so that toxic air wouldn't be a problem anymore. The party trod gently within the dark passageway, but Tetsuya sneakily grasped the queen's hand and guided her alongside Mayu. His other one held Milady Yuhi and she couldn't help, but chuckle at that motion.

It was rather childish, but no women minded it. She herself was interested in how the queen felt and whether fairies had just a different sense.

"The devils became too strong from what I have heard about them from our ancestors. They have been hoarding their strength and probably someone else's influence helped them to break the balance This doesn't mean we can't get our revenge." The queen said.

Mayu became worried, but her desire was also to punish those devils more! Their scummy underground and that devil giant behind their castle should fall for what they had done!

Tetsuya and Milady Yuhi shrugged and listened further.

The queen added, "Mr. Tetsuya. If you can take care of toxic air without even knowing about it, then your power holds more potential than you think. Lend me a hand, then we can together start another family tree of fairies with your bloodline."

"Maya!" The fairy advisor blushed, then looked at the queen with her dilated eyes. This proposition was too much, even though the prince charming would be the one to bone her. Nonetheless, the queen had her own reasons for such a proposition.

And the man in person also had to say something, "We will see in the future. I came here with a clear goal, so this is my priority." Tetsuya said with clear eyes. He also had yet to tell about other demons and his bloodline, but that was matter for later.

Ashley had to return.


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