The Four Swords

Chapter 140: No Title

Chapter 140: No Title

I turned to see Gella standing behind me. For once she did not forget to call me by my title. I was ashamed to admit that Gella looked phenomenal in the dark green hues that stood for the mighty Clan of Wolves. It might be a betrayal to the goldenrod hues of my own Clan's standard.

"Gella! I did not see you there." I was truly shocked that my childhood companion approached me after the reception I received the night before. Our last few meetings were not exactly ideal.

"Please allow me the honor of introducing Princess Alina. Princess Alina, this is my old friend, Gella."

The instant my stupid mouth said the word old, I regretted it. What I meant to imply was that Gella was not a girl I formed an attachment with during my time in the city this trip. How it seemed to be taken was that she was a matronly middle-aged hag.

Alina looked at me in mock horror for a moment before smoothly covering up my outrageous mistake. "Unless my eyes deceive me, your old friend is actually a very lovely young lady. The pleasure is mine, Young Gella." The last phrase was exaggerated to further embarrass me.

Gella curtsied in a deep sweep. "Forgive me, Your Highness. I did not mean to intrude on your time with the Swordsman. You see, I did not see you there.." Gella looked panicked.

"She is easily overlooked, being the Princess and all. It is a common mistake." Calista and Lord Jacobson joined the group with Cali being the one to make the joke.

Gella gulped while turning white. "I beg your royal forgiveness."

"It is quite alright, sweet Gella. Lady Calista just wants everyone's mood to be as sour as her own." Alina offered graciously.

"Thank you, Your Highness. I will take my leave." Gella almost backed out of the conversation.

"Please wait. Lord Holden, If you would like a moment with your friend, I am sure my mother would not object to Lord Jacobson and Lady Calista acting as my escorts for a moment." Alina turned to face me. With part of her face hidden from Gella, she gave me an inconspicuous wink.

I swear the entire city is just one long romance novel waiting to be written.

"Thank you, Princess Alina." I replied since I felt my dismissal was an order.

"I won't go far. Hopefully that will ease your mind." Alina smirked. She just wanted to be within earshot. What good is gossip if you're the last to know.

I offered Gella my arm and walked her part of the way down the refreshment table. I hope prying eyes and eavesdropping ears would be distracted. I could feel Gella's arm tremble in the nook of my elbow.

"Are you alright, Gella? You look uneasy." I broke the tension.

"I will be quite alright, Holden. I mean Lord Holden. I have never met our princess before and that is not exactly the best first impression," Gella said

"I do not think she would consider it a poor first impression. I have seen a lot worse conversation during a Sword Ceremony reception," I laughed trying to calm her nerves.

Gella took a deep breath. "I am afraid that I am not done making apologies yet today. I am sorry for my behavior the other evening when you helped with a delivery."

I was stunned. I knew I thought her behavior was strange, but I also thought I had misstepped along the way. My mind was a blank canvas of responses. Gella saw my hesitation so she continued forward with her own thoughts.

"I made an assumption that Sir, I mean Lord Carrion and Princess Alina both wanted him to propose. I had not considered that it might not have been the wish of both parties. After it was announced that Lord Carrion was going to take on the mantle of Swordsman for the clan of Wolves, I stopped to consider that it might have been more complicated than I originally considered."

"I see." That was all my mind let process through my lips.

"Of course you would not stand up for a marriage that both parties were not amicable too. Especially if the proposal was, how did you put it? 'well intended but unwarranted'. I should not have doubted your honor, Lord Holden." Gella stared at her shoes.

Gella had overheard my last statement to the princess, even if she had not realized until afterward that I was speaking to Alina. I wonder if she heard anything else.

"Thank you." I managed. "I think Princess Alina would find your passion for her future very flattering. Our princess should feel honored to have such a loyal subject."

"It is easy to be loyal when you can relate to a perceived plight," Gella shrugged her response.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I just hope not everyone's parents dictate their futures." Gella said vaguely.

"Lord Holden? Lord Holden's friend? If you both are done, Princess Alina says I need to apologize." Lady Calista cut in.

Gella's arm was still through mine, so I guided her back toward my babysitting charges. Gella stopped mid step.

"They won't bite. I promise." I smirked.

"I apologize for being unkind, Lady Gella," Cali mustered out an insincere coerced apology.

"Thank you, Lady Calista. It is just Gella. I have no title." My neighbor blushed deep red.

"Oh really?" Cali's interest was piqued. "What is that like? Want to trade?"

"There he is! And with a young woman on his arm! I knew he was keeping something from me!" A boisterous voice rang out behind me.

I turned to see my mother, with Sir Gavin and Sir Balor in tow. One of them seemed thrilled to shake hands with acquaintances as he walked through the crowd. The other just looked pudgy as always.

"Lady Evalyn! What a pleasure to see you!" Princess Alina started.

"Likewise, Your Highness!" Evalyn bowed low. "Now who is this beauty on my son's arm?"

It was my turn to become crimson.


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