The Four Swords

Chapter 128: Banishment?

Chapter 128: Banishment?

Carrion seemed pleased with himself. I have no idea what he woke up thinking he might accomplish today, but I don't think this was it.

"Very well then! It seems all settled. What formalities do I need to complete for my Swordsman ceremony tomorrow?" Carrion beamed.

"I am afraid that we need a few more days to prepare for another Swordsman ceremony." Queen Valerie squashed Carrion's smile with one statement.

"May I ask why there is a delay, Your Majesty?" Carrion pushed his luck. After having already embarrassed himself in court today, I would think he might have the sense to let that memory fade before thrusting himself into the focal point yet again.

"My attendants have already pushed themselves in a time of mourning to prepare one Swordsman ceremony for Lord Jacobson. He did not have the luxury to choose when he took the Sword of the clan of Stag from his father." The Queen's knowing pause spoke volumes on her opinion of Sir Carrion's rise to power.

Sir Carrion looked like he might bubble over in anger. He must have loved getting every lesson in manners from his sovereign.

"I will give them a little time to recuperate. This will also give you the time you need to meet with your father on the state of the Clan of Wolves. It might smooth over the transition a little more if your family appears to have a united front." Queen Valerie softened her last statement with her compassionate tone.

"Thank you, Queen Valerie. May your rule be long." Carrion tried to dismiss himself.

"One more thing, Sir Carrion," The Queen stopped him from turning on his heel. "I suggest you spend this time with your father. Not only because you both should have input on who your champions for the tournament might be, but because the infirmary is where I will seek you if I need further clarification on any happenings of this morning. I hope your time debriefing about your clan is productive."

Queen Valerie waved her hand and her chamber doors opened further to allow Carrion a wide berth of an exit. I think the queen's guard must be almost all knowing in terms of the monarch's tendencies since the transition was seamless.

I turned to Cali. She nodded at my unspoken question. We both stood to leave. It seemed appropriate since the topic of our previous conversation had just been dismissed himself.

"Not so fast, you two." The Queen's command boomed as the doors closed behind Carrion in punctuation of her meaning. I could not think of a reason that we both would be in trouble.

"I have delayed the Swordsman ceremony and Carrion's coveted tournament for more purposes than previously mentioned. Tomorrow morning, we will have a Swordsman meeting. I expect Lady Calista to attend to represent the Clan of Wolves. Please do not tell your father or your brother about the meeting." Queen Valerie's eyes shifted from Cali to me.

I could feel a lump forming in my throat. The queen was willing to exclude the clansmen that just dueled from a Swordsman meeting. She must think that the transition of power was questionable at best.

My gut told me that it was paramount she be informed about the prophecy scene that just played out before us. My heart regretted being a man of my word. I would keep Cali's secret for now.

"Speak of this meeting to no one except the Swordsmen and my daughter. All should be in attendance. Be prepared to relate everything you saw today about the challenge duel. Please relay these desires to these people on your way out of the castle," Queen Valerie again motioned toward the door.

As if on cue, both doors opened again. I suppose the people invited to the Swordsman meeting and the two guards at the door would be the only ones to know about it. Queen Valerie must trust them with her life.

"Oh and Lord Holden, please find out for Sir John who the Swordsmen want to be their two champions for the tournament." Valerie added as an afterthought. I guess I had two jobs.

Cali and I stood for the second time to leave. I motioned for her to take her leave before me. I followed closely behind. It seemed apt that she took the lead since she seemed to be calling the shots earlier.

The queen's chambers closed behind me. I nodded at the two gentlemen standing there.

"Lord Holden, these arrived for you while you were in your meeting," the swarthy guard handed me a stack of letters.

I followed Cali down the hall while opening the correspondence from my men. Several of my scouts along the border had reports from the citizenry of strange happenings before the King passed away. Missing goods. Scorched crops. But all seemed to stop the day King Caderyn faced the Autarch.

We should have been more observant before the invaders made it to the castle. I might need to retrain my men. At least the Norads have seemed to retreat for the time being. Who knows if that is a good thing.

I stopped midstep as I looked at the final letter in my hand. It was not any official correspondence, but a letter in my mother's hand. Usually my mother sent letters to Benate's house and not directly to me at the castle. My head ran through a million scenarios of what might be amiss, but did not expect what was in front of my eyes.

Calista joined me as I stopped short. My worry-stricken face morphed into a bemused smile.

"What happened?" Cali questioned timidly.

"My dear son and valiant Swordsman," I began to read the letter. "I have taken my orders under your command very seriously. The two clansmen of Falcon that you left in my care have made great strides in their training.

"Although both of them are becoming more acquainted with the way we live outside of the city, one is having more trouble than the other. Young Gavin is learning quickly how to help the farmers and serve the people of our humble town." Cali and I smiled at each other knowing that the gentleman mentioned before was not who was giving my mother trouble.

"In a closely related note, I seek clarification on my powers as a close relative of a Swordsman. Do I have the authority to ban someone from lands our clans protect? That child Balor will learn one way or another..."


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