The Four Swords

Chapter 126: Urgent

Chapter 126: Urgent

"Lord Holden!" The queen took a breath before looking at my companion. "Lady Calista was not the twin supposed to be in your charge. What an unexpected delight."

Her voice was unamused but not cruel. "If you both come to speak to me on your opinions of Sir Carrion, I will save you the time." Queen Valerie nodded in our direction as if dismissing us before we could even speak.

"Your Majesty," I began while bowing a little deeper than normal, ashamed of the near reprimand. I tried to find the best way to start explaining all that occurred in the last hour. "We have urgent news. Might we continue this meeting somewhere more private?"

Queen Valerie and Sir John exchanged a worried glance before both backing out of the doorway to make room for both Cali and me to enter. Our hostess led the group to a sitting area and after seating herself motioned for us to join.

This was going to be about as fun as being partnered with a porcupine in a three-legged race.

I did not know where to start. After an uncomfortable pause, Sir John broke the tension.

"Are you two certain that you understand the word 'urgent'?" John quipped.

"Yes, Sir John," Cali cut in. "Your Majesty, It's about my brother ...and my father."

"Does this have anything to do with why the two did not have one united front on the ideas presented at petitioner's court?" Queen Valerie prompted.

"Yes and no." Cali faltered again.

Queen Valerie and Sir John exchanged another look. I could tell frustrations were starting to bubble.

"If it has to deal with appealing to me to reopen the petitioner's court today or anything along those lines to allow Sir Carrion another chance at proposing, you both can kindly leave. I already told you such and I do not like repeating myself." The queen motioned sharply toward the door.

"What Lady Calista means to say, is that Lord Bleddyn did not support Sir Carrion's petition. That fact has caused another...situation." I searched for a word that did not sound problematic. I did not want to color everyone's opinion on the matter even if mine was thoroughly made up.

"What kind of situation?" Sir John allowed Queen Valerie to have a moment of peace without having to question us.

"There was a fight and Lord Bleddyn was severely injured. He is currently in the care of the palace physician," I began.

"Is Sir Carrion injured as well?" The Queen inquired.

"I do not believe he sustained any injuries, however that is not the most important part of what we need to say," I took a deep breath preparing to announce Carrion's new role.

A loud knock at the door startled us all. Before Queen Valerie could allow or deny admittance, the door started to open.

"I must insist you wait out here, Sir Carrion. The Queen is in a meeting!" A guard who I believe was named Finley boomed as he attempted to close the newly opened door.

"The Queen is discussing me and my new position. Let me in or lose your position!" Carrion whined.

I heard Queen Valerie sigh and saw her roll her eyes as she responded to the commotion at the door.

"Finley, you may let him in to discuss the consequences of Sir Carrion's actions. Please remind him on the way in that only I can dismiss those in my employ!" The queen announced as she stood and embraced her full height to look more imposing.

As Finley opened the door, Carrion fully came into view. Queen Valerie examined the trouble maker up and down before her eyes rested on the hilt newly secured to his hip. Her face went blank and her eyes bore into the newest Swordsman.

"I have come to discuss the details of my Swordsman ceremony, Your Majesty" Carrion beamed like a cat that ate a canary.

"His what?" Sir John murmured under his breath as he stood to take in the sight hidden by the queen's form.

"Sir John, did you hear that?" The Queen mused aloud. "Sir Carrion has come to claim the Swordsmanship for the sword of Canidea."

The room felt chilly. I could almost see my breath, but it was probably just my imagination. The Queen certainly knew how to command a room. Carrion's presence was certainly getting an icy reception.

"I doubt you know of all the formalities required when a member of the clan of Wolves takes over the Sword when the last Swordsman is still living, so let's slow down a bit before jumping into planning, Sir Carrion." Sir John began.

Sir Carrion scowled deeply. This was not the reception he was hoping to receive.

"What formalities are required?" Carrion grumbled. Queen Valerie motioned toward a seat and Carrion obliged.

"Was there a witness to your challenge that is a member of your clan?" Sir John stated.

"I witnessed the fight," Cali begrudgingly admitted.

John's eyebrows furrowed and expression soured as he looked toward Queen Valerie. She shared his puckered look of concern.

"You saw the fight, but did you see the challenge?" John probed further.

"I saw the glove on the ground, but no. I never saw it thrown." Cali admitted

"Was anyone else present?" The Queen asked in earnest.

"I was present for the whole matter but I am not of their clan." I explained.

Queen Valerie closed her eyes and drew a deep breath. "Where do I even begin? I suppose our history books do not do the youth of our country justice on certain topics!"

I found myself squirming in my seat along with the twins. Somehow the insinuation that all of us had subpar education did not sit well.

"First off, Sir Carrion, I hope you realize that your actions today muddy the waters on your intention and that is concerning. Your proposal to my daughter is meaningless now that you intend to take up your clan's sword." The queen rubbed her temple.

"Secondly, the last time a member of the clan of Wolves challenged his Swordsman with only one clansman witness, civil war almost destroyed the entirety of the Wolves. Examine your heart. Make sure you are taking up this position for the right reasons. Ensis cannot survive a battle from within along with one barring down from the mountains," her defeated tone spoke volumes.

Carrion posed in what I imagine he thought was a stoic stance. The absence of a portrait maker must be felt deep within the core of his being.

"I understand, Your Majesty. I think I have an idea that will help unite not only my clan under my leadership, but the whole country!" Carrion bragged.


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