The Four Swords

Chapter 121: Court Room Drama

Chapter 121: Court Room Drama

Carrion's smile faltered at Jacobson's suggestion. His cheeks flushed with anger before a tight forced smile reappeared across his face. I saw Carrion's fist tighten toward where he usually found the hilt of his sword. Today, however, he appeared in court weaponless. Probably for the best.

"That is an excel...." Princess Alina started but never finished. She was simultaneously silenced on two fronts. Queen Valerie shot Alina a warning glance. It was improper for the Princess to speak during a proposal. However even if this did not quiet our future monarch, Carrion's interrupting did.

Carrion, seemingly unaware of Princess Alina even speaking lashed out in a severe but tempered tone. "That is out of order, Sir Jacobson. My petition is before the court. Not yours! It is against court protocol and decorum. To think you were almost part of this magnificent and just family presiding before us!"

The members of the court had never seen such a display. Instead of the usual murmurs and whispers that occasionally disrupted court, there was instead a cacophony of shocked responses from court goers.

My eyes fell toward the blonde vision my childhood friend had become. Her mouth fell agape. She was not among the vocal crowd, but she too was nonetheless appalled. Maybe she should travel with this group of quarreling teenagers. It does wonders for character development.

"Order!" The Queen's voice bellowed. The command reverberated off the hard surfaces of the ceiling and walls giving Queen Valerie an even more commanding presence. The hall instantly quieted, waiting for the next bit of juicy drama. This is exhausting.

"I expect everyone in this court to treat our laws and traditions with respect. Including the gentlemen before me." Queen Valerie took a deep breath and eyed the two teenage noblemen. Lord Jacobson bowed his head in contrition, but Sir Carrion seemed to think the queen sided with his last statement.

"Decorum does indeed need to be maintained," Queen Valerie emphasized the same word Carrion used. "However, Lord Jacobson did bring up a matter of protocol as well. Sir Carrion, I see you have not brought your clan's Swordsman to the court. Does Lord Bleddyn oppose this union? Will he not allow his son to renounce the mighty clan of Wolves?"

The room seemed to be void of air. No one moved or fidgeted in anticipation of Sir Carrion's response. The way Queen Valerie phrased the question must have stung. It's one thing for a Swordsman to not think his clansman is a good match for the Princess, but another to think their own son isn't worthy of such an honored position.

"I do not believe my father is opposed to the match. I could not locate the Swordsman prior to this court." Carrion slowly elongated the word 'father' as if it was an annoyance to even think of the relation.

"Very well," the Queen said while motioning forward to a swarthy guard next to her. "Alejo, please search the palace training grounds for Lord Bleddyn. If he can be found within the walls, please let him know that his presence is required at court."

"It will be done, Your Majesty." The guard bowed deeply then departed.

"Hopefully we can settle this matter shortly, Sir Carrion," Queen Valerie said soothingly. Although it seemed to soothe no one. Alina was anxiously staring toward the guard as he took his leave. It seemed she was willing him to stay so the Swordsman could not be found.

Carrion looked angry. This was not what he thought would happen. How he ever thought Jacobson would vouch for him is beyond my understanding.

The silence in the room drew out long and uncomfortable. A stray cough felt deafening. Carrion could take it no longer.

"Your Majesty, please allow someone from my clan to speak on behalf of my qualities while we wait for my Swordsman to be located. Perhaps my sister?" Carrion eyed his twin in a way that sent shivers down my spine. Not a threat, but certainly not an endearing glance.

Cali, for her part, did not flinch. Maybe this was just the way these two interacted. I could not imagine tolerating that much hubris on a daily basis. Cali opened her mouth to respond to her brother, but was cut off by the queen.

"I do not think that is necessary. If Lord Bleddyn cannot be found, then this proposal must wait for another day in court. Let's first see if he can be found before we continue." Queen Valerie squared her shoulders and addressed the entire court. "Are there any other petitions that need to be heard today?"

I noticed the queen and Sir John locked eyes once more. Sir John splayed his hand in a motion toward Carrion and shook his head in an almost imperceivable motion. Queen Valerie frowned deeply but searched the rest of the court goers for any other latecomers needing the attention of the crown. No one came forward.

The court waited for the return of the queen's guard. I stole a glance toward Gella. She shrugged toward me. She had no idea how this might end either.

Alejo soon returned and announced to the room, "The Swordsman Lord Bleddyn was not found within the castle walls, Your Majesty."

"That settles the matter." Queen Valerie announced. That did not dissuade the jilted suitor.

"I beg you to reconsider, Your Majesty! For the sake of the kingdom!" Carrion pleaded.

"I do not think a delay till things can be done properly will harm the kingdom, Sir Carrion." Queen Valerie insisted.

"No! This cannot be happening! Alina, help!" Carrion begged. A few gasps around the room made Carrion realize he had forgotten Princess Alina's title in his plea for help.

"Enough!" Queen Valerie bellowed standing to her full height. "Lord Holden, please escort Sir Carrion home. Maybe some time away from court will help him remember the traditions and protocol he says he holds so dear. Court adjourned."

So much for my plans with Gella. No offense to Carrion, but I had hoped to walk a much prettier companion home.


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