The Four Swords

Chapter 113: Action Plan

Chapter 113: Action Plan

I eyed Lord Jacobson in confusion. I gave him a moment to collect himself. Talking about our enemy was never easy for him. "What makes you think that this vision has anything to do with the Autarch?"

Jacobson squirmed in his chair for a moment. He seemed to want to avoid saying what he noticed. Maybe his claims did not have any reasoning behind them, after all this set of visions was not as clear as the first. Anything we said was simply a guess about the future.

"It's okay Jack. Speak your mind. No one else seems to have any thoughts at what the future holds," Cali spoke her mind to soothe the young Swordsman. Her speech seemed too gentle for the situation, making it my turn to shift uncomfortably.

Jacobson gave a sincere smile toward Cali. Simply staring at Calista seemed to put the young man in a trance. The moment was tender and I felt like I was eavesdropping on something I should not hear. I figured out I was not alone in how I felt as Princess Alina cleared her throat politely to get both of her friends' attention.

Jacobson quickly came out of his daze. How such a child could be so easily charmed after a broken engagement baffles me. I looked around the table to give Jacobson a reprieve from my judgemental thoughts only to find Sir Gavin with an expression on his face that matched my own thoughts. At least I was not alone. Maybe these kids weren't always annoying to have around.

"Well," Lord Jacobson began, "the figure in the vision had a sword. Alina, does Queen Valerie have much experience with a sword?"

Alina gave a light laugh, "I have never seen my mother train with any weaponry. The thought seems laughable." Although there were a few half hearted giggles from my younger counterparts that joined Alina, I was not among them. I simply thought of how Alina had wanted to be trained to defend herself not that long ago. The Queen could have that drive too.

"Queen Valerie is most comfortable with a bow as a weapon. I do not think she would use a sword unless threatened with no other choice," Sir John stated as a matter of fact to a number of blank stares. He had known the Queen the longest. I suppose it would make sense for him to pick up a bit of information along the way.

"Given that information, it makes sense that the vision is about the Autarch. I cannot imagine a monarch of Ensis attacking an unarmed man, but that seems to fit perfectly with the Autarch. That fact alone should make the Autarch highly suspect, but there is also the sword." Lord Jacobson ended his statement as if we should all know what he meant.

Sir Gavin found his voice first. "What sword are you referring to?"

"I know there was a lot to focus on in the vision, but does anyone else remember what the sword looked like?" Jacobson officially took over the line of questioning.

"It did look a little strange. It curved in a way that reminded me of an antler," Princess Alina contributed.

"It did look like the blade we found on the Norad soldier on our way back to the palace from the manor," Carrion added to the group.

"Exactly! I think that the sword was forged by a Norad, so it would make sense for the blade to be used by their ruler," Jacobson sat back in his chair, looking proud of himself for his discoveries.

"But who might she attack?" Sir Gavin asked, thinking aloud.

"Well she has already attacked Ensis, so everyone could be a target." Calista stated before Jacobson could answer. She seemed to save him from having to mention how his father died.

"If that man is a 'most foul brute near her power' then that man might be on our side. Anyone who wants to take down the Autarch at least has one common goal with us. Should we not aid him in his mission?" Princess Alina added.

"Let's not jump to conclusions. Even if the man challenges the Autarch, that does not mean he would not also challenge the throne of Ensis. We might be aligned in this one goal, but not allies." Sir John said a little too sagely.

"I suppose that needs to be our first part of our plan of action. We need to figure out who the man is and if he is on our side," I said with determination. I much rather have actionable goals than hypothetical theories to bounce around the room.

"How might we do that?" Princess Alina inquired.

"Let's start with suspects. Who might be close enough to the Autarch that she might take them on one-on-one?" I asked the crowd.

As if they were one person, Lord Jacobson and Sir John spoke together. "Hymenaous" rang clear.

My heart sunk. This was not the first time I heard Sir John share someone's thoughts. Every time before this, his counterpart was his brother and not his nephew.

"Fair assessment. But if he is the 'brute,' we cannot assume loyalty to Ensis. He has already proven himself a traitor to the gnomes. Should we leave him to this foretold fate?" I asked without expecting a response.

"What else can we do?" Cali retorted. "It's not like we know when or where that prophecy will happen. We are not even sure that we have guessed all the pieces correctly."

She was right. We were helpless to stop any of it.

"Right you are. But, if I may, one last question. Did anyone recognize the hands that slipped in the last part of the vision?" I shot back.

The room became as quiet as it was when we first began this discussion. So many theories and not enough concrete steps to move us forward. I felt like my mission failed in that respect, making me feel miserable.

The empty porridge pot sitting on top of the stove restored some of my good humor. The entire trip was worth it just to see Sir Balor get taught a lesson.


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