The First Store System

Chapter 92 - Treatment Of Adventurers

Chapter 92: Treatment of Adventurers

After meeting Lily, Aakesh started returning to the town. He thought of ways to complete the quest without any harm to Lily, as for him, he would lose the mission if Lily got even a little injured.

"Hey, system, I have told you not to allow Lily to be part of any quest," Aakesh expressionlessly asked for an explanation. Before he had let Lily enter Panagea, he had told the system in clear terms as she wouldn't be an adventurer.

Her only purpose in going to Panagea was to enjoy her life without any consequence, but now she is part of the main quest. His reward depended on the success of the mission, so he knew that it would be a complex mission.

[Host, the beings created in the world have their own thinkings, and the wolf king thought of creating super wolves after sensing the bloodline of Lily as she went closer to their camp, so the system had no part in this.]

The system responded in its emotionless and mechanical voice. Aakesh stayed silent in response as he couldn't say anything. He knew it was Lily's curiosity and the wolf king intellect that created this problem, but as the family member of Lily, he still had issues with the quest. He then took a deep breath and stopped thinking about it as he had already told Lily what to do in the wolf's camp. Now, he only needs to create strategies to defeat the wolf king.

While thinking about strategies and walking, he didn't know when he arrived at the market. He could see a sense of excitement present in the market today, which wasn't present on previous occasions.

It didn't take long for him to find the reason for excitement in the market as he found a giant banner above the sports arena in Wolfden about an auction.

He had no interest in the auction, so he ignored it and started moving away, but the next moment, his feet froze as he heard the discussion between a group that had just passed away.

"Did you hear about the meditation art in the auction?" One lady asked her male friend.

"Hmph! Today's special is a bow of rare grade that has a protection skill!" The man scoffed and proudly explained.

Aakesh's feet stopped after hearing about the meditation art, as there were only two ways for an adventurer to increase their level in Panagea, either by completing the quests or obtaining a meditation art.

Growing by doing quests was easy, but it was slow, whereas growing in level by finding a meditation art was tough but fast.

"What about the meditation art in the auction?" Aakesh asked as he tapped on the shoulder of the girl who talked about it.

The group stopped in their steps and turned around. While listening to their conversation, the man stopped them in their track, and they wanted to yell at him. However, when they realized who the man was, they instead smiled.

"Adventurer!" The girl exclaimed, seeing the identity of the man.

Aakesh had an expressionless face as he stared at the girl for her answer. The girl took a deep breath as her face turned red from embarrassment for acting like this. "Adventurer, there is going to be a meditation art up to Level 10 for sale in the auction. It has been several years since art had appeared in the auction, so everybody is talking about it," She told Aakesh.

Aakesh nodded and turned around to leave when the girl stopped her and suggested, "Adventurer, if you want, you can come with us to the auction. We have a VIP room reserved for us."

"Okay!" Aakesh nodded and agreed to join them in their group since he had no invitation to the auction and the group had a VIP room, so he would be away from the crowd of people even if he got an invitation.

"Good, let's go!" The girl said with a smile, and the group then proceeded toward the auction area.

While in the way, the group tried to ask many questions to Aakesh, but he didn't speak and proceeded silently.

When they reached the gate of the arena, the guard tried to stop them for checking, despite them having a VIP pass as the town-head himself was going to participate in the auction, but when they saw Aakesh in the group, they let the group go without any checking.

"Hey, system, why do they act like this around the adventurers?" He asked the system while proceeding toward the VIP room.

Host, because adventurers can resurrect as many times as they die without any issues, which even Emperors could not accomplish. They had the imperishable traits, but they still couldn't revive themselves after they sealed Vritrasura with their life seal. So the low-level beings of the Panagea treat adventurers respectfully.]

Aakesh noted the low-level part, but he didn't ask anything to the system about it as he knew they would've their own pride. How could they treat an ant respectfully even though it had the ability to never die?

Since this could become too much for the adventures to always be seen by the people in the Panagea, so the system had acted. Only when the adventurer would be in direct contact with the inhabitants of Panagea would they treat him respectfully.

The group reached the VIP room they had booked and sat on the comfortable chairs allotted to them. The room had a glass cover from where the participants could see the auction and bid for the product they wanted to buy, but since the auction hadn't begun, so the glass was currently dark.

The auction was still thirty minutes away from starting time. "Adventurer, if you don't have enough money, you can ask us," One of the men in the group announced as he raised his chest.

The others in the group also added the same thing as they knew Aakesh wanted to buy the meditation art, and it would get sold for millions of low soul stones.

"How much is the meditation art's starting price?" Aakesh expressionlessly asked the group.

"600,000 low soul stones!" The girl who suggested to bring him here responded.

"Oh, I only have 100,000 low soul stones," The next moment, Aakesh responded, making everyone present in the room speechless.


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