The First Store System

Chapter 75 - The War Of Panagea

Chapter 75: The War of Panagea

"Emperor Sudas was declared the strongest Emperor of Panagea after winning the war, but before he could celebrate his victory, an earthquake affected the entirety of Panagea. It was like doomsday for Panagea as the land engulfed billions of people all over the world. It even shook the Emperors who even ordered the Gods! The source of the earthquake was the center of the location where once the ten emperors battled for their supremacy centuries ago!"

"When they went there, they saw darkness emitting from the ground. They felt a danger of life from the darkness, so they tried to stop it, but despite using everything they had, they couldn't do anything. The Emperors that were even unaffected by Time couldn't do anything to darkness emanating from the ground!"

"The more darkness emanated from the ground, the intensity of natural disasters increased. It continued for one hundred and eight years. The darkness finally stopped originating. Instead, the darkness that had emerged before started contracting into a spherical core. Right after the formation of the core, the Emperors attacked it in the hope of destroying it, but they couldn't even put a dent upon it, let alone destroy it. They combined their attack, but still, the spherical core remained the same as before. The attack that could've destroyed Panagea several times couldn't even damage the core."

"I knew it!" Aakesh thought in his mind after listening about the core. He also finally knew who those soldiers were?

While the Angel continued telling him the story, "The Emperors finally knew their power had created something evil that even they couldn't destroy. The core started generating its body with a naked speed. The Emperors knew if they let it complete its body, it would be the end of Panagea."

"They called their armies and attacked the spherical core. But they still failed in the end. The core finally took its form!"

"Dark pearly eyes sat high within the creature's angular skull made of darkness, which gave the being a horrifying look. Several horns made of darkness sat atop its head. A thick neck ran down from its head and into a massive body. Its top was covered in darkness with a row of spikes running down its spine.

Four slim limbs carried its body and allowed the creature to stand elevated.

Enormous wings made of darkness that gave the feeling of evil then started growing from its shoulders and ended all the way down at its pelvis. The wings were bladed in structure. Its barbed tail ended in a gentle point and was covered in the same darkness that covered its entire body. The being gave the feeling that it was the embodiment of evil."

"Vritrasura!" Aakesh suddenly exclaimed, making the Angel stop her story. She then confusedly looked at him and asked in her original voice, "How do you know that name?"

But suddenly something strange happened, the confused look on Angel's face disappeared, and an expressionless face appeared. She then continued the story, "The creature introduced himself as Vritrasura! He then created an army out of nowhere made up of darkness. The darkness army fought with the combined army of the ten emperors, whereas Vritrasura alone fought the battle with the emperors."

"Despite outnumbering Vritrasura, the Emperors were on the losing end. This war continued for years. The Emperors weren't able to defeat Vritrasura, and the number in their army was dwindling down with the passing of time. Seeing no chance of victory, the Emperors made a decision."

"Since it all started due to them, they decided to end it themselves. The Emperors took out their hearts and created a seal using their combined power. If they activated the seal, they would die in some time, but if the Emperors didn't activate it, everyone other than them would die because they were unkillable. Since they started this, they decided to pay for it, and they activated the seal, resulting in the sealing of Vritrasura and his army!"

"With billions of years having passed, the seal has become weaker and Vritrasura stronger, so Panagea is on the verge of another crisis even bigger than before, but there are no Emperors to help. In the last moments of their life, the Emperors left their inheritances for the future generation so that they would be able to fight Vritrasura."

"Adventurer, I hope you find the inheritance of the Emperors and defeat Vritrasura to save the life of countless citizens of Panagea!" The Angel concluded her story and requested.

"I would try my best," Aakesh expressionlessly responded.

"Thank you, Adventurer! The citizens of Panagea would appreciate your efforts! I wish you the best of luck to gain the inheritance of the Emperor!" The Angel said, and the next moment Aakesh reappeared in the market with no sight of the Angel.

[Host, do you like the story I've created for the virtual world.]

Aakesh was just going to talk to one of the passersby in the market when suddenly he heard the system's voice in his head.

"The story is good, but don't you think our buyers would have a hard time following the story and ending it?" He commented as he had read about the real Vritrasura. If the Vritrasura of this world even had 1% of the power the real Vritrasura had, defeating him would be almost impossible.

[Yes, Host. It would be very difficult for people to clear the story. But the value of rewards gained in this world would make even the Primordials wish to enter the virtual world.]

"Does that mean if someone gained the inheritance of the Emperor, they would get all the skills of the Emperor in real life?" He asked.

[Yes, Host. If they have enough price to pay to take it out.]

"What's the power level of the Emperor if they enter the real world?" He asked as he was curious to know it after learning about their imperishable ability.

[Below Devas, but above everything!]

The system responded. "Does that mean Vritrasura is at his full power here in the virtual world?" He asked as a shocked look appeared on his face.

[Yes, Host.]

"Why would you create a character of such level in this world?" He complained as he remembered the story of Vritrasura.

Devas had participated in a war only once, and that too they had ended it in 12 seconds. In that war, Vritrasura was the opponent who had forced the newly born Deva to interfere and was able to survive for 12 seconds in the battle.. That fight made Vritrasura the legendary calamity of the Multiverse.


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