The First Store System

Chapter 70 - Herb Association (1)

Chapter 70: Herb Association (1)

There were only a few sections on the store status screen. Since Aakesh had just learned about the store level, so it was expected that it was level 1, his store owner level was also 1.

The only thing Aakesh was unsure of on the status screen was the store update mission. "Hey, system, what is this condition that I haven't met and what it meant by mission?" He expressed his doubts to the system right away.

[Host, the store wouldn't be updated just by meeting the required condition of the upgrade. After completing the requirements, you would get a mission, and only after you performed the quest successfully would the store update.]

The system responded in its mechanical voice. "So, what's the condition for getting the mission of upgrading the store to level 2?" Aakesh asked.

[Host, the condition would automatically present itself to you after you met even a single criterion. Since you haven't met any standard, you only need to sell the products, and you would get it.]

"Even secrecy in condition!" Aakesh complained to the system.

[Host, it's for your betterment. If you already knew the condition before meeting even a single criterion, it would become easy for you to meet the requirement, but if you didn't know about it, you would work and meet the standards without knowing, and you would grow as a store owner. Your ultimate goal is to become the legendary store owner, so you can't take any shortcuts.]

The system explained the reason behind not telling him the condition. "It's your ultimate goal. My ultimate goal is to find out the truth about myself, so I'm just doing whatever I can do to find the truth easier way," He corrected the system.

[Host, both are the same, only after completing the quests would you get pieces of information about yourself.]

The system responded in its emotionless voice. "I know!" Aakesh responded.

Aakesh and the system's conversation came to an early end as he heard the sound of footsteps. He looked at the door and saw a crowd of people entering the store.

"What do you want?" He stood up and asked the crowd.

"We heard you sell pills here, and the pills are magical," The man at the front of the crowd responded.

Aakesh could hear a hint of discontent in the man's voice, but for him, it didn't matter what they felt. As usual, if they were here to buy from his store, he would happily sell them the pills, but if they tried to start a riot, he would send them for reincarnation.

"Yes, I sell pills here," Aakesh expressionlessly nodded at the group.

"We are from the herbs association!" The man in the front said while pointing at the badge he wore on his chest. The badge had a symbol of a triangular leaf on which there was an H in brown color.

"So?" Aakesh expressionlessly responded.

"Don't you know the rules of the Kingdom?" Another man in the crowd asked.

"What rules?" Aakesh expressionlessly asked as he didn't know a single rule decided by the Bisan Kingdom. Since he would never follow the rules, he chose not to waste his time by checking them.

"You're running a store without even checking the rules decided by the Kingdom," The man standing in front of the crowd had a dumbfounded expression hearing Aakesh.

"What are you here for? Do you want to buy something?" Aakesh ignored the man's reaction and asked him.

"We're here to ask you about the source of the herbs for your pills," One of the men in the crowd explained the reason behind their appearance.

"According to the rules made by the honorable king Punta, it is mandatory for any pills selling store based in the Kingdom to buy herbs from the pills only from the herb association," One of the men in the crowd announced the rules for the store selling pills. The men didn't stop and added, "So, you need to show your source for the herbs; otherwise, we would've to seal your store from further selling pills."

"Do you want to buy anything, or are you here for only explaining the rules?" Aakesh ignored the men explaining the rules and expressionlessly asked the man standing in the front of the crowd.

"Didn't you hear that we would seal your store if you don't disclose the source of your herbs?" The ignored man angrily asked after getting ignored.

"I get the herbs from everywhere in the primal dimension," Aakesh expressionlessly responded.

"Don't joke with us!" The man's face turned red from anger as he felt the store owner was joking. What he didn't know was that he was telling the truth. The system obtained material for the products it sold from all over the primal dimension. And the system also got the first born or created herbs and material for the products as its name said, 'The First Store'.

"Since you think so little of our herb association, from this moment, your store would be sealed, and anybody who buys from your store will face criminal punishment," The man in the front announced after getting no answer from Aakesh. "Put the sticker of seal outside," The man then ordered the people in the back.

"Yes, boss," A group of three people said and went outside. They then started drawing the pattern of the seal. Aakesh expressionlessly watched the scene.

"If you want to unseal your store, you need to come to the headquarters of the herb association, pay the fine of 1000 ordinary Primal stones for not following the rule, and start buying from us. If you don't, then forget to sell your products in the Kingdom until we're here," The man in the front then told Aakesh.

"You all can leave now!" The man then ordered the crowd to disperse. The people in the group followed the order and left the store. Only the man and Aakesh were left in the store.

"We don't want to become enemies. We are an upfront organization, and we have the duty not to let any wrongdoing happen to the Kingdom and its citizens," The man said after everyone left with an honest smile on his face.. "We know you killed the members of the Schiller family, but that doesn't mean we would become afraid of you and let you risk the health of so many citizens," He added.


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