The First Store System

Chapter 7 - System

Somewhere in the void,

In a rundown cottage still in the space, Aakesh was playing with Lily. They laughed as they played. There hasn't been a single customer in his store since George.

Despite several millennia passing, Aakesh looked the same, just like he did in the past, without even a hint of aging.

Aakesh was playing when he suddenly came to a halt. The sudden stop confused Lily. She vanished and appeared on his shoulder the next moment. "What happened?" She asked while lightly hitting his head.

"That Human has just become a God," Aakesh answered while picking Lily up from his shoulder.

"What a waste of that hellfire embryo," Lily ridiculed.

If George heard Lily right now, he would fight her to death in anger. He worked so hard for thousands of years to reach this level. Attaining Godhood in only a few millennia put him in top-tier talents, but it didn't even take Lily a nanosecond to rubbish his talent and hard work.

"What has it got to do with us? He bought it and paid for it," Aakesh responded smilingly. He then scratched Lily's chin. She responded with a cute meow forgetting about George.


Suddenly, Aakesh heard a mechanical tone in his head.

"Oh System, you are back," Aakesh spoke, as he clearly knew about the system.

[Hello! Host.]

[You have successfully completed your mission.]

[Mission objective: To create one hundred Gods by your store product.]

[Result: Successfully created one hundred Gods in eighty-one thousand years.]

[Bonus result: Seventeen of the created Gods became Godking.]

[Mission reward calculating…..]

A mechanical voice echoed in Aakesh's head, informing him of the completion of the mission.

Aakesh looked no more than twenty years old, yet the system announced that he completed the last mission objective in more than eighty thousand years.


Eighty-one thousand years ago,

A rundown closed cottage appeared out of nowhere in the void. The hut looked empty from inside, with only a blue-skinned man wearing a red cloak lying unconscious on the ground.

After a few breaths of time, the unconscious man's hands moved lightly. His eyelids then shook slightly.

The man opened his eyes after that. He glanced right and left confusedly. He then rubbed his eyes as everything around looked blurry to him. He then sat up.

As everything around him became clear, he curiously looked at his surroundings. There was nothing to see but only a blue wall in a locked space, yet there was a look of unfamiliarity toward the wall in the man's eye.

" is thi...s?" He spoke in a slurred speech.

"Wh..o am I?" He asked himself, as he couldn't remember his identity too.

"Wh...ats my name?" He added another question. His speech also got better with more speaking.

He stood up, clutching his head, trying to remember anything about himself. He didn't even know; Why does he only remember the language he speaks and nothing else? He went up to the wall in his front and touched it. It sent a cooling feeling. All the stress he had due to not remembering anything of the past started disappearing slowly.


[Binding to the Host.]

[Binding rate..1%, 2%, 3%, 4%...,]

A sudden voice broke the man out of his stupor. The voice sounded different than his. He looked around to see the source of the sound, but there was no one. "Hello, who is talking to me?" He spoke loudly.

There was no response from the weird-sounding voice. "HELLO," The man yelled to get an answer from the weird voice, but unfortunately, there was no response.

He tried two or three times again after that, but he had to stop after getting no response at all.

He then searched the whole room to see any way to get out of this locked space, but there wasn't even a window, let alone a door. He then sat down on the ground, giving up at last.

"What is happening to me?" He muttered in irritation.

"WHO IS DOING THIS TO ME?" He screamed to vent his frustration. He yelled for some more time but fell silent because he got irritated by it in the end. As he had nothing to do, he stared blankly at the wall. As time passed, he found himself calming down the more he looked at the blue wall.


[Successfully bound to the Host.]

"Hello!" The man exclaimed right away as the weird voice returned. He didn't want to stay in silence even if he feels good looking at the wall.

[Hello, Host. I am your system 'The First Store System'.]

The weird voice responded and introduced itself.

A relieved smile appeared on the man's face when he heard the response. There was someone to talk to him. He then remembered what the voice replied.

He curiously looked at the top and excitedly asked questions, "Is my name Host, and What is a system?"

[No, your name isn't Host. A Host is someone who owns the system, and a system is a device created solely to help its Host.]

The man's excitement dimmed down hearing that the Host wasn't his name, but then the next moment, hearing about the system, he got excited again.

"Since you call me Host, that means you will help me?" He asked excitingly with a hint of little nervousness.

[Yes, Host.]

The system responded affirmatively. "Then tell me about my past, and why can't I remember anything about it?" The man asked nervously.

[Sorry, Host. I'm not allowed to tell you about your past.]

The system threw cold water on all of the man's excitement. "But, you just said you'll help me," He argued.

[Affirmative, Host. You need to have a sufficient permission level before asking about your past. Since I've recently bound to you, you don't have any authority.]

The system responded in an expressionless mechanical voice. The man's face turned ugly hearing this.

"Can you at least tell me my name?" The man asked. His tone almost turned into begging.

[Yes, Host. Your name is Aakesh. It means 'Lord of the Sky'.]


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