The First Store System

Chapter 60 - Harsh Punishment

Chapter 60: Harsh Punishment

"So, you took the risk of killing trillions of innocent lives only in the hope that the sword would kill me?" Aakesh expressionlessly asked Pinto.

He would've allowed Lily to kill Pinto right away, but just after Pinto activated the sword, the system gave him a quest.

[Hidden Quest,

Mission objective: Punishment,

Mission details: In the hope of harming you, the mortal takes the risk of killing trillions of your future customers. As the victim and the stronger party, it's your duty to punish the mortal for this deed. If no customer survives, then what's the point of your store,

Mission requirement: Force the mortal to apologize for his deed and then kill him to set an example that as long as you're present, no one can harm your potential customers,

Mission reward: Random skill,

Failure Punishment: Return to the previous system of the store.]

"Damn it! The punishment is harsh," Aakesh said to the system in his mind after reading the quest and the failure punishment.

[Host, this situation has arisen because of you. Your potential customers may have come to harm because of you, so you need to take responsibility for letting the problem get so big.]

The system bluntly responded. "Fine!" Aakesh answered as he had no words to refute.


"What are you doing here?" Suddenly Punta shouted, seeing his big brother standing near to Pinto.

A wry smile appeared on Pinto's uncle's face as he responded, "Just to meet my nephew."

"Silence, I am the one talking here," the next moment, Aakesh's voice echoed in the throne as pressure emanated from him and made everyone present in the throne room except Pinto fall flat on their faces, and they lost consciousness after that.

"So, tell me, why did you take such a big risk?" Aakesh then focused on Pinto and asked him.

"Avdsjdsg ddsgyag vdgsgdhsd," A random jumble came out of Pinto's mouth as Lily had ripped his tongue out.

"Leave it!" Aakesh responded, seeing Pinto not being able to speak clearly.

"Look into my eyes," He then ordered, and Pinto, like a mindless puppet, looked directly into his eyes.

In the next moment, Pinto found himself in the throne room. Instead of sitting on the king's throne, he was standing chained in front of the throne. A guard whipped him from time to time. He wanted to speak or scream something, but clothes covered his mouth. He could only see darkness in front of him, so he didn't even know who the king was.

"Die!" A sudden angry voice echoed as the same projection of sword appeared above the throne. The darkness around the throne disappeared, and When Pinto looked at the king's face, he was shocked as he found Pento was standing there majestically.

The next moment, the sword attacked Pinto, and Pento laughed seeing this.

"Aagh," A painful scream echoed in the throne room as the sword attacked him and the cloth covering his mouth disintegrated. Instead of destroying him in a moment, it slowly attacked him. It started separating him into particle after particle, and he had to witness it all while feeling a pain intense enough to die.

"Ha ha ha ha, this is what you get for treating me like shit," Pento laughed out loud, seeing his father in agony.

The torture continued for hours. Only when Pinto's body was separated into particles did he die. It wasn't the end as the next moment he appeared near the coast of the sea. Again the chains bound him not to let him move.

Suddenly the world started shaking, and the sea level rose. "Help me!" Pinto asked for help subconsciously, seeing a wave coming in his direction.

Nobody helped him, and he drowned in the wave of the sea. It wasn't the same as previous as he didn't sense the pain, but instead, he felt he drowned under the water and suffocated to breathe for an eternity. Death never seemed to arrive. No matter how much time passed, it always felt to him that the drowning had only started.

Time passed in the illusion of Pinto. He faced several ways of death caused by the sword, both directly and indirectly. He felt he had died for unlimited times and wanted relief of death for the last time. He had already lost the hope of living as even a second of being consciously made him remember the horrible feelings he went through in different illusions at the same time.

"Bfhbddf jkdj cnxj," He said jumbled words when he returned to reality while tears continuously streamed down his cheeks and snot flowed through his nose. He wanted to speak, 'Please kill me!', but he couldn't speak clearly due to being tongueless, so his words came out as a mess.

"Did you feel what your citizens felt due to your foolishness?" Aakesh understood the context, what Pinto wanted to speak, but he ignored it and asked him another question.

Pinto nodded, and the next moment, he fell to his knees. "Bfhbddf jkdj cnxj," He started repeatedly shouting. He then started banging his head, seeing no response from Aakesh.

Aakesh only expressionlessly looked at the scene of Pinto torturing himself. "Oh, I would kill you, but what's the hurry," He said after seeing the ground turning red due to Pinto's blood.

Pinto stopped banging his head and felt chilled when he heard Aakesh. His face turned even paler as he again said, "Bfhbddf jkdj cnxj."

"Aakesh, kill him. He looks disgusting," Lily suddenly spoke, seeing Aakesh having no intention to kill Pinto.

"Fine!" Aakesh said with a disappointed sigh. He couldn't refuse Lily at all. He was waiting for Pinto to apologize himself, and then he would kill him.

"Apologize for the deed you almost committed," Aakesh said to Pinto after stopping him from banging his head anymore.

"Heal his tongue," He then asked Lily to heal Pinto. Lily nodded and healed his tongue in the next moment.

"Would you kill me, If I apologize?" Pinto, instead of directly apologizing, asked Aakesh.

Aakesh's eyes turned cold, hearing Pinto. The next moment, Pinto screamed in terror as he felt the combined pain of all the tortures he faced in the illusions at the same time.

"Apologize!" Aakesh then coldly ordered, while Pinto looked like he had aged thousands of years in a single moment.


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