The First Store System

Chapter 58 - The King’s Rule

Chapter 58: The King's Rule

"STOP IT!" Pinto angrily growled again, seeing Aakesh ignoring him and continuing dragging Barry.

"Save me, your highness!" Barry also screamed for help. It took everything out of him to ask for help.

"You leave me no choice!" Suddenly the air around the throne room changed as Pinto's expression turned calm and cold.

Suddenly a wooden box appeared in his hand. He opened the box, and a tiny sword appeared in his hand. Only from the mere presence of it, the Bisan Kingdom and several Kingdoms around it began trembling.

"NO, DON'T USE IT," Pinto's uncle appeared in front of everybody as he shouted for Pinto to stop this madness. Even Aakesh's face had a change of expression. It turned solemn, seeing the tiny sword. He released control over Barry right away and got ready to face the attack.


The Bisan Kingdom shared a border with the Blue Wyrm Kingdom. A mountain named Mysterious Peaks covered the entire border of the two Kingdoms. It was called the mysterious peaks because It seemed to cover the whole continent of Anga. No one in the known history of Anga had covered every part of the entire mountain.

Suddenly birds and beasts on the mountain started crying. There was a cave, and a man was meditating in it. The man suddenly sensed something and opened his eyes. He confusedly stared in the direction of the royal palace of the Bisan Kingdom.

The man was none other than Punta, the previous king. When the tiny sword appeared in Pinto's hand, it disturbed Punta from his meditation.

"What is happening?" Punta murmured in confusion. "Let it be, I should trust my son," The next moment, he murmured and closed his eyes. He had only closed his eyes for a second when he had to open them again. The look of confusion he had turned into a grave. The reason for his grave face was the crying of the beasts in the mountain.

His father always taught him that the beasts find out about the upcoming danger first than the man. It was also the reason behind him having pets. The intensity at which they were crying right now made him believe that doomsday is coming and the source was his own royal palace.

He stood up right away and disappeared from there right away. The distance he had to cover was a huge 1,785,532 Yojana to reach the royal palace. It would take several warps for him and a large amount of Qi to cover such distance.

Punta wasn't the only one moving toward the royal palace. Kings of Kingdoms around the Bisan Kingdom also made their move toward it, sensing a dangerous situation originating from the royal palace.

While the situation in kakot was like doomsday had already arrived, there were landslides, earthquakes all around the city. The sea level started rising, the area near the sea were already drowned, killing millions of people and displacing billions. It had only been a few seconds, and already the casualties due to the sudden natural disasters had crossed hundreds of millions.


"STOP THIS MADNESS!" Pinto's uncle shouted, seeing his nephew's action. If he activated the attack, it would not only kill Aakesh; it would engulf everything in billions of miles except Pinto and extinguish their existence.

"This is the only way to kill him, uncle," Pinto slightly turned around, stared at his terrified uncle, and calmly answered. He looked the exact opposite from a few moments before. He couldn't even speak properly due to fear, and now there has never been more clarity in his voice than at this moment.

"It would kill us all!" Pinto's uncle tremblingly said.

"So, be it," Pinto responded. His voice, cold enough to freeze the deepest part of the hell.

"It's all due to you," He ignored the rambling of his uncle, turned around, and stared directly into the eyes of Aakesh. Pinto's eyes had the expression that it wouldn't matter to him even if he died.

Aakesh stayed silent and solemnly looked at the tiny sword.

"If you would've never challenged me, it would've never come to this. It's my birthright to rule this Kingdom and its citizen. No one can take this away from me, not even you," Pinto said while pointing at the tiny sword in his hand.

"You should've never come to this place. Even if Barry's son did something, he did it to my citizen. I am the one to judge him, not you. You crossed your line by killing him," He added.

"Even if you killed him, you should've come here and taken your punishment from me. Instead, you killed another group of people. Even after that, you didn't come here to take your punishment. I had to summon you," He continued.

"Even after you arrived here, you didn't respect me and sat without taking my permission. You ignored my questions. In front of me, you threatened MY PRIME MINISTER. I AM THE FUCKING KING. YOU FUCKING HAVE TO RESPECT ME WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT," He said. His speaking turned into yelling in the end. His cold and calm expression turned wrathful.

Pinto didn't care for the killing of Ben or hundreds of experts of the Schiller family. He minded that Aakesh became the judge of someone when he, as only the king, was supposed to judge everyone. Aakesh interfered in his rule. He challenged his power to rule.

Pinto hated nothing more than someone challenging his power. His grandfather had told him that it was his birthright to rule people.

"Why are you letting him ramble? Should I kill him before he activates that sword?" Suddenly a childlike voice echoed in the throne room, making Pinto's face red with rage. He faced another humiliation.

"There is no point. It got activated the moment he took it out. The moment we kill him, the sword will activate and attack," Aakesh responded while looking at the sword in Pinto's hand.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Pinto started laughing out loud after hearing Aakesh. His expression was changing every second like a mad person.

" Haha, You're right. You're already doomed to die," Pinto responded, laughing out loud.. The next moment, he activated the tiny sword.


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