The First Store System

Chapter 51 - Pinto, Punta, And The Kingdom

Chapter 51: Pinto, Punta, and the Kingdom

Since his childhood, Pinto had seen how the citizens of the Bisan Kingdom treated his father, Punta. His father also loved his citizens more than him, his only son. Only his mother loved him more than anything. But unfortunately, she had an accident while giving birth to him, which stopped her from further cultivating, and it took her life in later years.

From that day, his father stopped looking at him or talking to him as if he was the reason for his wife's death. He became a stranger in his own house after the demise of his mother.

Since he had always been loved, it was difficult for him to come to the fact that he was alone now. He wouldn't see his father for years, let alone months. Even the citizen's behavior changed after the death of his mother, their queen.

Time passed, suddenly, one day, his father came to him unannounced and only said four words, "You are the King!" and left, never to see him again. He never wanted to become a king. He didn't want to become like his father, who put his citizens above his family. He didn't want to see the look of disappointment in the eyes of the citizens he ruled, but he had no choice but to become the ruler.

His rule started, and as expected, many people in the Kingdom sat on hunger strikes to get their previous king back. But even Pinto didn't know where his father was, let alone the citizens of the state.

He miserably continued since he had no choice but to continue. He was the only child of his father. But one day, someone arrived to meet him. When he learned the identity of the newcomer, Pinto was shocked. He never knew about the relatives of his father. It was his grandfather that arrived to meet him.

From that day, his entire demeanor changed. Power became a birthright for him. He married several ladies and created a harem for himself after that day.

As for the people who did hunger strike, he secretly crushed them. No one knew how the organizers of that strike died, and no one dared to act something like that ever again. Pinto established several rules and started ruling the Kingdom with an iron hand, unlike his father.

Pinto's eyes turned cold, Thinking about his past life. He then heard his son speaking about compromising with the enemy. A look of disgust appeared in his eyes. The next moment, he disappeared from his throne and appeared right in front of his son. "You disgust me. How could you even think of a compromise with that store owner?" He spat words with disgust.

Pento couldn't help but take two steps back, seeing his father appearing right in front of him. "It's the Schiller family that has to compromise, not us," He said, gritting his teeth as pressure released by his father attacked him right now.

"You can leave. I don't want to see your face ever again," Pinto angrily said.

"Royal father, I..." Pento wanted to speak something, but when he saw his father's cold eyes, words got stuck in his throats. He had no choice but to leave. He took a look at the prime minister, who was glaring at him and left the throne room with slumped shoulders.

"Your highness, I would never compromise with my son's killer," Barry announced after Pento left. He feared the king would think about what the prince said and might make him accept a compromise with the store owner.

"You don't need to worry. That man has challenged my power. Power is my birthright, and no one can challenge it," Pinto said as his eyes turned expressionless.

He didn't fear the power of the store owner since his grandfather had left him a gift before leaving. If the store owner turned out to be a powerful being like his son said, he would use that gift.

As for the store owner turning out to be stronger than his grandfather, this thought never came to his mind. Since the Bisan Kingdom was one of the weakest and smallest, if not the weakest Kingdom on the Anga continent. Why would a Tao Palace expert suddenly appear here where even Qi is scarce for Void Forging experts?

Barry took a relieved sigh after hearing Pinto. After the store owner killed all the experts he sent, fear emerged in his heart for him. If the king refused to help him, Barry would have no choice left but to compromise with the store owner. Because even he was also not much powerful than Fred. If the store owner could kill Fred without even a hint of damage to his store, undoubtedly, he could also kill him.

"Let's meet this store owner first," Suddenly the king said. Barry's heartbeat rose, thinking about the worst. "Don't worry, he would either be in prison or dead after this," Pinto commented after seeing color vanishing from Barry's face.

"King, I would summon him right away," Barry said with a bow to his chest as he left the throne room.

"Woah, you've grown big," Suddenly, a laughing voice echoed in the throne room after Barry left. Pinto's expressionless face turned into a smiling face as the voice owner was very familiar to him. "Uncle, you're here," He smilingly said.

"Of course, how could I not be here when my nephew is in trouble?" The voice repeated as the owner of the voice appeared not far from Pinto. If Punta were here, he would've slapped his own son. It was the brother who had challenged Punta for his throne.

"How're you doing, my nephew?" The newcomer laughingly asked Pinto.

"It's going as usual. You must've already heard the conversation between my son and me," Pinto responded.

A glint passed through the newcomer's eyes as he nodded. "So, what do you think of my decision?" Pinto asked his uncle.

"You did great," The newcomer laughingly replied as he patted his nephew's head. "Great decision to summon him first," He added.

"Wait for me. I would come after checking the store owner. Whether he is as powerful as your son said," His uncle said and disappeared from the throne room.. Pinto only stared in the direction his uncle disappeared.


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