The First Store System

Chapter 48 - Lily’s Training

Chapter 48: Lily's Training

"What do you mean by traumatic breakthrough?" Aakesh couldn't control himself, as he growled at the system after the system told him that Lily was going through a traumatic breakthrough. The energy in the room turned wild, and a storm erupted in the room, then the entire store got affected by the energy storm. Nothing in the store got damaged by the wild energy due to the system's protection.

The system didn't interfere while the energy was going wild due to not angering Aakesh even more. The wild energy finally got outside and created a storm, damaging much of the market and the people. Fortunately, no one died or got severe injuries due to the storm, but many shops lost their doors or roofs.

Aakesh finally calmed down after a while. His face turned cold and emotionless as he lightly asked the system, "Tell me?" He didn't even request the system this time; instead, he demanded an answer.

[Host, you can see it.]

The system responded in its emotionless and mechanical voice. The next moment, a black screen appeared out of nowhere in front of Aakesh. Then a scene started playing out on the window. Aakesh focused on it and calmly watched it without thinking or speaking anything.

After Aakesh forced Lily to go through the training with her ancestors, she begrudgingly went into it. The next moment she appeared in a familiar jungle environment while murmuring in a soft voice, "They're going to bully me again." Aakesh heard what Lily murmured on the screen, but he continued calmly watching what was going to happen.

"Here, she comes again," Said a female voice right after Lily entered the area.

"Look, how tiny she is," Another voice echoed as a cat with the same features as Lily appeared on the screen. The size difference between Lily and that cat was the difference between the Universe and an insignificant planet.

The cat didn't stop walking and continued moving forward and somehow crushed Lily by stepping on her. "Oops, I stepped on her," She then jokingly added. The next moment, Lily reappeared perfectly fine not far from the cat and angrily glared at the cat. The power difference was vast between both the cats; otherwise, Lily would've rushed and ripped her apart.

While in reality, Aakesh's face turned red from rage, seeing the cat treating Lily in such ways. He clenched his fists hard to control himself and not break the screen.

"I would kill you after and after again when I reach your level," Lily challenged the cat angrily in her childlike voice, which in turn resulted in a burst of loud laughter erupting in the forest as cats after cats appeared in the jungle. The cat whom Lily challenged couldn't control her laugh and stumbled. She had to pinch herself to stop laughing. While Lily's face turned red from anger and embarrassment, seeing the reaction of other cats in the jungle.

"Enough!" Another female voice echoed in the jungle as another cat appeared between all the other cats. It was the largest cat present in the area. Every cat in the jungle stopped laughing after the appearance of the new cat.

"Welcome, Lily," The cat then gently welcomed Lily.

"Thank you, Leader," Lily respectfully responded right away as she was talking to the first Epochal Feline of the Multiverse and her bloodline forced her to stay respectful.

The cat in question smiled and started the training of Lily right away. It was their destiny to fall at the end of every Epoch, that's why they were called Epochal Feline, but there was something special about Lily. Every born direct Epochal Feline was present here to help her train, so she believed that Lily would be the first Epochal Feline to survive an entire Epoch and gets to the next Epoch.

"Show me your Time-Shield," She ordered right away. The previous gentleness, nowhere present in her voice.

Lily didn't wait and activated the skill. Time-Shield was the skill she was born with, so it was her current strongest skill. A transparent energy wall engulfed her the next moment. Only those who had the ability to see energy flow could see the energy wall.

The leader very lightly touched the energy wall surrounding Lily, and the next moment, Lily was thrown thousands of miles away. "It has gotten better," The leader commented, seeing Lily able to move perfectly fine even after her light touch.

The leader then ordered Lily to show her every skill, and she then tested its defense/offense. She also died many times as her defending skills failed to defend even a light touch of the leader. After examining Lily's skills, she gave her the tips to improve and left after that.

It was now time for other cats to train Lily. After the leader left, the other cats returned to their playful nature and started bullying her in the name of training. They only stopped the practice and left her when their training killed Lily 100 times.

"See you tomorrow," The cats said their goodbyes then and left. They didn't forget to slap Lily in fun before leaving. Every slap of their crushed Lily, but they still continued while laughing.

"Just wait for me to grow, then I'll show you," Lily angrily challenged all the other cats while they were leaving. The cats only laughed in response to Lily's challenge.

"Damn it! Another day, and another bullying," Lily complained to herself in her childlike voice after everybody left and she was standing alone in the jungle. She also then returned to the selection ground and saw Aakesh sitting in a meditative pose with closed eyes.

She then jumped on him, and he opened his eyes. She then told him about her experiences. She only told him about her experiences with the leader and not the bullied experience.

The window screen then disappeared after this scene. Aakesh stood there clenching his fist to control himself from not destroying anything in the store.

[Host, she goes through this every day, so in the hope of not getting bullied again, she forced herself to get the breakthrough.]

The system responded after the window disappeared. Aakesh only stood there thinking and didn't speak anything.


A/N: What time related skills, you want to see Lily learning, comment.


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