The First Store System

Chapter 33 - Maria And Ben(1)

Chapter 33

"Well, well, who do we have here?" Said a voice as Aakesh and Maria were conversing.

Maria lost all the colors on her face when she heard the voice. She slowly turned around to see its owner. When Maria saw who it was, her heart almost skipped a beat. She couldn't hold the balance and fell down.

A group of people entered Aakesh's store. He only recognized one person in the group. It was the same man who looked at him with disgust. The moment Lily saw him, she jumped from his head to kill him.

"Don't!" Seeing Lily's actions, Aakesh whispered in a very soft voice only a high-level being could hear. Lily was almost on the soldier's face, but she begrudgingly returned back to Aakesh's head.

The soldier was still looking at Aakesh with disgust. He didn't even know how close he was to his death a second before?

There were six members in the group who arrived in Aakesh's store. Two members in the group wore shiny clothes while the other four had worn armors, so it was easy for Aakesh to guess that four members were guards and two members were either royalty or some high-standing member of the Kingdom.

Aakesh could guess the identity of one of the two affluent members. It was evident to him that one was the youngest prince standing next to the soldier he had spoken with; in the morning. He didn't know the identity of the other person standing close to the prince. He noticed the other member looking at Maria with a weird smile.

He then noticed Maria, and he saw her tripped on the ground with a pale face full of horror. He went up to her and expressionlessly asked, "Are you alright?"

"Of course, she is alright. She just remembered the amazing time she had with me."

The affluent member standing next to the prince spoke with a laugh instead of Maria. Aakesh turned around and emotionlessly stared at him.

That emotionless stare made the stranger stumble back two feet; the guards that came with him stepped forward and stopped him from falling to the ground.

"Do you want something?" Aakesh ignored the guards and asked.

"Why don't you salute the prince?" The soldier growled at Aakesh in response.

He ignored the guards, and looked at whom he expected to be the prince, and asked, "What do you want?"

"How dare you talk to the prince this way?" The guard growled and then tried to step forward, but the prince stopped him from doing so. The soldier who conversed with Aakesh in the morning just stood there and watched. He still remembered what happened to him, so he didn't dare directly involve himself. He only looked at Aakesh with disgust, using the prince's shoulder.

"I am Pento, the youngest prince of the Bisan Kingdom," The prince then introduced himself.

"I am Aakesh, the owner of 'The First Store'."

"When are you leaving this land?" Pento suddenly asked with a smile.

"Why would I leave this land?" Aakesh responded with a question.

The smile on Pento's face disappeared. "Because I told you to," Pento answered expressionlessly.

"Why would I agree with whatever you speak?" Aakesh responded with another question.

The expressionless face turned into anger as Pento yelled, "BECAUSE I AM THE FUCKING PRINCE."

"Read the rules!" said Aakesh in response.

Finally, the man who came with Pento recovered from his shock after seeing that stare. His face turned red due to the embarrassment and the anger.

"Pento, let's arrest him, and then we can torture him in prison," He then said, witnessing the situation turning bad between Pento and Aakesh.

"You're right, Ben. He doesn't seem to respect me," Pento responded to his best friend. Aakesh ignored their conversation and asked, "Do you both want anything from my store?"

Lily wanted to kill all six of them, but he stopped her due to the system policy of not acting in the store unless the situation arises. Right now, they were only talking. No one even attempted an attack on him. He can't be the aggressor in any condition.

"If you don't want anything, you can leave the store; otherwise, I'll blacklist you," He added. All six members in the group were stunned by Aakesh's response, here they were talking about arresting him and then torturing him in prison, and he was talking about blacklisting them.

Veins popped out of Pento's head, but he still emotionlessly asked, "What do you sell?"

Pento wanted nothing more than to torture Aakesh, but he wasn't an idiot. Someone who can dare to talk to a prince in the capital city of the Kingdom this way can either be an idiot or someone who has the same or even more powerful backing than the Kingdom.

"We currently only sell three products," Aakesh's tone changed when he started talking about the products. He then explained about the three pills and their costs.

After hearing about the price of the pill, Ben started laughing out loud while the other five members had their jaws dropped.

"Haha, an inferior pill for 50 Primal stones, haha. You think we're fools," Ben commented while trying to control his laugh, but he failed badly at that.

"It's first-grade inferior dantian healing pill," Aakesh corrected Ben, making everybody angry.

"Are you making a fool of us?" Pento angrily asked Aakesh.

"Why would I make a fool of you?" Aakesh confusingly responded.

"Who sells a first-grade inferior pill for 25 Primal stones? I can get a second-grade medium pill at that price," Pento responded in anger.

"So, what has that got to do with me? It's my store; I decide to sell at whatever price I want to," Aakesh bluntly responded.

"Do you want to buy anything?" He added.

The group only glared at Aakesh in response, resulting in silence in the store.

"I want a mental healing pi-"

The silence broke when the soldier began speaking, but after Pento glared at him, he instantly shut his mouth.

Another silence fell in the store, as Aakesh had no interest in speaking unless someone decided to buy a pill.

"YOU BASTARD!" Yelled a familiar voice breaking the silence in the store. Aakesh turned around and saw Maria glaring at Ben.


A/N: I don't know why, but this book isn't getting any collections. Please leave reviews, if you've time.. For every 10 honest reviews, I'll update an extra chapter.


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