The First Store System

Chapter 228 - Massacre(1)

Chapter 228: Massacre(1)

After slaughtering every lion in the settlement except the newborn, Aakesh returned to the tree and waited for either the wolves or the red-haired man to arrive first.

If the red-haired man arrived first, Aakesh's purpose would be over the moment he got the newborn since it would be his chance. After that, even if the wolves appeared and killed the red-haired man, it would have nothing to do with Aakesh.

If the wolves arrived first, Aakesh needed to clear the area and kill as many as come so that the red-haired man could safely get the newborn cub in his hands. He couldn't let all his efforts fail due to some wolves.

Time flew by, and ten minutes passed. Aakesh patiently waited for either of the two to arrive here first. Since he could see the red-haired man, he knew the man was still several minutes away from the destination.

Currently, at the level 1 class, Watcher didn't allow him to activate the skill, Universal-Eye after he had already selected the being he would watch since he could only watch over one person. If he were to deactivate the skill, the silver mark over the red-haired man would disappear, and he would then need to select another fortunate being to watch over.

Aakesh didn't feel disappointed by such restriction since the class was only Level 1, and if the class only had good things, then wouldn't it break the power system of the Panagea. The system would never allow for such a class to exist.

Time flew by, and another six minutes passed when Aakesh suddenly sensed something and looked north. He couldn't see clearly, so he jumped on the tallest tree and finally, his view became clear.

He witnessed a group of silver wolves coming this way. There were only four wolves in the group, and the highest level in the group was only Level 12.

"Should I let them come here, or should I kill them before they could reach here?" Aakesh thought, but the next moment he got the answer.

He couldn't leave the area until the red-haired man arrived and got the newborn cub. If he went to kill the wolves and in that time if some other animal captured the newborn, wouldn't all of his efforts be in vain?

He noticed the wolves had suddenly picked up their speed. He knew the scent of blood must have forced them to rush here. A minute later, the wolves reached the area and couldn't help but take a step back in fear, seeing tens of headless lion corpses lying on the ground while their blood and brain matter spread all across the surroundings.

Even cold-hearted beasts like them felt pity for the lions. They didn't feel sympathy for them because of dying so cruelly. They pitied them because, seeing the carnage around them, they understood that someone way more powerful than them had been here, and they were the reason behind this.

"Check out the newborn whether it's okay or not," The leader wolf ordered its subordinates. It was only a growl, but Aakesh could understand it. He still hadn't killed them because he wanted to know why would the silver wolves care so much about the newborn of an inferior lifeform.

One of the silver wolves, after getting the order rushed inside. While hurrying inside, it crushed the already dead corpses that came below its feet.

A few seconds later, the wolf came back with the sleeping cub in its mouth. The other wolves heaved a sigh of relief, seeing the newborn safe.

"Let's go!" The leader ordered its subordinates and turned around to leave when suddenly it felt the land below its feet disappearing out of nowhere. In fright, it looked down and saw it had gotten up.

Before it could see, who had picked it up, crashing sounds rang. The next moment, it found itself knocked on the ground.

"Roar!" It groaned in pain. After the fall, it felt that its bones had gotten crushed due to landing harshly on the ground.

It couldn't even pick itself up without feeling pain. The next moment, a few crashing sounds rang. Disregarding the pain and gritting its teeth, the wolf stood up only to see its followers lying on the ground in the same condition he had seen of the dead lions.

Its blood ran cold as it looked around itself in fright, trying to find the being who did this. But, it didn't have to as it noticed someone coming from the same cave from which the wolf had gotten the newborn.

Aakesh wanted to ask some questions, and he knew he would need to get cruel, so he gently put back the cub near its dead mother's corpse. He didn't want the screams of the wolf to wake up the child.

He wasn't being considerate. He just didn't want to get irritated in the midst of questioning.

"So, tell me, why do the wolves want this child?"

Aakesh appeared right in front of the wolf lying on the ground and expressionlessly asked the question looking down on it.

The wolf could understand the question since Aakesh had used their language.

"Who…who ar…are you? Don't yo…you know, we-"

The wolf, instead of answering the question, spouted nonsense. Fear gripped its voice, but remembering its backing, it did not answer the question. It didn't think that Aakesh would kill it after knowing who he was.

Unfortunately for him, Aakesh didn't care enough to let the wolf even complete its sentence.

Its voice came to a sudden halt as it found itself getting picked up, and then with a loud crashing sound, the next moment, it found itself on the ground.

"If I hear anything other than the answer I want, the next time, you wouldn't be this lucky," Aakesh coldly ordered the wolf.

The cold voice sent chills down its already broken bones. It seemed that it wasn't stubborn, so it didn't dare to spout nonsense this time and directly answered Aakesh's question.

Aakesh's eyes turned even colder after finding the answer. The wolf lost its breath, feeling the sudden chill spreading from Aakesh. It felt it would get suffocated to death, but it didn't have to as Aakesh grabbed the head of the wolf and slowly put pressure on it.

The wolf's head couldn't handle the pressure, and its head got crushed into smithereens.


A/N: The bonus chapter for completing this week's goal would be published tomorrow.. Sorry, I couldn't get enough time to write another chapter. Thanks for supporting the book!


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