The First Store System

Chapter 225 - Fate Lines

Chapter 225: Fate Lines

[Skill name: Fortune-Eye,

Ability: It allows the user to see the fate line of the being in the area of 1 Yojana around him,

Level: Level 1,

Condition for growth: Upgrade of the Class Watcher to Mythical,

Restriction: The level of the selected being shouldn't exceed the level of the owner by more than ten levels,

Warning: What is shown may not give the expected result since the number of fate lines can change anytime.]

Aakesh looked at the blue screen on top of another larger window, showing the contents of one of the skills, Fortune-Eye, he had gotten from the class Watcher.

Aakesh's eyes shined, seeing the details of the skill.

The class Watcher currently allowed him to watch over any being present in the area of 10 Yojanas around him. If he watched some rewarding events, his level would increase, and he would also get 30% of the rewards. In order for that to happen, he needed to carefully select the person, since if nothing went right, he would have wasted both his time and the chance of increasing the level.

The skill, Fortune-Eye, allowed him to watch the fate lines of the person in the area of 1 yojana around him. Its range was ten times less than the range of Universal-Eye, but in the range of 1 yojana, the skill would help him big time.

He knew the greater the number of fate lines, the greater the luck of the being. So if he combined both the skills, he would find beings who may have rewarding events in the area of 1 yojana around him. The more scenes he watched, the more levels he would gain, and once he exceeded level 40, it would be time for him to kill the wolf king and free lily from its hold.

This skill also had the same condition of growth and restriction as to the skill, Universal-Eye, but there was an additional section, warning. He didn't feel surprised after reading the warning since it was the basic knowledge that fate is something that no mortal can control.

No being in the Primal dimension had the ability to control fate. To have at least some control over the element of fate, attaining divinity was the bare minimum. To have complete control over fate, the person at least needed to attain the minimum power level of the third dimension.

Aakesh also only had very little knowledge of the element of fate, and that too was also only due to the system directly imparting cultivation knowledge to him.

He then waved his hands, and the window containing the details of the skill disappeared. He didn't care much for the warning since fate lines usually vary for high-level beings since each action they take has the chance to change the situation of the surroundings. Every creature below Level 100 in Panagea was considered a low-level, so the number of fate lines would rarely change.

He then refocused on his status and tapped on new skills to learn about them. Time flew by, and several minutes passed. He waved his hands, and the status screen dispersed into light particles.

He had gotten several skills from the class, but only two skills, Universal-Eye and Fortune-Eye was a skill unique to the class Watcher. The other skills he had earned could be either found in high-level areas or other classes.

The class, Watcher, was different than other classes in the Panagea. There wasn't a single offensive skill in the skill section. All the skills he had gotten were either defensive or support.

One such skill was Element Immunity. As its name suggested, it gave him immunity toward any elementary attack from any creature below level 40.

Seeing the skill, Element Immunity, Aakesh remembered that he can also use elemental skills from now on since he had reached Level 25 and evolved to a Rare lifeform. He decided to buy the skills later since he was currently in a jungle and also had no money to purchase them.

Currently, he couldn't wait to check the skills he had gained.

Since he had decided to check, he didn't wait and activated the skill, Universal-Eye.

The next moment, a real-time 3D projection of the area of 8 Yojana in a circle around him, only visible to him, appeared in front of him. Since he was currently in the jungle, more than 90% of the beings he saw in the projection were beasts of different races, while there were few humans.

He then activated the skill, Fortune-Eye, and the next moment, a golden circle covered the area of 1 yojana in the 3D projection.

Aakesh ignored the creatures in the other seven yojanas of the projection and only focused on the golden area of one yojana.

There were only ten-twelve creatures in the golden area, and all of them were wolves. In the 3D projection, Aakesh could see golden lines above all the wolves.

The highest number of fate lines was 16 on the wolves who were the nearest to Aakesh, but he also noticed it had almost twice the number of red lines connecting the wolf. One of the wolves even had a single black line connecting it and no golden or red line.

The golden line determined good fortune, the red line determined danger, and the black line determined death.

Even though the nearest wolf had 16 golden lines and 30 red lines connecting it, but it still didn't have any black lines. So, it meant that the wolf would face grave danger, from which it may gain something, but even if it didn't, it would still stay alive.

Aakesh then disappointedly stopped the skill since he didn't find a single creature who had the great luck to gain something that may have an effect on his level.

He then called out his status screen and focused on the energy section.

Energy: 1560/2000,

He couldn't help but suck a cold breath of air, seeing the amount of energy the skill took in a single use.

For each second, he used the skill, Universal-Eye, the skill used ten units, while for the same time, the skill, Fortune-Eye, used 100 units.

Seeing the energy the skill used, Aakesh could only activate the skill, Fortune-Eye, for 18 seconds since it won't work without Universal-Eye.


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