The First Store System

Chapter 164 - Massacre

Chapter 164: Massacre

After killing the group of humans, she proceeded forward in search of the leader of the group.

She didn't have to go far when she came across a shelter. Before she could decide anything, an arrow came her way. She easily deflected it using her sword and made her decision.

The next moment, she extended her hands, and fire out of nowhere emerged in her hands. It was one of the basic skills of fire element/Qi/Prana users. She got it as the reward in the eleventh green dungeon.

A few seconds later, the fire in her hand got bigger and reached her shoulders, but she still didn't throw it and let it get larger.

The humans in the settlement didn't wait for the fireball to come their way. Those who were archers shot arrows, those who used close combat weapons rushed at her, while one in the human settlement had a similar skill but in the opposite element.

It was the leader of the green dungeon and only had one skill in his arsenal, 'Waterball'.

Finally, the fireball reached an extent where it got even harder for her to control. She knew it was the right time to throw it since the warriors of the human settlement were rushing at her.

After making her decision, she didn't think twice and threw the fireball at the human settlement.

The arrows that were threatening to pierce her got melted by the heat of the fireball that reached them.


The next moment, a loud explosion occurred in the area that sent a mushroom cloud several meters into the air.

Suddenly a huge influx of green stream of lights emerged from the destroyed area and engulfed her. She couldn't help but enjoy the moment since a combined influx made her feel the sensation of getting stronger.

The enjoyment didn't last as a heart-rending scream filled with anger echoed in the area the next moment.

Brinda knew it was the leader. He must've survived due to the waterball reducing the damage to some extent.

A few moments later, where once the leader stood, was a red egg. As Brinda bent down, she picked up the red egg from the ground and crushed it.

"Nothing!" She disappointedly murmured as nothing came out of the egg.

She didn't feel disappointed for long as it wasn't the first time she got nothing from the red egg. Since this was her sixtieth hunt of the green dungeon, she had gotten quite a few red eggs with no reward.

The next moment, she disappeared from the dungeon and appeared outside it. Unlike her brother Pento, she spawned in a comfortable environment and area. As far as she looked, only flowers could be seen.

Since this was her last hunt of the green dungeon and she was ready to hunt the yellow dungeon, she took a random direction and proceeded in that direction to come across a yellow dungeon.

While Brinda was searching for her first yellow dungeon, Pento was sleeping peacefully after hunting his first dungeon, and right at that time, Lenna came across her first yellow dungeon.

No expression change on her face appeared as she touched the yellow crack with the tip of her finger. The next moment, as if something had pulled her, she disappeared from there and appeared inside the dungeon.

During the past two years, she had cleared only eleven green dungeons. It took her twelve days to clear the first dungeon, and then she trained for a month to gain better combat experience. After clearing every dungeon, she repeated the same process, which led her to complete her last dungeon in under an hour. If not for the time spent finding the creatures, she would've completed the dungeon in only a few minutes.

When she entered the dungeon, she didn't have to search for the creature any long as not far from her, there was an Orc settlement, and the area inside the dungeon was also several times smaller than the green dungeons she had completed.




Continuous roars rang in the area next second as the Orcs noticed a stranger appearing out of nowhere near their settlement.

Hordes of Orcs left their settlement and rushed at Lenna to kill her since a voice came from their hearts to not let any stranger that entered this land return alive.

Lenna looked at the horde of Orcs and saw more than hundreds of Orcs rushing at her, threatening to kill her as brutally as possible.

Her face stayed expressionless as she only stood there and waited for the horde to come at her.

In no time, the horde of Orcs reached her. The Orc who was at the front punched at her head, aiming to kill her in one strike, but suddenly a painful scream escaped his mouth as he found his hand had gone.

Before he could even understand what had happened, a horizontal strike hit him, and the next moment, he got split into two perfect pieces.

The Orcs got stunned by the sudden killing of one of their members, but instead of decreasing, their ferocity increased, and they rushed at her even faster.

Lenna had no reaction to the sudden increase in ferocity of the Orcs. She and her sword started a beautiful dance in the area, and the blood of the Orcs was the payment for it.

Every time an Orc reached her, they would fall to the ground either in two pieces or multiple pieces.

More than ten minutes had passed since Lenna entered the dungeon. In those ten minutes, she had killed more than two hundred Orcs, but still many were left and were rushing at her.

Lenna knew she couldn't let it continue for long as it would be bad for her if she got tired.

Suddenly the air turned chillier in the area. Orcs stopped in their charge and confusedly looked around them.

The next moment, Lenna bent down and touched the ground. "O spirit of Ice, announce your arrival!" She murmured while touching the ground.

Out of nowhere, ice covered the ground and then froze every Orc present in the area.

It was one of the spells of the Ice spirit magic she had gotten as a reward after her second successful hunt of the green dungeon.. It was one of the best rewards any participant had gotten in the dungeon until now.


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