The First Store System

Chapter 160 - Green Field

Chapter 160: Green Field

After finding nothing but a land filled with snow all around him, Pento decided to make a move.

He currently wasn't feeling the cold in the weather, but feeling the swift wind brushing his face, he knew the temperature was going to get colder, and even snowstorms may arrive, so there was no point in standing here.

Since he couldn't find any kind of dungeon around him, he randomly chose the north-eastern direction and proceeded.

As Pento expected, the wind was gaining momentum, and the weather was getting chillier. Pento increased his moving speed.

Due to the snow and wind, he couldn't see more than 50 meters away from him. He had been traveling for a few minutes, and he assumed that he had covered a distance of around 300 meters, but still no green dungeon was in his sight.

Around ten more minutes passed, Pento had covered the distance of more than 800 meters since he arrived in this world.

He could now feel the chill in the wind. He had no choice but to rub his palms while walking. He couldn't help but whisper while walking, "Who would've thought a prince like me would walk alone in the cold with no idea of survival?"

Due to the snow and wind, his view range had also decreased from 50 meters to around 40 meters.

Pento was getting tired with every passing moment, but he had no choice but to keep going. Otherwise, he would die even before fighting a dungeon.

A few more minutes passed, Pento had traveled more than a Km in this chilly weather, while his view range was getting decreased with time. He could now only see twenty meters ahead of him, as the wind had gained the momentum, and any second, a snowstorm would erupt and engulf him.

Pento, with every step, gasped for a breath, but for every breath he took, his body was getting colder. Although his body was urging him to give up and quit the event, he forced himself to walk.

As a result of his efforts, a silhouette appeared in the distance. At first, Pento thought he was seeing an Illusion, so he didn't stop and continued forward.

He took a few more steps, and suddenly, the chill of the weather, the wind turned into a storm, and the snowy field disappeared at the same time, and instead, a clear terrain filled with greenery appeared in place of that.

The sudden change of the environment stunned Pento. The cold he had felt until now also disappeared with the environment.

He thought he had fallen into an Illusion, so he sat down in a meditative pose. Since he had forgotten everything he, as a prince, had learned, he had no choice but to depend upon himself.

As he closed his eyes, he cleared his mind, knowing that if it were an illusion, it would disappear when his mind became clear. The reason for his confidence was that Aakesh wouldn't put a strong Illusion in only the start of the world. Otherwise, no one would be able to even get to the first dungeon.

When Pento opened his eyes a few moments later, he found himself back in his previous environment.

He then looked at himself and found himself half covered in snow when it had only been a few moments since he sat down here.

He also noticed a green crack not far from him. An excited expression appeared on his face, and he forgot everything he had faced in the world until now. He also heaved a sigh of relief since the green portal was the weakest and the best for the starting participants. If he had found some other color portal, he would've already lost even before starting.

He was already tired due to the long walk he took in this treacherous weather, but sitting down in meditation in such intense temperature took a toll on him as he found himself unable to move his legs.

Having come so close to a portal, he could not give up, so he used his hands to drag himself to the green crack.

Dragging himself proved to be an even greater challenge than Pento had expected, but fortunately for him, the green crack was only two meters away from him.

When he reached the portal, the snowstorm had already turned wild and threatened to take Pento with it, but using every unit of energy he had in his body, he extended his hands.

The moment the tip of his finger touched the green crack, a sudden pain emerged in his body.

The next moment, he found himself in a familiar environment. The experience of transferring proved to be even more painful than the experience he had due to the snow.

He felt as if someone was pulling him in both directions at the same time. He thought he would get snapped in half if it continued for some time, but fortunately, it only happened for a second.

Pento took a deep breath to calm his heart and mind before thinking what his next step was going to be.

He continuously exhaled and inhaled long breaths for a few moments and then finally took notice of his surroundings.

He found himself in the same green field he had found himself in when he fell into the Illusion.

"Eh!" The next moment, he exclaimed in surprise as he found the cold in his body gone.

"Great! If I had the same situation, I would've fallen into trouble," He mumbled, seeing him free of any exhaustion.

The green field in front of him was the same as the snow-white field. He couldn't see a single tree. It was only grass, and that too only up to his feet.

"An open fight," He murmured. Since it was an open field, he and his opponent would fight where no one could hide or take covers.

This time also he randomly chose a direction since the field looked endless.

After choosing the northern direction, he rushed.

Since he only had a mortal body, he couldn't run very fast, and he also decided not to move fast since it would waste more of his energy.

Since the weather was clear and he had ordinary eyesight, he could see up to several hundreds of meters without any issue.

After rushing for a few minutes, he finally found the first hint of life and his first enemy.


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