The First Store System

Chapter 148 - Classes

Chapter 148: Classes

"Since there are different classes for the win, there would be different events for them," Aakesh announced, ignoring the crowd's reaction after hearing about the classes.

"Those who want to participate for the class event raise their hands and take out ten top Primal stones," Aakesh announced.

The crowd's reaction turned shocked from dumbfounded after hearing the outrageous price. Even the last event where the reward was a treasure like the tower took a hundred Primal stones as the participation fee. Whereas for this event, where the reward was only a class that would help in Panagea, the event participation fee was ten Primal stones.

Many in the crowd who had decided to participate after hearing about Panagea changed their decisions after hearing the price, but there were still many who raised their hands and wanted to participate since the store rewards hadn't disappointed anybody until now.

Aakesh counted the number of people who had raised their hands and found the number of participants had exceeded the number that participated in the last event. It was around 618 people who had raised their hands and taken out ten top Primal stones.

He then waited for a few more seconds to wait if anyone else wanted to raise their hands. Six more people, who were confused whether they wanted to participate or not, raised their hands after seeing so many people raising their hands. No further people raised their hands after that.

Aakesh waved his hands, seeing no one else raising their hands, and the next moment, all the participants appeared on the platform. He noticed the group of Moya in the group of participants who had raised their hands, but he ignored them since he knew their history.

He could ignore the presence of Moya, but others who recognized them couldn't. George and Evelyn also recognized their presence, but they didn't do anything because even million of soul crystals weren't worth antagonizing Aakesh for them.

The group of Elves also noticed their presence. Ivaran also thought of making a move against them, but he stopped after facing a threatening glare from his mother. Elasha had the same reason as George and Evelyn, but she was also afraid of Aakesh. He gave her the feeling of a terrible calamity every time she saw him.

"Look, elder brother, a group of Moya," One of the daityas in the Kuriati group commented.

"If we get the soul crystals, we could get more resources from the family," Another member commented.

"Wait for me," Another commented and made a move.

"Wait," Kuriati said. He wanted to stop him since he never wanted anything to do that in any way could pit him against Aakesh.

The group of Moya also saw the daitya approaching them while licking his lips. They expected to get caught, but they didn't expect to get caught this early. They were afraid inside, but they put a nonchalant expression outside as if they had no idea what was happening. They had put their trust in Aakesh since they had read the message written on the rules board near the counter.

The daitya suddenly found himself falling face first on the ground.

"Ugh! Who dare-" The next moment, the daitya stood up while rubbing his face and groaning in pain. He then angrily turned around while shouting, but the next moment, his words got stuck in his throat due to fear.

He found Kuriati looking at him with an angry look on his face.

"I told you to wait," Kuriati coldly said while grabbing hold of the neck of the daitya.

The daitya trembled, seeing the anger on Kuriati's face. He tried to respond, but before he could, a sudden pressure arrived on him and Kuriati.

"If something like this happens again, you would wish you'd never come to this place," The next moment, Aakesh's cold voice echoed inside both of their heads.

Their backs turned wet with cold sweat since it was the first time they felt the majesty of the store owner through his warning. The daitya also remembered the conversation with Kuriati in the Panagea for the first time they had entered.

Aakesh ignored their reactions and left them lying on the ground.

"Those who want to participate for the Alchemy class go there. Those who want to participate for the Potioneer class go there..."

Aakesh ordered the participants to separate in rows for different classes they wanted to participate in. since not everyone can participate in the same event for every class, Aakesh decided to organize a different event for every class.

A few moments later, all the participants separated into different rows where Aakesh ordered them to.

The most number of participants joined the event where the reward was the class Beast Summoner.

The class Beast Summoner allowed the adventurer to summon beasts in Panagea that could be taken out in reality.

There was no such class in the actual world. The closest power system that came close to it was the Tamer system. But in that system, the creatures needed to tame beasts, undead, or any other race, whereas, in the Beast Summoner class, the person could summon beasts to fight for them, while only paying their energy as the cost, instead of finding and taming them.

More than 60 out of 624 participants joined the queue for the class Beast Summoner, while many classes didn't even get any participants.

The Pharmacist class had the smallest number of participants, excluding the classes with no participants. Only one participant joined the queue for that.

"Store owner, since there're no other participants, could you declare me as the winner," The only man who had joined the queue for the class Pharmacist shamelessly asked Aakesh.

In response, Aakesh only gave a side look to the man, and the man closed his mouth.

"Since the class Beast Summoner had the highest number of participants, let's start your event first," Aakesh announced.

"There are several levels of any class in Panagea. They are, Inferior, Ordinary, Rare, Epic, Mythical, etc. Those who win the event would get an inferior type of class as a reward. You can further upgrade the level by doing quests in Panagea," Aakesh announced before telling the participants to enter.

"Okay, let's begin," Aakesh announced and started explaining about the event to the participants.


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