The First Legendary Beast Master

Chapter 219 Armored Golems

Chapter 219 Armored Golems

The research assistants looked dreamy at the notion of being able to bond a monster to call upon in their time of need, like a guardian spirit that would make them the equivalent to an Elite, blessed by the Gods through the Divine Injection.

But it was time for them to focus, as the newest items for the mages were on display in the first area, and there were two mages interested in testing their work.

The researchers got recognition within the department when the Elites chose their new products over an existing and proven formula or device, so this was showtime for the research lab.

"Alright, as we have you recorded as a wind and a Golem Mage, respectively, we will bring forward the projects that are most likely to be of interest to you. We have a number of formulations that should be of great benefit to you both, so let's get started.

First up, we have the Summoning Stone, as it has been dubbed by its developer, the Grand Mage Sandra."

An old woman in a lab coat waved happily as her invention was sent forward by her assistants, who would be the ones to introduce it to the Elites.

"We have completed initial testing on the stone with extremely promising results. When ingested, the magic successfully bonds with the user with a one hundred percent success rate, increasing their mana strength, and has a thirty-four percent chance of causing the activation of a secondary skill informally known as Indestructible Constructs. There have been no noted side effects.

We have not yet tested on a live subject, but the data from the research mimic should be accurate, and the resources used are all Awakened Grade or lower, with an Ascended Rank outcome." One assistant announced, while the other held up pages with graphs and data charts on them that should show the results of their tests.

"What is a test mimic?" Dana asked.

"Oh, it's a wonderful thing. The Grand Mage learned a spell that creates a clone body, accurate to the real one in every way except that it lacks a consciousness. Many of the research teams use them for testing, as the mimic will respond to potions and show signs of gaining skills, as well as the duration of potions.

It cannot tell us what the skill is, obviously, but we can extrapolate the data from our predictions, and the Grand Mage's observations of her mimic."

So, the product hadn't actually gone through human testing yet, but they were somewhat confident that it would work. That would explain why the Director was so eager to get volunteers, and why he said that it wouldn't be a hassle to purchase nearly anything they were making.

They were here to get stronger, but they were also the guinea pigs testing new resource combinations.

Dana nodded. "That sounds perfect for my skill direction. I have learned from my group members that having Golems to block for you while you cast your offensive magics is by far the superior way to fight. Even better if you can enhance the Golems with offensive magic."

Alice nodded in agreement. She used both barriers and a spell known as [Tearing Wind] on her Golem whenever it was in combat. Hawk hadn't gotten the hang of it, which was a bit surprising, but the change to Dragon Hawk seemed to have changed his elemental affinity from wind to fire.

The assistant brought the container with the stone over, and everyone gathered with their notepads to record the event.

"There is a security camera overseeing the area, please feel free to proceed when you are ready." The Director informed her with a happy smile.

The first item they had brought up, and already they had a volunteer to try it. That was a much better than average acceptance rate, though the sample size was limited.

Dana cautiously took the stone shaped pill out of the jar, and set it on her tongue, then swallowed.

The effects weren't immediate, but after a few seconds, there was a slow buildup of power, and then Dana began to smile.

"The official name for the skill is Durable Constructs, according to the system, so you were close." She informed the researchers.

"Can you summon your Golem and explain any changes it has undergone? We should have had you summon them before, so we could get proper before and after data." The assistant realized.

The Grand Mage chuckled at their oversight. She would get many more opportunities to test now that the product had proven effective without immediate side effects, so she wasn't concerned, but they were students at the University, and missing steps in the process affected their grades.

Dana called out her golems, and everyone nodded in satisfaction at the changes. The Golems were formerly classically nude and muscular marble statues, but now they were wearing bronze armour, which included a form of segmented armour skirt that somewhat hid their assets from view.

"They look like they did before, except that they were nearly nude. Now they're wearing armour. It looks functional, so I would say that the Golems have definitely gained an advantage from the new passive skill." Dana explained.

The Director sent the team back and called up another set of presenters. It looked like he was willing to let them try anything that they were willing to, and he was just calling everyone whose work was relevant today.

The next one up was a wind element resource that sounded good to Karl, but Alice shook her head, declining it.

They returned, not dissuaded by the rejection, and another pair stepped forward.

[Oh, get me the good thing. I want it.] Hawk demanded.

"This might not be quite what you're looking for, but we have developed what we call the burning soul pill, a combination of fire resources that increases elemental affinity with fire. It has been tested by four Elites before, one of which managed to acquire a new fire spell, and none of whom had any noted side effects during or after the process." The presenter began.

Karl called Hawk out to stand on his outstretched arm, and the scientists turned to look at him.

"Hawk wants to try it." Karl explained.

The scientist looked startled, but they nodded in acceptance, and everyone got out their notepads.

"Should we..." One of the assistants began.

"No testing fire skills indoors." The Director reminded them, making both Hawk and Karl laugh.

"We have been told the same thing in the past. We're not laughing at you." Karl assured the research assistants.

The assistant noticed the look in the bird's eyes and quickly opened the jar before Hawk could smash it, allowing him access to the pill.

As it had last time he advanced, flames rose from his body as he absorbed the fire resources, and his feathers turned a bit more bright red before settling down.

[Shared Skill gained] Flaming Body

[Flaming Body] surrounds the body in damaging flames.

"Hawk gained a new fire skill. Flaming Body, he can now surround himself in flames. It seems to have helped the damage done by his fire spells as well, but I can't verify that yet." Karl explained.

Hawk surrounded himself in flames, and then shot a short burst of fire from his wings, an extended attack that created something akin to a fire blade, but he didn't let it detach and go flying around a room full of humans and precious shiny objects.

Hawk had great respect for the good things that the humans made.

Lotus moved up to stare at Hawk, who had returned to his normal form, and then gently stroked his feathers, making sure not to ruffle them.

"The feathers retain their softness and flexibility, but their temperature is elevated. The size of Hawk seems unchanged, but the colour is more vibrant. The lack of additional scale development suggests that he isn't evolving toward a dragon template, but the lack of intense heat suggests that it isn't toward an Elemental or Phoenix direction either." She narrated as she gently massaged Hawk.

"Thank you, Priestess. I was unsure how we were going to gather data on a bestial subject, but it appears that you are a natural." The Director noted.

[She really is. I want to thank whoever taught her to massage and preen a wing.] Hawk agreed.

"Alright, let us see what else we might manage to find here. Are there other elements that might be useful to your group?" The Director asked.

"Well, there is a Lightning Cerro, with the obvious abilities, and a Bloodbath Spider who has learned to summon a form of Tree Golems." Karl offered.

"Tree Golems? That's the nature magic department next door. We could try the regular Golem pill for her, but we don't have any more ready." One of the assistants from the first group replied.

"That's alright, we can try the new things from the nature magic sorts. Who knows, it might actually be useful for beasts in a way that it isn't for most human magic users." Karl suggested.


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