The First Evolution

Chapter 569: Dangerous Environment

Chapter 569: Dangerous Environment

Fang Linyan stood up and said,

“Sir, we didn’t suffer from airsickness, nor did we vomit severely.”

Jason stared at Fang Linyan for a few seconds and said,

“I seem to have seen your information somewhere. You have served in friendly forces and held the rank of second lieutenant, am I right?”

Of course, Fang Linyan had the rank of second lieutenant, but he was certified in Space. He didn’t expect it to be applicable here, so he said,

“Yes, sir. They are my companions.”

Jason nodded and said,

“No wonder you guys are different from these sissies.”

After hearing Jason’s words, Goat and Vulture immediately said with envy in the team channel,

“Damn, this formal military rank actually has such an advantage? It is recognizable by the aborigines?”

Fang Linyan was surprised by such benefits too.

Vulture added,

“If we don’t want to take this medicine, we can keep it. If I’m right, this pill should be a long-acting stimulant. To put it simply, it is a new type of poison.”

“The short-term effects are very obvious, but long-term use will be very harmful to the body. However, the military only values ​​immediate combat effectiveness and does not pay attention to these.”

Jason waited until everyone had taken the pill, nodded, and said solemnly to the people next to him,

“Let’s start.”

They began to distribute the materials, and everyone attending the meeting had one copy.

Fang Linyan looked at it carefully and found that this information was very detailed. It was related to Area 323.R/ê/Ad lat𝙚St ch/a/pters at nô(v)e(l)bin/.c/o//m Only

The information was clearly marked as Level 2 confidential. Once leaked, the offender would be judged in the court martial! That was no joke!

This information clearly stated the requirements of the Star Consortium. A group of people would first clear out a safe area.

Then a sentry camp named 323 would be established on a high ground as a bridgehead and temporary base for subsequent development. It might be expanded into a military base in the future.

Jason tapped his hand, and a 3D topographic map formed by the optical brain was projected next to him.

The landing site was a hilly area made of red sandstone. The terrain here was relatively high, only about 3 square kilometers, and the surrounding area was the most common terrain on Planet Moston— Endless swamp.

Intuitively speaking, this place was like a small island appearing in a swampy ocean.

The reason to camp here was to occupy key terrain and gain a tactical base.

The swamps on Planet Moston were very scary. The swamps could be entered on foot, but there were quagmires of various sizes in them, ranging from half a meter to several hundred meters in diameter.

There was no obvious difference from the appearance, but once one got stuck in the quagmire, he would be in serious trouble. Therefore, the swamps could only be surveyed on foot. Only after the quagmire area was marked could mechanical vehicles pass.

According to statistics, more than 1/3 of the current non-combat casualties were unfortunately killed while exploring the swamps.

In fact, those terrible creatures in the swamps were not the most troublesome problem, but a huge purple mushroom tree called “dred” grew in it.

The scientific name of this type of fungus was Ophiosporum australis. It was tens of meters high and its rhizome was as thick as a giant water bucket and as wide as 4 meters.

Every night, the mushroom head at the top would split into many spores. After the spores were separated from the body, they would burst and release a hazy fog.

The specific components of this fog were still being analyzed. All they knew was that it contained at least “methamphetamine”, “methylphosphonyl difluoride” and other terrifying ingredients. Its density was comparable to morning fog in winter.

However, the visual effect seemed to have beautiful little purple lights, which would soon cover a large area.

This poisonous spore with a strong “hypnotic hallucinogenic effect” caused a large number of non-combat casualties.

Especially in the first few days after landing on Planet Moston, many mercenaries, who tried to enter the hills at night to carry out search work, stumbled into the swamps and met their demise without resistance.

They died because they trusted too much in the filter masks.

However, the poisonous fog was not the most dangerous. The spores of the fungus were the best killers. They could be absorbed with skin contact alone.

The unlucky ones who were caught would fall into a fatal quagmire, and then be eaten by some predators lurking in the quagmire.

And these predators would go to the roots of the fungi to excrete and fertilize. This strange ecological cycle was jaw-dropping.

After learning this information, the purpose of the Star Consortium to build Armed Outpost 323 here was very obvious, which was to provide a rest and supply area for the exploring troops.

With Armed Outpost 323 as the center, at least several hundred square kilometers in radius could be included in a stable exploration area.

Fang Linyan noticed that the tasks received by the logistics personnel included but were not limited to:

Build 4 armored bunkers and 3 anti-aircraft missile towers in the camp. The materials and equipment would of course be provided by the Star Consortium.

The rest of the facilities in the camp, such as water towers, supply stations, medical rooms, etc., which did not have high requirements for defense strength, would be airdropped directly by transport spacecraft after the defense facilities were properly constructed.

These conventional buildings had long been modularly produced and could be assembled in just 1-2 hours like building blocks.

After the briefing, almost an hour had passed. Jason said,

“Now, everyone stands up, grabs your backpacks, follows me!”

“Boys, I’m very sorry that you don’t have time for sightseeing here in New Watchfort. We have to go to Area 323 to start working immediately, otherwise the bastards above me will kick my ass hard.”

“As for me who is in a bad mood, I will definitely let you recall this unforgettable time! GOGOGO!”


Therefore, less than 2 hours after leaving the spacecraft, they were ushered to board another Rhinoceros Beetle II-Alter.

Then the spacecraft formed a formation with the other four and took off together.

No one complained. After all, those guys who were so weak due to airsickness seemed to be full of spirit again after taking the pill.

This flight was a bit boring. The only highlight was that about 15 minutes after takeoff, they encountered a Rattlesnake-Alter missile attack from below.

The pilot immediately noticed the warning on the radar and released a jamming bomb, successfully detonating the missile.

The pilot fired violently, turning the place where the attacker was below into a sea of ​​flames.

After an hour of flight time, they finally reached the target area.

As the shuttle began to slow down and circle around, everyone looked at the environment below.

The place was different from the picture shown on the 3D topographic map. It was covered with bushes and thorns. The bushes would even reach the neck position.

This was the most vexing problem.

Because of this terrain, their sight would be greatly obstructed, and predators could easily shuttle through the bushes below to ambush.

The firepower and range advantages of humans would be suppressed to the limit.

At the same time, such bushes would also cause the ground to be extremely humid. A large number of alien poisonous insects would breed here. Maybe they would not be fatal in a short time, but they would slowly torture and exhaust the people who stayed here for a long time.

After witnessing the current conditions on Highland 323, everyone burst into commotions because the situation was completely different from what was shown on the 3D map.

A burly man with a bad temper even cursed angrily,

“Damn it, I must stuff the head of that stupid donkey who drew the topographic map into the toilet bowl! This is the so-called bare red wasteland!!?”

His words undoubtedly resonated with the others. Fortunately, at this time, Jason, the leader, stood up and looked around.

He was a tall man. He put his hand on the gun at his waist and glanced around with an oppressive gloomy expression. The commotion immediately subsided.

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