The First Evolution

Chapter 5: Deceiving Each Other

Chapter 5: Deceiving Each Other

After the two men came here, they were not surprised to see this scene of corpses all over the place. The man holding the shield shrugged and said,

Oh, Salton, we seem to be late, Fang has gotten it.”

Salton, the man with the silver pistol, said faintly,

“It can’t be helped, Gar. Although it is likely to be a hidden story mission above Level B, Boss said that the main mission is the priority. Don’t the Easterners have a proverb? Only the steak wriggles in your stomach truly belongs to you.”

The two began to separate and checked the scene at this time. After Salton walked a few steps, he suddenly saw the cracked silver box and said with excitement,

Oh! We are not late yet, it seems that the key mission item has not been taken away by Fang!”

Gar also walked over immediately, bent down and looked at it. He said with glittering eyes,

“It really is the retrovirus sector injection! The difficulty to obtain this item isn’t ordinary hard; it is a Level B hidden mission’s key item! With it, we can successfully approach the president who has pancreatic cancer and get the access ticket to Area 51!”

But at this moment, in the darkness not far away, a slightly hoarse voice sounded,

Oh, gentlemen, please don’t touch my things. I just went to catch an escaped prey, but it doesn’t mean that I gave up my spoils.”

The sea under the night was constantly surging, and there was a faint fishy smell in the sea breeze. A black man appeared slowly from the darkness. His upper body was naked, and he looked very burly, but there was a crescent-shaped bloody scar on his chest.

Although the scar seemed to have healed for a long time, it could be seen that the injury was tragic at that time. He was only wearing a pair of black tight shorts on his lower body.

Moreover, this black man’s right hand was carrying a bloody head! As soon as he appeared, he was like a ferocious beast with horrifying pressure.

Seeing the black man, Gar and Salton’s expressions changed at the same time. Salton suddenly raised the silver pistol and aimed at it; Gar took a step forward and placed the toy-like shield in front of him. One offense and one defense, it looked like a perfect formation.

At this time, Salton said solemnly,

“Fang, there is no conflict of interest between us! I just got a piece of information, so I came to see it. We don’t mean to your enemy. So, why don’t we take a step back? I return the retrovirus sector injection to you, and you let us go.”

Fang laughed, showing his big white teeth,

“What a coincidence. I just wanted to say that. It seems that we really happen to have the same view. We can have a drink together if there is a chance.”

Fang Linyan, who was hiding on the second floor at this time, was undoubtedly extremely disappointed. He was eager for a battle between the two sides. It would be better if one party flees and the other party pursues it. If that was the case, wouldn’t he be able to fish in troubled waters?

As he just heard about “retrovirus sector injection”, he decisively took out his smart phone to search on Baidu. He found that this was a high-tech anti-cancer technology.

The source of this technology was the “gene therapy” that won the Nobel Prize in medicine a few years ago. The essence of cancer was actually the mutation of proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes, so by injecting mutated genes into the human body, it could stop cancer from at its root!

This was just a theoretical technology. He didn’t expect that even related injection was actually developed.

Therefore, Fang Linyan can be sure that the injection in this silver-white box was really his only hope at the moment!

But Fang Linyan didn’t expect that both sides didn’t seem to want to fight. In just a few words, the tense atmosphere was resolved! So he couldn’t help being disappointed now, but he could only wait silently now.

When hearing Fang talking about having a drink, Gar also said with a smile,

“I know there is a bar that has very good wine. Why don’t we go tomorrow night? I’ll treat.”

Fang laughed loudly,


As he spoke, he raised his fist and launched it into the air.

This punch was a kind of etiquette of black people. It seemed very common.

But at the moment Fang shook his fist, he suddenly loosened his fist, and a ping pong ball-sized object fell from his palm. It exploded before it hit the ground, emitting a dazzling glare!

Flash bomb!

Fang Linyan only felt that his eyes were stinging instantly; his vision was completely white. He instinctively raised his hands to cover his eyes. Even so, tears still continued to flow.

What’s more, the key was that while Fang made a move, Gar, who said he would “treat”, unexpectedly bent over suddenly and threw out the toy-like blue and white pentagram shield in his hand!

At the moment when the shield was released, it gave people an illusion that it was not a shield that was thrown out, but a heavy truck that rushed forward at high speed.

This small shield blasted out, bringing an enormous wind pressure like the twelfth-level storm. Even the junks, corpses, wooden boxes, and even cars were all squeezed to both sides!

But in the face of this shield that was launched at him directly, Fang grinned hideously. He actually didn’t retreat or dodge, but he lifted his hands and charged forward!

He pressed his hands forward at the edge of the blue and white pentagram shield, and from Fang’s both hands, a sizzling sound came along with smokes. The air was filled with a thick smell of burnt flesh.

It seemed that what he was holding was not a shield, but a scorching steel ingot.

Not only that, Fang also transformed rapidly. Hair began to grow all over his body; his skin became green and rough; his muscles began to swell quickly; there were even two fangs growing out from his jaw’s gum! His body was enlarged by half a size, transforming from a normal person to a two meters tall giant!

This was what Fang was proud of: [Beast Change]! It could instantly activate the beast’s blood in his body, increasing his combat power sharply!

However, even after completing [Beast Change], he still could hardly resist the huge power from that shield. It could be seen that Fang’s two thick arms only blocked the shield for less than a second, and he was directly pushed back. After that, the shield slammed into his chest!

Half of Fang’s chest collapsed immediately, and he spurted a mouthful of blood. His strong body was blown back for about six meters, and his back crashed into the front windshield of a Lincoln Navigator.

The windshield shattered immediately. The huge impact even knocked the vehicle back for more than two meters. The tires dragged out two half meters long black break marks on the concrete floor. The vehicle’s anti-theft alarm also buzzed immediately.

After this blow, the blue and white pentagram shield also rebounded, drawing an arc in the air, then returning to Gar’s hand. Gar, who got the hit, looked very unsightly now because there was a clear crack on the surface of the shield. It seemed that although this thing was powerful, the price to use it was costly.

Salton shot directly at Fang!

Obviously, his gun had been modified. Its recoil was amazing. He needed to use both hands to hold the gun. After shooting, his hands went up by a lot to remove the huge recoil. The gunfire was not loud, but the muffled sound would bring a rumbling feeling into internal organs.

After Fang was hit by a shot, his body was even pushed horizontally by half a meter on the car. He then rolled down from the car, bringing down a lot of glass shards.

The flash bomb that Fang threw out seemed to be ineffective to the two of them. There was a saying that making one step wrong, then it was hard to get back on track. Such a sloppy mistake by Fang undoubtedly cost him a huge price.

After saying so many big words, Fang was just defeated like that? Could he still make a comeback?

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