The First Evolution

Chapter 2: The Impact of that Crush

Chapter 2: The Impact of that Crush

With a lot of doubts, Fang Linyan lifted the shopping basket and put it in front of the cashier. After scanning the QR code to pay, he picked up the goods and left. When he got out from the entrance, the scanner next to the entrance was beeping.

Fang Linyan was a little at a loss. A security guard next to him had already stood by the door very skillfully, held his shoulders and said with an indifferent smile,

“Be honest, take out the things.”

The fat aunty next to him jumped up like she was getting a shot of stimulant,

Aiya haha! You little punk dares to steal things!!”

Fang Linyan only felt resentful at this time. He said with a flush,

“I didn’t… Cough cough cough.”

When he got excited, he bent down and coughed violently. The security guard thought he was playing tricks, then he would escape if there was a chance. It happened before, and it even caused his salary to be deducted for half a month. Therefore, he just impolitely pulled Fang Linyan, who had almost collapsed, inside while shouting for help.

The fat aunty trot over in excitement; even the fat on her face was trembling. When she got close, she lifted her arm, wanting to slap Fang Linyan fiercely.

But in the next second, a terrifying thing happened! !

There was a deep roar from the street. This sound was familiar to everyone. It was the hoarse sound of heavy truck engines passing by here frequently. However, amidst the engine noises, there was still a sharp honk.

Immediately afterward, a full load heavy truck that was at least 70 tons was completely out of control. It rushed in with a gust of cold wind and slammed into the supermarket at a speed of over 80 kilometers.

This heavy truck rushed by less than one meter from Fang Linyan at an astonishing high speed. The pillars at the entrance of the supermarket shattered in an instant; the metal frame was softened and deformed like plasticine.

After this uncontrollable heavy truck plowed a road mixed with human flesh, concrete, and metal at the entrance of the supermarket, it drove another 20 meters. Finally, it hit the five floors building behind the supermarket.

The exterior wall of this building was made of red bricks, even the wall was not painted. Its age was probably much older than Linyan. How could it withstand such a devastation? After shaking twice, it collapsed and buried halfway through the front of the truck. A large cloud of smoke emerged…

Everyone who witnessed this tragic scene was so shocked that they couldn’t react to it for the first dozen seconds. In the end, they were woken by the painful cry of the injured ones, and they hurriedly went to help.

At this time, who would bother about the small matter like the alarm was triggered? Fang Linyan of course helped out too. He was so busy that he was sweating profusely. Later, others saw him coughing so badly that even blood came out, only then they persuaded him to rest by the side.

After Fang Linyan returned home, he was tossing on the bed, but he couldn’t fall asleep no matter how. Because the previous two facts gave him too much of a shock. The toilet incident was extremely weird; the following car accident that was close at hand even brought fear to him!

The shock of facing the crazy rushing slag truck and the cruelty and helplessness of life being destroyed in an instant made Fang Linyan deeply felt the impermanence of life and the disillusionment! The details kept playing back in his mind.

Suddenly, Fang Linyan thought of something terrifying. He immediately had a chill down his spine as if he had fallen into an ice cellar! Because he calculated carefully, if he paid and left normally at that time, and there was no alarm incident by the supermarket machine, then the heavy truck that was out of control would definitely hit him head-on!!!

He took a few deep breaths, calmed his mind, and his thoughts immediately focused on this key point.

Why did the supermarket’s alarm suddenly trigger?

There was a chance of machine false alarms, but the possibility was very small, so it was directly ruled out by Fang Linyan.

Then… the biggest possibility is that I really have unscanned products on me!!

And to verify this is very simple, that is check it right away.

First of all, Fang Linyan poured out the products in the supermarket shopping bag, and he started checking. It took only a dozen seconds for him to make sure that there was no omission.

Next, it was his body. Fang Linyan habitually inserted his hand into the right trouser pocket first, then he immediately showed a dazed expression. Yes, he actually touched something hard inside, and it was still a square object.

After Fang Linyan took it out, he realized that it was a cell phone!

Yes, it was Nokia 100 bar phone that was almost obsolete. This thing was basically useless for young people, but because of its loud voice, durability, amazing battery life, and cheap, it is favored by many elderly people. Therefore, it could still be seen selling in the marketplace.

Looking at the brand new bar phone in his hand, Fang Linyan was really dumbfounded. He never thought that there would be such a new thing on his body. He remembered clearly that he had not even been close to the mobile phone store, not to mention stealing this phone.

What’s more, to be honest, Fang Linyan now even used smart phones like Huawei or Oppo. If he wanted to steal, he wouldn’t steal such an antique!

At this time, Fang Linyan suddenly found that the mobile phone he was holding in his hand was still on. He clicked in with a curious coincidence, and he realized that there were three unread text messages in it. The sender of the text messages displayed as “unknown”. After he opened the text message, his pupils shrank abruptly because he realized that what he saw next was actually extremely strange!!

“You were originally destined to not be able to read this text message. You should know exactly what I’m talking about. Yes, your normal destiny path should end at 9:47:32 tonight. The cause of death was a car accident that even your corpse could hardly be found.”

This kind of antique phone could only allow a limited number of characters in a text message, so the content was cut off here. He had to go to the next message to read the following content, but Fang Linyan didn’t rush to read the next message. He felt his heart palpitating quickly; his outlook on life was greatly impacted because he knew very well that every word in this text message was true!

At this time, Fang Linyan felt his vision became blurred, knowing that his weak body was simply unbearable due to the violent shocks in his mood; he might pass out in a coma in the next second. So he took a few deep breaths, quickly grabbed a handful of glucose powder and stuffed it directly into his mouth. After that, he closed his eyes and forced his mind to blank out without thinking about anything. As such, he finally recovered gradually.

It took more than ten minutes for Fang Linyan to get over it. After he calmed down, he opened the second text message again.

“I know you must have a lot of questions in your mind now, but it’s not time to tell you the answer. It doesn’t feel good to know that you have advanced cancer and you can only wait silently for your own death right? Have you ever thought about changing this damn fate?”

After seeing this questions, Fang Linyan suddenly clenched his fist! His whole body trembled violently.

Yes, after knowing the bad news, what he thought most was to contend with the damn fate! But after inquiring a lot of information, he discovered that the so-called cancer-fighting could really only be described by the words “submit to fate”. That kind of helplessness and powerlessness were the most desperate to him.

In fact, if there really was a throat of fate, Fang Linyan would definitely pounce on it frantically. He would clutch it hard; if he couldn’t, he would bite it; if it still didn’t work, he would bump with his head! As long as he still had his last breath, he would never give up!!!

“Of course… I want!” Fang Linyan couldn’t help but squeeze out these four words from his teeth.

He couldn’t wait to open the third text message. At this moment, he was like a drowning man who would pounce on the straw that he could reach! Because even the worst result couldn’t be worse than it was now, not to mention that this mysterious text message had shown something that was clearly beyond the known science.

Compared with the first two messages, the third text message was extremely simple. It was with only one sentence and a few words.

At 12:17 am on the 13th, Huichuan No.5 Pier, a silver box, cannot arrive early or late.

Looking at these words, Fang Linyan’s face began to become dignified. This was not the hint he wanted! Because there was only time and place, but not the situation that he was going to face. If he stepped into it rashly, the unknown risk in this was really too great. However, in front of such a weird multiple-choice question, he had no choice at all. If he doesn’t go, what was waiting for him was death!!

It was not Fang Linyan’s style to act rashly; plan before action was his style.

Therefore, Fang Linyan immediately turned on his mobile phone to check relevant maps and information. He soon discovered that Huichuan No.5 Pier had been abandoned for several years. It was about 50 to 60 kilometers away from the city. It was very remote. Even the nearest highway was almost two kilometers, and the connection between the pier and the highway was a dirt road.

After thinking for a while, he went directly to an internet cafe because only a computer could display satellite pictures and street views. However, when Fang Linyan wanted to retrieve the pictures for reference, he encountered error 404. He sighed regretfully. He decided to go for a distant field survey tomorrow.

Fortunately, there were almost two days of buffer time before 12:17 am on the 13th. Fang Linyan had plenty of time to investigate all this.

What surprise awaited him at the pier? Could he choke fate this time?

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