The First Dude: Dark Emperor, Come To Fight!

Chapter 3961: The effect is too fast to be terrifying.

Chapter 3961: The effect is too fast to be terrifying.

Helian Xiao entered the tub, sat in a fixed position, and leaned casually by the tub.

He didn't hold any hope, so he was relatively calm from the beginning, closing his eyes and resting.

The medicine penetrated into his skin little by little, and gradually he felt his body become hot and soft, and even the meridians felt itchy and numb.

He frowned slightly, which is very similar to the effect of other alchemists' medicines. He originally wanted to give up the medicine bath, but then he endured it again.

After half an hour, he opened his eyes, and there was a rare disbelief in his eyes.

He stretched out his hand and pinched his calf, and the leg that had been unconscious even felt a slight pain.

His pupils shrank, and he increased the strength of the pinch, and the pain also increased slightly.

This was the first time he had felt pain since his poisoned foot was disabled, with an indescribable shock.

Luo Yan had always emphasized that after soaking in the medicated bath, the effect would appear. He didn't believe it would be so fast, but the fact slapped him in the face.

But he didn't mind at all, instead he felt ecstatic.

Taking a deep breath, this time his mentality changed completely.

An hour passed quickly, and although Helian Xiao was still unable to lift his feet, even if he didn't need to pinch, he could clearly feel the sensation from his legs.

His voice was filled with rare excitement and hoarseness, "Go to the next door and invite Master Luo!"

The man in black who had been guarding the room respectfully saluted, "Yes!"

Next door, He Lianqi looked at the time, "It's an hour, and I don't know what the situation is? Will the effect really come so quickly?"

In his heart, he felt that Luo Yan had hope to treat the uncle, but he felt that the effect would be achieved in an hour, which was a little too suspenseful.

Luo Yan calmly said, "Of course, I never lie!"

"If this is the case, Uncle Huang will definitely invite people to come and invite us over." Helian Qi was also very curious in his heart, whether it would work or not.

Just after saying this, the man in black walked in, "Luo Shao, our master has a request!"

Helianqi was still surprised, the effect was so fast?

"Okay!" Luo Yan stood up, gave Helianqi a reassuring look, and took the lead in walking towards the next room.

Helian Qi also hurriedly followed.

When he got to the next door, Helian Xiao had come out of the tub and changed his clothes.

"Luo Shao, I already feel my legs, and I can feel the effect of what you said, please help me see it again!" This time he spoke to Luo Yan in a more sincere tone.

Luo Yan nodded and walked over, put his hand on his body and probed, "The effect of the medicine is good. Now I'm going to massage and comb the meridians for you. After finishing, you will feel more obvious."

"Okay, then please!" The smile on Helian Xiao's face deepened, "Am I just sitting here? Or do I need to lie down?"

"Just sit here!"

Luo Yan squatted down, stretched out his hand and kneaded Helian Xiao's calf constantly, the awakened Gu King infiltrated his own energy little by little from the opponent's meridian points.

As Luo Yan's movements increased, Helian Xiao felt great pain, but his eyes were full of brilliance.

It's a good thing to have pain in your legs, which means it really works.

After massaging both calves, the Gu King's energy also penetrated into the opponent's legs, and then he absorbed Gu poison little by little.

Soon, Helian Xiao discovered that his calf was expelling a lot of black threads, and it carried a stench.

The brilliance in his eyes was even stronger. Helianqi, who was sitting not far away and staring, also showed a look of shock. The effect of Luo Yan's medical treatment was too fast to be frightening...


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