The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 35 The Broadcast Has Started, Why Are You Still Blanking Out?

Chapter 35 The Broadcast Has Started, Why Are You Still Blanking Out?

As noon crept closer, everyone grew more and more excited/anxious.

Xiaomin, you try and see if you can get Deity Ye to reveal his broadcast topic today, Liu Ping urged, his hands never stop tap-tapping away at his computer.

The rest of them stared hopefully at Tang Xiaomin.

Tang Xiaomin was dumbfounded, I know, Ive already spoken to Ye Fei. His answer is still the same as yesterday. He said he didnt know what todays topic will be.

The entire room of people drooped even more. This again, why is it this again?

Deity Ye, cant you just give us a little hint? Dont you know that other sections have already sent their Silver Star horses out onto the racetrack, ah? This is no joke, you know? All of them are backed by powerful fanbases, at least 10,000 strong each. You still say that you dont know what youre broadcasting today, how are you going to fight against them, ah? At the Fine Food Section, all Millennials and Baby Boomers have united and placed all our hopes on you, ah. Otherwise, well be stuck in a really awkward situation, you know?

Feng Tianlai too was very anxious. He could barely lift his feet off the ground when walking, so depressed was he.

Weve done all we could, lets not crowd against each other and go back to your positions. Ye Feis broadcast is about to begin. Tang Xiaomin, youre in charge of Ye Feis statistics, make sure to log his viewer count. Liu Ping, youre in charge of logging all the rewards and Pockmark (Pockmark works the day shift), you keep an eye on that Drama Kings movements

After the arrangements were set up, Feng Tianlai finally collapsed in his seat, hands on his forehead as he fervently prayed.

Even as Fine Food Section made what preparations they could, Drama King had already begun his broadcast.

F*ck, surely this is wild even for Drama King, right? Look, the number of viewers has already reached 30,000.

How can this be? Hed just started, what the hells going on?

Looks like having the QQ Platform personally announce you as the first act really pulls the crowd, ah. Im sure lots came just from the announcement.

30,000 viewers, ah. If the numbers keep increasing, do you think Drama King will experience a breakthrough?

Its possible, ah. Someone like him should have no problem breaking through.

You guys are overthinking it. A Silver Star Level 2 has 20,000 more fans than a Level 1. No matter what, thats still quite a gap to overcome. 

On the other hand, quite a lot of the viewers here are none Storytelling Section specific, so he should have a chance.

Heavens! Someone just bought a luxury plane, and so early in the game, ah.

The f*ck, who is it? 10 motorbikes just passed by the screen, thats a total of HX10,000, ah. Thats equivalent to a whole cruise ship, you know?

Drama Kings has a good rhythm going on, ah.

Other sections will have trouble keeping up now.

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Backstage at the Fine Food Section.

As the person in charge of monitoring Drama Kings movements, Pockmark was on the verge of crying. Surely this guy is just too excessive, right? This guys broadcast had barely started, but had already garnered so much attention.

Supervisor, the opponent is too fierce. If I watch anymore Ill start cursing. They really have no intention of giving us a way out, ah.

Whats the situation now?

I dont have the specific numbers for the rewards, its impossible to count small items like flowers and claps, but the Drama King had just received 5 luxury planes and no less than 30 motorcycles. Thats a total of 50 or 60 thousand.

En, alright, continue to monitor.



Feng Tianlai looked perfectly calm now. In fact, the more anxious the people around him became, the calmer he looked. Actually, he had already resolved himself to depend on one unshakeable fact. No matter how many experts they brought in, Fine Food Section would not take last place.

Whatever, it is all fine so long as we dont take last place.

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At the main office.

The happiest people within the company were the statisticians for Storytelling Section.

Haha, the number of viewers collected by the Drama King has just reached 350,000.

The f*ck, so much? When I glanced at the screen just now it was 300,000, ah. Its already reached 350,000 in just a couple of blinks? Has someone set a rocket under these numbers?

Reporting on rewards collected by the Drama King. The total is now at HX86,530.

Enough already, cant you give us a way out? It has only been how many minutes and hes already collected over 80k?

Were finished, we can only settle for number 2 now.

Are you joking? Though our Song & Dance Section have no Silver Star Deity today, we still have other powerful broadcasters on our side. Dont bother trying to aim for number 2.

Hei, hei, Im just saying.

Drama Kings rewards have gone past HX110,000, the number of viewers is now over 360,000.

What the this is crazy, crazy, ah! Drama King is on a roll, ah. Do you think hell break through to Silver Star Rank 2 soon?

Its possible. He has built up a great momentum.

Celebrate Peace w/ Song & Dance is even more intense compared to yesterday, ah. There are already 50,000 viewers already. If hes able to maintain this pace, hell probably break into the Bronze Star level.

Thats right, moreover, his reward already reached HX60,000.

By the way, did someone inject chicken blood into our Outdoor Sports Sections Mister Beckham? Hes picked a really good shooting location, and his reward points already hit past HX50,000.

Our Fitness Sections Little India has gone all out today. Her yoga skills are just too incredible, look at her, this are her arms made of noodles? Just how did she manage to do that? F*ck, a plane? Someone just bought a plane!

Hey, are you done? Cant you be more sensitive to other peoples feelings?

What are you talking about?

While youre busy being happy, you should also keep in mind the feelings of the people from the Fine Food Section. Dont you know that aside from them, the rest of us have godly broadcasters representing us?

Pu~~ the Fine Foodies? Dont they have a deity on their side? That Ye Fei guy, hey. Wheres Ye Fei?

Ye Fei? No news from him, hasnt started broadcasting either.

Hey, hey, lets make a bet. Everyone, guys from the north, girls from the south, all the singers and dancers and players here, everyone take a guess. How many spectators will Great Deity Ye have in his broadcast?

Haha, Ma Tao you tease. Be serious and dont hurt your comrades feelings.

The Fine Food Section had been monitoring the in-house forum as well, and knew these people were making fun of them. It really pissed them off, but it was not like they could say anything in rebuke.

In the end, what they all said was true. All these major and minor sections have all sent out powerful representatives to fight for them. Even the second last place Fitness Section had dredged up their Silver Star Rank 1 Little India to bully them.

These bunch of bastards, have they not a single decent cell between them? Just because we lacked talented individuals doesnt mean they should bully us like this, ah.

Our most powerful broadcaster now is Little Greedy Cat. Though shes a girl, her strength is not low. Shes managed to collect up to HX80,000, almost HX90,000 now.

Great, Drama King surpassed that amount in just 10 minutes, ah.

Everyone in the room sighed. Suddenly, Liu Ping shouted, Look! Ye Feis broadcast has just started.

They all gathered to stare.

At the moment, the camera showed Ye Fei sitting on his sofa, staring blankly at them through the monitor.

Everyone was stunned.

Erm Deity Ye doesnt look too good, ah.

What happened? Aiya, Deity Ye, please dont scare us, ah. We have a desperate battle to win, ah.

Halloo? Deity Ye? Please wake up, its time to broadcast.

Finished. Were all finished. Were going to finish last today, ah. Deity Yes situation is

Just what is going on? What should we do? Someone, please tell me?

The people in the office were on the verge of collapsing. All hopes had been pinned on Ye Fei, but now at the most important moment, he was just sitting there like an idiot.

Just as they were about to explode from despair, Ye Fei suddenly blinked. Then, he slowly stood up and stretched. The camera panned to follow him as he made his way to the kitchen

[Gumihou: Deity Ye, what are you going to make today? Im excited, but yet dreading the flowery descriptions and fantasy ingredients I have to translate]


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