The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 106 I Can Do Everything

Chapter 106 I Can Do Everything


Edited by Gumihou

As the bowl of mixed sauce enter the wok, a chilaa~ sound resounded around the room. A burst of aroma that was more concentrated than before came rushing out of the wok.

Ye Fei could not help but swallow reflexively, thinking: Its really f*cking fragrant ah, this dish simply does not need other seasonings. Its good enough to eat just like that. If I serve it now, its already a top-grade dish.

But Ye Fei was not one to do things halfway, he still had a few more steps left to do.

The fire was still very strong, light blue tongues of flame licking the bottom of the wok, emitting slight bursts of sound.

 After the sauce was added, the tender white chicken quickly absorbed the colour, turning light yellow.

Ye Fei stir-fried again for a while until the sauce had reduced and looked a little sticky [2], he poured the diced cucumber and half of the remaining onions into it, stir-frying the mixture a few more times and turning off the fire straight away.

Turning the fire off at that time did not mean that the dish was complete because there was still a very important ingredient that had not been added yet, and that was the fried peanuts.

The fried peanuts Ye Fei used was not the same one used the last time. This time, the peanuts used were not bee-waisted thin-skinned peanuts that were made into top-grade oil, but large peanuts. The peanuts were full and large, and after being fried, crispy and delicious.

Turning off the heat, Ye Fei simply poured the fried peanuts into the wok and stirred the food around a few times to allow the sauce to stick to the peanuts before pouring it into a plate.

Then, with a smile, he showed off the plate, saying, The Kung Pao Chicken is done.

Nobody in the channel spoke. They were busy looking at the plate of Kung Pao Chicken with wide eyes.

With tender yellow chicken and glistening sauce, they felt as though the entire plate of diced chicken was sparkling with vitality.

Within the tantalizingly tender and bright yellow chicken cubes, the green and white of the diced cucumber and bright red peanuts complemented each other, highlighted by the brilliant white of the onion wedges. Anyone who viewed this dish would be hit by the strong visual impact of this tempting-looking dish.

Moreover, for those who love spicy food, the scattering of dried chilli peppers would easily win full marks in terms of appearance.

Gulp, this dish. this m*therf*cker is the real Kung Pao Chicken ah.

Good-looking, too good-looking, those tender, yellow, tempting chicken diced pieces, this daddy really wants to pinch a piece off ah ah ah.

The sauce is also good-looking, I want to lick the sauce again.

Drool, my drool, your mom, ah, its been three boxes of paper towels already, I am also drunk, I havent even taken a bite yet, but it has made me use more paper napkins than a months worth of meals!

Who is not the same? Need to go out to buy napkins later.

Haha, compared to you guys, I feel like Im much happier, Im the one selling napkins, who wants, who wants?

Yi~~~ here comes another advertiser.

How to fix him?

Hey, hey, everyone, Im being nice, dont be impulsive, for the sake of Kung Pao Chicken, we must show restraint, restraint, ah, brothers.

The live broadcast channel was in chaos, the crowd gulping the liquid pooling in their mouths while they constantly swiped rewards for Ye Fei.

Ye Fei put the Kung Pao Chicken and the plate of Mapo Tofu together.

One plate was filled with tender white tofu cubes in brilliant red sauce, while the other was a plate of diced yellow chicken highlighted with bright green cucumbers. The two dishes contrasted each other, a sauced and a dry dish, highlighting their attractive colours.

No, no, this daddy really cant take it anymore, Deity Ye, this second draw should be soon, right?

Hurry up, hurry up, aiyo, hurry up and draw me, if tomorrow I still cannot eat Deity Yes dishes, it feels like life has lost its meaning, life has lost its direction, the future has become blurry, the future has become despondent.

Yi~~ upstairs, wet person? [1]

Wrong, this daddy has a job!

Right at that moment, Tasting Everything Under Heavens voice appeared in the live room, I say, everyone, dont just care about eating, eating and eating, it is really not easy for Deity Ye to do a live broadcast for us, ah. Also, no matter the ingredients used or the food made, any one of them is totally impeccable. We can not let him work for nothing ah, get on with the gifts, ah!

Actually, his call wasnt needed because the gifts in the live room had not stopped flowing at all. It was only that this guy just wanted to distract himself by talking, otherwise, he would have to face his microphone and gulp his drool again.

Todays two dishes, although they are usually considered common home-cooked dishes, I feel that these two have the highest attraction value. Deity Yes skills are clearly the real thing. Two spaceships, an inadequate tribute. I Am a Foodie elegantly threw out two big ones, sending a wave of shock through the live channel.

Tasting Everything Under Heaven also followed up with two spaceships, I really do not know how to describe my inner shock and excitement. I now have an idea, I want to eat, eat eat eat, eat all of Deity Yes cooking! These two spaceships are preludes, if I can be chosen in the lottery, this daddy will directly send off ten ships!

F*ck, crazy, Heaven Bro has gone crazy!

You are crazy, if I can be drawn, I will also send out ten spaceships. Your mom, the important thing is this opportunity cant be bought even with money, ah, Im really so depressed I could spit blood.

Yao Xiaoming, let me have that slot of yours and give me your account number. I will send you 200,000 right away.

At that time, Peerless Young Chick jumped out, All of you, scram! My family doesnt lack this two hundred thousand yuan. Son, if you dare to sell that slot, when you come back, I will break your legs.

Yao Xiaoming, Mom, two hundred thousand is not little.

You b*stard, you didnt read what I said, did you? What is two hundred thousand? Not even as much as the gambling money that this mommy slaps down in one round. You stay right there, if you dare to sell that slot, dont come home.

I Im not selling, mom, I also want to eat Deity Yes dishes ah.

After Ive eaten it and come back, Ill tell you what it tastes like.

Yao Xiaoming cried out madly, Then I want to eat even more, ahhhhhh!

By then, Yao Construction spoke up, Dont just focus on scolding your son, this opportunity is also hard to come by. Deity Yes dishes are done, cant you donate some gambling money ah?

Peerless Young Chick, Right right right, this mommy is happy and forgot about this sapling.

After saying that, Peerless Young Chick could be seen snapping, fiercely clicking on the spaceship in the prop bar.

Ten spaceships directly went airborne in the live channel, and the live channel was so shocked it almost collapsed.

Yao Construction looked from the other end, the corners of his mouth twitching as he muttered, Your sis, you prodigal b*tch ah, these motherf*cking spaceships have been sent out like lollipops!

After fiercely launching 10 spaceships, Peerless Young Chick snapped at the person who wanted to buy Yao Xiaomings slot for 200,000, Still buying?

That viewer directly sent a bitter face, Big sister, I surrender.

What the hell, was this still considered buying ah? 300,000 in rewards come out with a wave of the hand, and they still want to use 200,000 to buy someones slot? Unless of course, the other persons head had been knocked silly.

However chaotic the live broadcast channel was, QQ Platforms backstage was even more chaotic.

This, this Your mom, ah, Ye Feis spaceship all came out like this?

Aiyo, my heart and liver ah, fourteen spaceships in a blink of an eye, ah, this is m*therf*cking more than 400,000 already!

Oh my God, I cant stand it, I cant stand it! Absolutely must have quick-acting heart pills ready when watching the live broadcast of this fellow, this play is way too exciting!

Sister ah, this daddy is also sweating, the behaviour of his fans is also too scary, holding money as if it is not money, are you serious, ah?

Isnt it just two plates of food? Whoever gives me five hundred yuan, I will make twenty plates for him.

Little Qing, didnt you say that the dishes you make are disgusting to look at, even for yourself?

But its cheap.

F*ck, even if they are cheap, they must still be edible to be okay, ah, I really cant with you.

Ahhhhhhh, I am just staring at Ye Feis spaceships with red eyes ah! These props are ones that did not appear for many years, ah, but it turns out that this guy got thirty to forty ships in these two days!

Thirty or forty ships? At a glance, it should be more than that.

Right after that line was said, a situation happened in the live channel.

Heavenly Food Tyrant suddenly sent out a killing blow!

This fellow had not shown up since the beginning of the live broadcast, appearing from who knows where almost at the end.

As soon as he entered the live channel, Heavenly Food Tyrants eyes opened so wide they went round.

Looking at the two dishes on the table, fiercely gulping down his drool, a message was sent, Did I miss a few hundred million?

Tasting Everything Under Heaven laughed, Heavenly Tyrant Bro, Im not sure if you missed a few hundred million, but I know that you missed an absolutely wonderful live broadcast.

These two dishes . Mapo Tofu? Kung Pao Chicken? Aiyo f*ck me, this is also too m*therf*cking top-grade! This wont do, I must make a display.

After saying that, Heavenly Food Tyrant turned towards the spaceships and unleashed a crazy wave of clicks!

1 spaceship.

2 spaceships.

3 spaceships.


15 ships!

A madman should have the appearance of a madman, A madman should have the bottom line of a madman, and a madman should have the handwriting of a madman!

Heavenly Food Tyrant usually doesnt give a reward, but when he does, he would definitely stun a group of people blind!

This fellow madly clicked on fifteen spaceships in a breath, and the entire live broadcast channel was blown up.

I go f*ck his sister, this is no way to play this.

Heavenly Tyrant Bro Are you recruiting followers? I am fat and strong, have practised sparring, and have been to Wudang, Shaolin, 300,000 a month and I will be your bodyguard.

F*ck, upstairs, are you a layman or a Taoist or a monk? How come youre a sparring fighter, a Wudang, and a Shaolin?

I can do everything.


[Gumihou: I dont like the sudden wave of wrong facts. If this continues for too long, well You know Gumi is never shy about abandoning something]

Pill Bug TL Notes:

[1] A Chinese internet term, refers to ordinary people who write poems but dare not be called poets, and laugh at themselves as wet people. Sometimes it is the self-mockery of frustrated literati.

[2] You can easily tell if the person writing about cooking has actual practical knowledge. All the weird wrong facts aside, Gumi knows this fellow has never made Kung Pao Chicken or even use a wok before because they imagine after putting the sauce in, it would become sticky after a few stirs. This is not true. After stir-frying, you MUST add starch water. Kung Pao Chicken is a dry dish, so the flavour comes from the marinade. While the sauce is not quite as the highlight as in sauced dishes like Mapo Tofu, starch water is important to keep the food moist.

Heres a recipe from Chef Wang Gang /watch?v=wEkVkT6IU9M

He didnt use starch water because he cold boiled the chicken pieces in hot oil, keeping the chicken soft. Also, he used chicken thighs (with skin), which has natural oil to keep it smooth. Ye Fei uses chicken breast and did not cook the chicken separately, so starch water is important

A Kung Pao Chicken that uses eggwhite /watch?v=yqwE6zO-hUA


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