The Female Taoist Priestess’s Childhood Sweetheart Is a Male CEO

Chapter 9: I will give you a home

Chapter 9

"Lin Meimei, Chairman He doesn't even have a younger sister, you know that, right? She's obviously just a country bumpkin from some village. Why are you paying any attention to her?" Chen Xueyan said to Lin Meimei.

Lin Meimei didn't reply to her, and Chen Xueyan didn't continue either. She just went back to her seat and got busy with something else.

But even though she had lowered her voice, Jian Xi was standing close by and could still hear very clearly.

Lin Meimei gave her an apologetic smile.

Jian Xi steadied her breathing and looked towards Lin Meimei and asked, "Excuse me, if I want to make an appointment to see He Qingchen, who do I need to contact?"

Lin Meimei pressed her lips together, lowered her head and wrote a string of numbers down in her notebook. She tore the page out and handed it to Jian Xi, "This is the number for the President's Office. You can call them to make an appointment. If Chairman He agrees to see you, then the appointment is successful. If not, then you still won't be able to meet with him."

Jian Xi took the slip of paper Lin Meimei handed her and smiled at her, "Thank you! I'll call right away to try and make an appointment." She leaned in a little closer to Lin Meimei and said in a low voice, "Sister, when you get off work later, don't take a taxi, take the subway instead. You'll get a nice surprise!"

Lin Meimei didn't really understand but she didn't say anything impolite either. "Thanks, I'll remember. You should hurry up and call the President's Office. It looks like you're in a rush. They'll be getting off work soon!"

"Okay, I'll call right now." Jian Xi dragged her little purse towards herself and took out her phone from inside, preparing to call the President's Office.

But before she could even take out her phone, the sounds around her suddenly quieted. Sounds of "Good Morning, Chairman!" rang out behind Jian Xi. Even Chen Xueyan, who didn't pay attention to people, hurriedly took out a mirror to check her appearance and then stood up with a charming smile on her face.

Jian Xi turned around to see many people walking out from the inside, with the lead being none other than her brother, He Qingchen!

He Qingchen was talking to the people behind him and didn't look towards the front desk area. And Jian Xi was also afraid of disturbing him while he was busy, so she didn't rashly go up to him either.

Jian Xi was blocking Chen Xueyan's line of sight. Feeling irritated, and seeing that He Qingchen was about to reach the door and she would soon lose sight of him, Chen Xueyan called out to the security guard, "Security! Please escort this woman out. Letting just anyone wander into the He Corporation building, I don't know what you all usually do!"

The security guard didn't dare offend Chen Xueyan either, she was the niece of HR Director Chen after all. So he quickly went up to ask Jian Xi to leave.

Seeing the security guards' awkwardness, Jian Xi said, "It's fine, I'll go out myself, no need to trouble yourselves."

She had just finished speaking when He Qingchen, who was about to step out the door, stopped in his tracks.

The people behind him nearly couldn't stop themselves in time, especially his assistant Xu Yan who was closest to him. He almost crashed right into He Qingchen.

Everyone was puzzled as to why He Qingchen had suddenly stopped. They quickly turned to look in the direction he was staring. It seemed some people were surrounded by security over there. Things like this happened from time to time so it was pretty normal. They didn't usually see the Chairman paying attention to such things, so why did he turn back today?

Soon, the security guards moved aside to reveal a beautiful young woman. Ah, it's just another woman who came for the Chairman!

When Jian Xi said she would leave by herself, the security guards had stepped aside. She was preparing to wait outside for her brother to finish up, then look for him again.

But the moment the security guards moved aside, her gaze met He Qingchen's, who had turned back to look in this direction.

She instinctively called out, "Brother!"

An odd silence descended on the surroundings as everyone's expressions turned strange.

Seeing He Qingchen, Jian Xi didn't know why but her eyes started stinging. The corners reddened as tears welled up and she called out pitifully again, "Brother, I came looking for you."

He Qingchen's brows furrowed.

Seeing his reaction, everyone silently worried for Jian Xi. This young lady probably annoyed the Chairman.

Because as far as they knew, Chairman He never let anyone call him brother. Even his cousin He Jiaxu had to address him as Cousin Brother He.

This young lady probably didn't know about the Chairman's taboo!

Oh no, the Chairman is definitely going to blow his top!

"Xi Xi, come here!" He Qingchen said gently.

His frown was because when he saw Jian Xi's pitiful appearance, he wondered what had happened. She had actually come down the mountain. He had originally planned to settle everything before going back to the Guan estate to look for her. But now she had appeared right in front of him herself. With her luck, coming here must have been an ordeal!

Hearing He Qingchen call that cherished 'Xi Xi' after so long instantly broke Jian Xi's restraint. She rushed right over and threw herself into He Qingchen's arms, tears flowing uncontrollably. "Brother, Master passed away. I don't have a home anymore, wuwuwu..."

He Qingchen was stunned for a moment before putting an arm around her and raising his other hand to gently stroke her head. His voice was gentle, "Xi Xi, be good. Your brother is here. From now on, I'll give you a home, okay?"

In He Qingchen's arms, Jian Xi nodded and choked out in a muffled voice, "Thank you, brother!"

After sniffing, she extracted herself from He Qingchen's embrace. There were still many people around. She couldn't embarrass her brother further, even though she already had quite a bit!

But when she moved back from her brother's arms, the people around them had disappeared. The only ones left in the great hall were the two of them. Even the front desk staff Chen Xueyan and Lin Meimei, who weren't allowed to leave their stations, were gone!

What was going on?

"I asked them to leave first. Are you hungry? Brother will take you out for a meal." He Qingchen removed the bundle from Jian Xi's shoulders and grabbed her hand to lead her out of the He Corporation building.

Outside, Xu Yan had already driven the car over early on. To be honest, he still hadn't recovered from the shock.

In over four years as He Qingchen's assistant, this was the first time he had seen He Qingchen voluntarily speak to a woman. The events from earlier had left him completely dumbfounded!

So, seeing the opportunity, he had efficiently signaled for everyone to hurry and leave the lobby. He had also seen off the investors who had come today to discuss partnerships, postponing the lunch appointment to an undetermined later time. He would ask He Qingchen again before setting a time.

When He Qingchen led Jian Xi out, holding her bundle, Xu Yan quickly went up to take it from him. "Chairman He, allow me."

"No need, I'll carry it myself." He Qingchen said lightly.

Xu Yan was stunned for a moment but quickly reacted to go open the rear door of the car instead.

After He Qingchen and Jian Xi got in, he also entered the vehicle. Since the driver was on break today, he would drive them himself.


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