The Female Taoist Priestess’s Childhood Sweetheart Is a Male CEO

Chapter 21: She’s Got to Get Hoi Shing Hee

Chapter 21

Huo Chengxi was stunned for a good while before he managed to find his voice again, his eyes brimming red as he asked, "When did this happen?"

Jian Xi didn't dare to look at Huo Chengxi, afraid that if she saw his expression, she would lose control of her own emotions. She said, "A week after you guys left."

The air was quiet for a few seconds before Huo Chengxi seemed to have a sudden realization. "No wonder. So the old man already knew that he would..."

He couldn't finish the sentence. He stood up and knelt facing the direction of the Taoist temple, knocking his head heavily three times. With each knock he said, "Master, your disciple has been unfilial!"

Currently it was class time, so there were only a few sparse customers in the milk tea shop. Seeing Huo Chengxi's actions, they were all curiously craning their necks to look over.

After knocking his head, Huo Chengxi stood up again and sat back down, completely ignoring the eyes of the others.

Jian Xi was the same, she took out some wet wipes and handed them to Huo Chengxi for him to wipe the dust off his forehead, revealing the purplish bruises underneath, showing just how heavily he had knocked.

"It must have been hard on you, little seven," he said. He didn't ask Jian Xi why she hadn't notified him to come back, because he knew it must have been arranged by the master. He also understood now why Jian Xi had become so much thinner compared to two months ago.

Jian Xi shook her head.

"Do eldest senior brother and the others know yet?" Huo Chengxi asked.

"They don't know yet. I'll tell them when I see them," Jian Xi said.

Huo Chengxi nodded. "Talk to senior brother about how you got through that time alone."

Obediently, Jian Xi began to tell Huo Chengxi about her days after the master's passing. When she got to the end, she apologetically said, "I'm sorry, sixth senior brother. I wasn't able to protect the Taoist temple."

Huo Chengxi frowned severely. "What are you saying? Master did that naturally for a reason. If there's any fault, it's ours for letting you fend for yourself. It won't happen again in the future."

He had originally wanted to say that from now on, sixth senior brother's home is your home. You can do whatever you want in City B. But then he thought of He Qingchen, and it seemed a bit excessive to say that, after all among them little seven was the closest to him!

After finishing the milk tea, Jian Xi suddenly received a call from the airport express delivery office that her sword and jade flute had been returned!

He Qingchen was probably busy right now, so Jian Xi didn't want to disturb him. She let Huo Chengxi take her to City B's airport.

Huo Chengxi told Jian Xi to wait for him at the milk tea shop while he went to get the car.

Jian Xi obediently sat there waiting, drinking the milk tea she hadn't finished.

At this time, two female students walked into the milk tea shop. One with short hair saw Jian Xi and nudged the long haired girl in a white dress next to her, "Hey, isn't that girl the one who was hugged by Huo Chengxi in the photo posted on the school forum? She looks even prettier in person than in the photos!"

Xiao Jingyi glanced indifferently at Jian Xi sitting to the side. A flash of disdain passed through her eyes. "You think so? I feel like she's just average."

Wang Xuanxuan spoke straightforwardly, "Just average? If she's average then there wouldn't be any beauties left in this world!"

Xiao Jingyi rolled her eyes at the girl. She took her milk tea and walked out without even waiting for her friend.

Seeing her reaction, Wang Xuanxuan suddenly realized she had misspoken. Xiao Jingyi was the campus belle of B University, and everyone knew she liked Huo Chengxi!

She didn't even take her milk tea, immediately chasing out after her. She couldn't afford to offend Xiao Jingyi, since her father still worked at the Xiao Corporation!

Just as Xiao Jingyi walked out the door, Huo Chengxi's car happened to stop in front of the milk tea shop.

She recognized every car Huo Chengxi had, so she hurriedly tidied her skirt, pushed back the hair by her ears, then walked over intending to knock on the window to greet him.

But before she could even get close, Huo Chengxi's window was already rolling down, revealing that handsome face she had liked for many years.

Huo Chengxi smiled at Jian Xi who had just walked out of the milk tea shop, "Little seven, get in the car."

"Wait, I still have one sip left. I'll finish it and throw away the cup so I don't bring it into the car," Jian Xi responded.

Huo Chengxi chuckled lowly. "Little slowpoke, I won't rush you. Drink slowly, don't choke."

Xiao Jingyi, who was watching their interaction from afar, was surrounded by a dark aura, her expression completely distorted.

Wang Xuanxuan didn't even dare to breathe loudly beside her, afraid that making any sound now would bring misfortune upon herself!

Xiao Jingyi watched as Huo Chengxi's car drove away. She suddenly thought of something and hesitated for a moment before taking out her phone to make a call. "Hello, give me the contact information for that master you mentioned last time!"

A female voice came from the other end of the phone, "Yo, Miss Xiao didn't you say you didn't need it for now? What happened to stimulate you?"

"It seems Huo Chengxi has a girlfriend now. I can't wait anymore. Since I can't get him to love me normally, I don't mind using some methods either. He must be mine!" Xiao Jingyi's face completely distorted.

The Xiao and Huo families had cooperated for many years, so they were quite familiar. She had started liking him since seeing him once at old Mr. Huo's birthday banquet three years ago. She had been pursuing him for three years, and he had rejected her for three years!

At first she thought that as long as she persisted tirelessly, she would definitely succeed. After all, a woman who chases a man isn't separated by a layer of gauze. But later she realized he had rejected all the girls who pursued him, and his reason was the same as with her - that he didn't want to date right now and would consider it after graduating university.

So she just kept waiting. But she was completely provoked today upon Jian Xi's appearance, because she had never seen Huo Chengxi be so gentle and patient with a girl before. In the past he couldn't stand to be within ten meters of any girl!

She panicked. If Huo Chengxi really had a girlfriend now, what would she do? She liked him so much, he couldn't be allowed to like someone else!

It just so happened that she had just recalled that a good friend of hers some time ago got to know some Master Luo who was very effective at doing relationships and making someone love you even if they didn't love you before!

She didn't normally believe in such things, but her friend had also liked a boy for a long time who already had a girlfriend. The two were very loving. So as a joke her friend did one of the rituals, unexpectedly it was very effective. Within two days the boy broke up with his girlfriend and started actively pursuing her friend instead!

After they got together, her friend knew that she had liked Huo Chengxi for many years already, so had also recommended this Master Luo to her. But she had always hesitated on whether to do it or not, since that stuff needed your own blood, the target's hair and birth details. It was quite creepy!

Mainly because no girl had ever gotten close to Huo Chengxi, so she had politely declined her friend, saying she wasn't in a hurry and could keep waiting.

But she didn't expect a girl to now appear by Huo Chengxi's side today, and their relationship seemed very familiar. Most importantly, his actions toward this girl were full of indulgence and care!

So she didn't care anymore whether it was creepy or not. She had to obtain Huo Chengxi!


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