The Fears Of A Billionaire

Chapter 131: Into the Light

Chapter 131: Chapter 131: Into the Light

The elevator shuddered to a halt, the doors parting to reveal the surface a sprawling, desolate landscape under a blood-red sunset. The air was thick with tension, but it was the first breath of freedom they'd had since entering Adrienne's lair. A derelict structure stood nearby, their only cover in this barren expanse. The team rushed toward it, their steps quick but weary.

"We can't stop," Alyssa urged. "She'll send more after us."

Evelyn scanned the horizon. "I'm picking up heat signatures. We've got a window, but not long. We need extraction now."

Marcus pulled out his comms device, attempting to patch through to their contacts. "Come on, come on," he muttered, frustration growing with each second of silence.

Suddenly, Eleanor's voice cut through the tension. "I've got something. A nearby landing zone. If we can get there in the next fifteen minutes, we might have a shot."

Alyssa didn't hesitate. "Let's move. We'll figure out the rest once we're in the air."

Back in the command center, Adrienne stood unfazed, watching as her prey slipped from her grasp. She tapped a few commands into the console, her lips curving into a small, satisfied smile. "You really think you're winning, don't you?"

One of her guards, recovering from the chaos, approached cautiously. "They've escaped, ma'am. Shall we pursue?"

Adrienne waved her hand dismissively. "Let them go. They've seen what I wanted them to see. Everything is proceeding as planned."

The guard hesitated, clearly uncertain. "But... won't they try to stop the Collapse?"

Adrienne's smile deepened. "Of course they will. That's the beauty of it. They'll rush to put out fires, unaware that the inferno is already upon them. By the time they realize it, it'll be far too late."

She glanced at the large, dormant screen behind her. The images of destruction were real, but they only scratched the surface of her grand design. "Send word to the others. Initiate Phase Two."

The team sprinted through the ruins, the distant sound of engines roaring in the air behind them. Alyssa's lungs burned, but she pushed herself forward. "How much further, Eleanor?"

"Just over that ridge!" Eleanor called back, keeping pace despite the weight of her gear. "But we're cutting it close!"

They crested the ridge, the landing zone just visible in the clearing ahead. A small, camouflaged extraction team was waiting, their chopper already spooled up and ready to take off.

"We made it!" Marcus exhaled in relief as they barreled toward the waiting helicopter. But the sound of engines behind them grew louder. Adrienne's forces were closing in.

Evelyn turned, spotting an armored convoy cresting the far hill. "They're not letting us go without a fight."

"We don't need to fight," Alyssa said, determination in her voice. "We just need to get out of here."

The team reached the chopper as bullets began to rain down from the approaching vehicles. The extraction crew fired back, covering their retreat as they scrambled into the helicopter. The pilot gave them a nod. "Strap in! It's going to be a rough ride!"

The chopper lifted off just as the enemy vehicles reached the clearing. Bullets pinged against the hull, but the helicopter surged upward, carrying them to safety.

Alyssa leaned back in her seat, adrenaline still pumping. "That was too close."

Marcus, catching his breath, grunted. "It's never easy with Adrienne."

Evelyn glanced out the window, her expression dark. "She let us go."

Alyssa frowned. "What do you mean?"

"She could've sent more forces. Cut us off completely. But she didn't. This isn't over, Alyssa. She's still playing us."

Alyssa's jaw tightened. "Then we need to figure out her next move before she makes it."


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