The Favored Son of Heaven

Chapter 571 - Like Elder Brother, Like Younger Brother

Chapter 571: Like Elder Brother, Like Younger Brother

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

A troop of millions stepped on their Magnetic Flying Swords and blotted out the sun. Some had powerful fire weapons in their hands, and some were driving a second Magnetic Flying Sword to kill the descendants produced by the Queen Bee.

It was guaranteed that the evolved creatures produced by the Queen Bee would have various peculiar abilities and extremely strong bodies. They were also going to set off to the fierce battle. At that time...

The bionic Six-barrel Gatling gun, the bionic flying fighters, the bionic mobile armor beasts... Qin Fen couldn’t help but feel extremely astounded when he thought of the huge battlefield, an area where countless creatures were battling one another.

“That man...” Qin Fen tried to guess, “Is he Azure Dragon?”

“What do you think?” The brain said with a sarcastic tone, as if Qin Fen was asking the obvious. “Now, we just have to wait for the Great Ensemble. The chances of producing a divine beast martial artist would be extremely high in this brutal slaughter! The level of the Federation’s martial artists will not be lowered by brutal slaughter, instead...”

It will heighten! Qin Fen didn’t deny the brain’s judgments. One would not be able to become a true pro by just practicing martial arts. Although it sounded extremely cruel, a true martial artist would have to go through battles of life and death over and over again in order to walk toward the path of a true pro.

Qin Fen had never heard of a case where one could become the world’s number one just by practicing hard at home. He would also never believe that there would be such a thing in this world.

The Great Ensemble: Qin Fen could no longer recall the number of times he had heard of this name. With the eyes of someone who didn’t understand the inner workings at the beginning, this was only a huge martial stage that showcased the great power of martial artists to the world in order to attract people into practicing martial arts.

Today, this Great Ensemble had another meaning! It gathered the world’s strongest people into a hall in order to produce strong martial artists using the most inhumane and cruel methods.

“Young man, be prepared. According to the information I have, we are really close to the convening of the Great Ensemble.” The brain advised with some comfort, “Let go of your revenge against Tagatha for now, focus on the overall situation.”

“Thank you for your reminder.” Qin Fen left the chair and stood up. He straightened his spine and said, “I will definitely go to the Great Ensemble. But I will not let go of taking revenge for him killing my masters.”

“Young man, the overall situation...”

“The overall situation? Why must I think about the overall situation? Why not others?” Qin Fen shook his head and his eyes showed no room for bargaining, “Many people like talking about focusing on the bigger picture, yet they always ask for others to focus on the overall situation and they never do so themselves. I am not a saint, nor am I some hero who is unflawed. I am only a simple and ordinary person. Every night, when I close my eyes, I can see the scene of my masters teaching me. I will dream about my master’s tragic death.”

“Ai...” The brain let out a sigh and didn’t continue advising Qin Fen. Focusing on the bigger picture was such a great thing to say, yet wasn’t it also an act of selfishness? It was basically just using a high-sounding reason to kill off the thoughts and actions of another person.

Chen Feiyu looked at Qin Fen without the slightest surprise. If a young man who walked on the martial dao of Divine Boxing could be influenced by another person so easily, what he had cultivated would then be some Trash Boxing, and not Divine Boxing.

This journey to Rock Sea was one in which success was not determined. Chen Feiyu’s eyes had revealed a fierce light several times as he stared at the brain inside the nutrient solution. Finally, it extinguished. Aren’t these people pitiful people? Their only motive is to give prosperity to humans. Their initial intention was just to open up a space, yet it has caused so many incidents.

“My real enemy is Zhang Hao’s Founding Society.” Chen Feiyu shook his head aggressively, “From today onward, there are no grudges between us.”

The brain’s sigh had a hint of disappointment. When Chen Feiyu heard it, he guessed silently that it could be because the brain was tired of carrying so many secrets as it had lived for too long. Perhaps it wanted to take this opportunity to be relieved; it didn’t expect him to not take action.

“Young man...” The brain stopped Qin Fen who was leaving, “Have you heard of the Integration of Brains?”

Qin Fen’s footsteps came to a halt. He looked back at the active human brain that was inside the nutrient solution with shock.

Integration of Brains: this was a biochemical subject, as well as a medical subject. It could even be said to be an extremely broad scientific-technological topic.

Lin Liqiang once said to Qin Fen jokingly that if he could reach the stage of the Integration of Brains, he really didn’t know if he could resist that kind of temptation and end up becoming a murderous devil king that hunted excellent scientists to forcefully merge their brains with his.

In the words of Lin Liqiang, the Integration of Brains wasn’t just a creation of a high-end computer-to-brain connection, but instead a premium practice of actually combining two or more human brains together through special techniques.

This kind of practice was something that had, in theory, stopped completely in today’s academia of scientific technology. According to speculation, the possibility of integrating brains with today’s technology was close to zero. If it was integrated forcefully, there was a possibility of creating a person who had superintelligence with the combined memory of both people, but he would also turn into a madman with mental problems.

In other words, although an imperfect procedure could still create an odd science mutant who was a super genius with two people’s memory and invincible intelligence, this person might also have some mental health problems. The product of this might accidentally turn into a science mutant-like Frankenstein.

“I am an integration of brains, and not just two brains...”

The old voice echoed in the room. It was like an invincible bomb that shook Qin Fen’s mental world. He looked up at the brain that floated in the nutrient solution and waited for the continuation.

In this world, no one would tell you a huge secret for no reason. If there really was such a thing, this person would either be a madman, someone who wanted to show off, or someone who had ulterior motives. In short, no one would tell you a secret just to tell you a secret, he would definitely have his own motive.

Qin Fen was waiting to listen to this brain in front of him to tell him why it told him this secret.

“Most scientists’ bodies are incomparable to martial artists. In terms of life span, we might have various maintenance methods, but with the increasing depths of martial dao, our nutritional maintenance has become even more incomparable to martial artists.” The old voice had a slight tone of self-depreciation, “As time went by, many of the Founding Society’s first-generation scientists passed away. However, our research would then disappear along with our brains that way. Those that could be recorded in books could only be considered as general knowledge and results, and not true knowledge.”

“True knowledge cannot be recorded with words!”

As Qin Fen listened to the words spoken by the brain, his brain echoed the words that Lin Liqiang once announced proudly. He heard those words again from this brain today.

“Someone proposed a risk-taking approach; he was also a genius scientist in brain research. That approach was the Integration of Brains! Plus, the possible success rate of his research at that time was twenty-three point one two seven six five seven seven three three percent.”

This success rate may be small for ordinary people, but for some scientists, it was already an incredibly huge success rate.

According to Qin Fen’s understanding of Lin Liqiang, he would dare to do anything that had more than a ten percent success rate. It was because of Lin Liqiang’s courage and rapid instinctual response that brought him to the peak position of biochemical beasts today.

It was obvious that the predecessors of the brain in front of their eyes, those scientists, were also like Lin Liqiang. With such a shocking success rate, they did it without any safeguards!

“We were not sure at that time. So we gave up our bodies...” The old voice had a faint hint of sorrow, “The flesh can bring us a lot of conveniences, but it also ages. More importantly, we dared not ensure that we could still be normal after the integration of brains. If we were a brain without a body, even if we did become a madman, it would still be much less powerful than a madman with a physical body, right?”

Qin Fen just listened quietly. He had an increased admiration for this group of scientists. He couldn’t sense any deception from its voice. If it really was a deceptive lie, the techniques of this lie were too high-leveled. No one in this world would not be deceived by it.

“Now, these years have passed. We found that merging together was not something that was entirely correct.” The brain continued its own narrative, “Gathering all kinds of professions into one brain could indeed complement and inspire one another. But it is also because of this that there is no real focus. After all, the brain is not an emotionless computer.”

“You wish to separate?” Qin Fen was not surprised by his own guess. There must be a reason for this secret to be let out. It seemed now that this reason was indeed a wish to be separated.

“That’s right! To be divided into several different simple areas.” The brain sighed and continued, “Of course, this is not the entire reason we wish to separate. There is also another important reason besides these reasons.”

Qin Fen returned to his seat. He had received too much shocking news today. With the landing of one shocking news after another, he was almost numb to them. Although he knew that the one coming up was most likely going to be another shocking news, he still remained calm and looked at the brain with no excitement.

“Mental power. Although the topic of the Integration of Brains is circulated widely among scientists of the Federation, almost everyone knows only about the knowledge growth upon merging brains. They do not know that this was only half the effect of the Integration of Brains.” The brain got emotional, “In comparison to the inheritance of knowledge, the gains of mental power does not seem to be inferior to the status of knowledge inheritance!”

Mental power? Qin Fen frowned. What is this? The things he had come across got broader and broader, and he had also seen many peculiar things, yet he had never heard of mental power — even Lin Liqiang had never mentioned it.


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