The Father of American Comics Superheroes

Chapter 248: Charles's discovery

Chapter 248: Charles's discovery

Early in the morning, Eric shook his head and walked down the stairs.

They had a little too much to drink last night, but only he and Charles had gotten drunk.

Mike and Clark were fine.


Thinking about Charles, who was still lying in bed, Eric gave a smile.

Rookie Charles.

Dad? Seeing Mike put on his sweatshirt, Eric was stunned and said, Are you going for a run?

Mike put on his shoes while smiling, Going for a spin outside, you want to join me?

Wait a minute!

Eric shook his head and returned upstairs, quickly changed clothes and then ran down.

At this time the temperature is still on the low side, fierce from the warm home, Eric could not help but shiver, but stimulated by the cold air, but the head is clear.

Lets go.

Mike said, moving his legs and feet.

Eric nodded and followed Mike, and the father and son started jogging.

Its been a long time since I ran with Eric. Mike was very happy. He watched Eric follow him leisurely and said, Im going to speed up, keep up.

Eric nodded and adjusted his breathing to follow behind Mike.

Here we are!

It took a minute for Mike to lead Eric to the front of his little store.

How about it?

Mike looked to Eric, waiting for his sons comment.

Eric smiled and said, Looks good, very warm feeling.

Good vision!

Mike smiled and said, Come on, lets run back for a while, we still have to make breakfast.


Erics eyes lit up, he hadnt eaten breakfast made by Mike for a long time.

Eat the buns, your favourite.

Mike smiled and said, Last night, I already mixed the bun filling.

Eric swallowed, and after seeing Mike running away, he hurriedly followed.

Saying it was a morning run, it was actually more like Mike was taking Eric to familiarize himself with the surroundings. Mike introduced himself as he walked, and after half an hour of running, the two returned home.

As Mike opened the door, John across the street yawned and came out, and seeing Eric, said somewhat strangely, Mike, do you have a guest this early?

Mike responded with a smile, This is my son Eric, he just got back from abroad.

John sized up Eric, gave a smile, greeted Eric, and said to Mike, Your sons are outstanding.

That I love to hear.

Mike smiled happily and said, Ill have Gwen bring you some buns later.

John said with surprise, Buns! Ive wanted to eat them for a long time.

Mike smiled and nodded at the other side, and Eric went back home.

Because it was Saturday, Clark didnt work and Gwen didnt have to go to school. After the family finished breakfast, Mike and Eric took Gwen to go shopping for New Years Eve, leaving Clark and Charles at home to clean up.

Charles pressed his head, which was hard from the hangover.

Holding a rag, he lazily wiped the dust and yawned every now and then.

When a knock sounded at the door, Charles instantly dropped the rag in his hand and said to Clark, who was speeding up his cleaning, Ill get it.

As he walked near the door, his expression changed, feeling like he had lost something.

Taking a step backward, he felt the loss return.

What was lost, was his ability?

Charles looked at the doorway with a stony expression and tried using his ability.

The ability worked.

There was a child standing outside the door.

It was the kid from the neighbours house across the street.

That child is a mutant!

Charles took a step forward with an odd expression.

Instantly, his ability disappeared again, as if he had never been given the ability to feel the presence of the ability at all, and when he stepped back again and walked out of the range of more than a meter around the childs body, his ability was restored again.

He sucked in a cold breath.

Superpower inhibition!

As soon as he got close to him, the ability would disappear.

This kids ability was too scary.

In some ways, his ability is the nemesis of all mutants, provided, of course, that he walks up to the boy.

Taking a deep breath, Charles endured the uncomfortable feeling of his ability being suppressed, as if he had lost it, and took two steps to open the door.

There was a very handsome boy standing at the door.

Luke wore a woollen hat, holding a plate, saw Charles who opened the door, stunned and said: You are

My name is Charles!

You are Professor X! X-Men!

Luke opened his mouth wide and looked at Charles in surprise.

Newspaper reports of the X Academy appear from time to time, and he recognized Charles at once.

Charles smiled slightly and let Luke in, then casually closed the door and turned his head and made a gesture to Luke: Shh, help me keep a secret.

Luke nodded and then said excitedly, What are you doing here? I mean at Gwens house, does that mean Gwen is a mutant!?

Charles laughed and shook his head, saying, No, because this is my house.

Your home? This is not Uncle Mikes

Luke, as if realizing something, widened his eyes and said in surprise, You, you are Uncle Mikes


Charles smiled.

Luke was already stunned.

So, youre Gwens brother?

Lukes face was flushed with excitement.

Oh my God, Gwens brother was actually Professor X! The superhero who led the X-Men and established the X-School!

Hello, Im Luke, Gwens classmate, Im here to return Uncle Mikes plate for the morning.

Luke unconsciously stood straight and handed over the morning plate containing the buns with both hands.

Charles took it and said, Luke, Ive heard Gwen talk about you.

Luke rubbed his head and smiled, saying, Wheres Gwen?

She went out.

Charles said, stroked Lukes head and said, Can you help me keep my relationship with Gwen a secret?

Luke nodded and said without hesitation, Of course!

Thank you, fellow Luke.

Charles said with a smile, and after asking Luke a few more questions, Luke went back.

Sending Luke to the door, Charles mechanically closed the door of the room with a thoughtful look on his face.

The boys ability is very special, there is no harm to people, only will inhibit the ability, so no one found out that he is a mutant.

And the boy himself was not aware, not even aware that he had awakened the mutant ability, let alone control it.

As it stands, the kids ability is like a passive ability in a game that can be in an activated state for a long time.


A rag hit him in the face.

Charles returned to his senses and grabbed it with his hand.

What are you thinking about? Come on and clean up, dont try to be lazy.

Clark chuckled.

Charles frowned and asked in a low voice, That kid named Luke, do you and Dad know that he is a mutant?


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