The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 452: The Beginning

Chapter 452: The Beginning

“Mrs. Fan?”

Sure enough, Sun Chengye predicted it right. As soon as Sun Shaozong arrived at the government office and had not yet settled down in the Criminal Department, Jia Yucun hurriedly arrived.

Saying things like ”I was waiting for you to arrive, like a long drought waiting for rain,””This case is complex and rare, and it can’t be solved without you,””I just lost a Minister in the Central Judicial Office, and there can be no more mistakes,” he said a lot.

Although Sun Shaozong had already made up his mind to investigate this case, he deliberately hesitated for a long time. After hearing him flattering and saying it again and again, he reluctantly agreed.

Afterward, Sun Shaozong summoned Wei Ruolan and others to inquire about the investigation process of this case and whether any useful clues had been found.

And the key clue given by Wei Ruolan was the word ”Mrs. Fan!”

The so-called ”Mrs. Fan” was a bad habit left over from the Xiangguo Temple of the Northern Song Dynasty. It was said that at that time, some monks used prostitutes as their wives and called them Mrs. Fan.

“What you said is already an old habit.”

Qiu Yunfei curled his lips aside and said, "This Mrs. Fan now is not referring to prostitutes, but to women from good families who have an affair with monks.”

Private Advisor Qi added on the side, "Actually, this is the legacy left by the Mongolian Tartars when they stole the Central Plains. The Mongols are extremely strict with our people in the Central Plains, but they treat the monks with great courtesy. Therefore, some lawless people entrust themselves to the Shaman and do all kinds of evil under the name of monks.”

“At that time, many temples had a considerable amount of land and were not like ordinary families who had to pay heavy taxes. Therefore, these evil monks often used this as bait to lure those desperate tenants to sacrifice their wives and daughters for sexual humiliation in exchange for the qualification to rent temple property.”

“And these women are collectively referred to as Mrs. Fan.”

Upon hearing Private Advisor Qi's explanation, Sun Shaozong couldn't help but question, "Such a bad habit can only be cured in those remote places, but the Fayuan Temple is located at the foot of Imperial and is the most famous temple in the Capital. How dare they dare to take the great injustice of the world and do such a vulgar thing?”

Wei Ruolan shook his head and said, "This is not what Fayuan Temple meant, but what Monk Jie Xian did privately.”

It turned out that Monk Jie Xian was originally a wandering son from the suburbs of the Capital, and he loved sleeping flowers and willows the most in his life. Later, for some unknown reason, he went to Fayuan Temple to shave and become a monk.

At first, he was quite normal and there was nothing out of place.

But since the beginning of spring this year, there have been rumors circulating in the temple that this Monk Jie Xian has secretly engaged in the business of pimps, often serving as a matchmaker for the monks in the temple, introducing young women and daughters from good families, and promoting the true essence of joyful Zen to the public.

This rumor naturally attracted the attention of the Discipline Academy. However, the head of the Monastery Reception, the disciple of the Lechi Master, Jie Nian, confirmed that this matter was purely fictitious and saved Monk Jie Xian.

“However, according to our investigation, Monk Jie Xian did indeed engage in the pimping business, and the first batch of so-called Mrs. Fan were actually pilgrims whose bodies were ruined by him using overpowering drugs.”

“Those pilgrims were also coerced into making peace with the monks in the temple.”

"In addition, the first disciple, Jie Chen of the Discipline Academy, has not given up investigating this matter but has been secretly investigating whether there is a hidden relationship between Jie Xian and Jie Nian."

“It's just that he has always been cautious in handling things, and he hasn't taken any advantage of it yet.”

The narration by everyone finally came to a temporary end.

Sun Shaozong lowered his head and pondered for a while before asking, "It seems that you are doubting Monk Jie Chen. But since you have a goal, there hasn't been much progress these days. Is it because Jie Chen has a clear alibi?”

“That's right.”

Private Advisor Qi spread his hands and said with a bitter smile, "On the night when Jie Zhi died, Monk Jie Chen was taking a disciple on a night patrol.”

“On the night when Monk Jie Ming monk was nailed to death in front of the mountain gate, he happened to argue with another disciple.”

Wei Ruolan hastily added, "However, those two young monks are both orphans raised by Jie Chen, so it is very likely that they are covering up their crimes for him.”

Private Qi remained noncommittal to his supplement and continued, "As for Monk Jie Xiu, although there was no obvious evidence of his absence at the time of Jie Ming's death, he was ordered to kneel all night in the main hall because he had violated the anger when Jie Ming was killed. Therefore, all the monks on duty in the temple can testify for him.”

That was to say, the suspicion of Jie Xiu could now be ruled out, while Monk Jie Zhen, although he has been absent twice, has the suspicion of concealing himself in person.

After pondering for a while, Sun Shaozong carefully examined the case file brought by Wei Ruolan twice before getting up and saying, "Seeing is the fact and hearing is the unknown. Let's go to the scene first.”

If Sun Shaozong had taken over the case he was investigating in the past, Wei Ruolan would have been a bit awkward, but today he was cooperating closely. After hearing Sun Shaozong saying he wanted to inspect the scene, he sent someone to prepare transportation without saying a word.

If he had to make a compromise to find out the truth, it wouldn't seem like that.

Sun Shaozong was a bit puzzled by his transformation, but Wei Ruolan took advantage of everyone's busy schedule and came up with a mysterious statement, "That child has already been sent out of the Capital.”


He probably didn't think that since both of them rescued the ”baby,” they were considered comrades in the trenches, right?

He was indeed a proud and innocent young man!

Sun Shaozong sighed in his heart, but his face was inexplicable. "What child? Is Assistant Magistrate Wei talking to me?”

Wei Ruolan's proud expression stiffened and he then blushed with embarrassment and annoyance.

Just as he was about to say something unpleasant, Qiu Yunfei and Private Advisor Qi had already sorted it out and urged them to rush to the Fayuan Temple to investigate the case.

Wei Ruolan had to swallow his words again and, with a constipated expression, and walked out of the courtyard of the Criminal Department.

When they arrived at Fayuan Temple, they saw the place in front of the mountain gate cold and deserted, with only a few believers worshipping at the gate.

Although it rained yesterday and the road was not very easy to walk, despite the reputation of Fayuan Temple in the Capital, it shouldn't be left with only a few believers. It seemed that people who were concerned regarding the matter that three monks had died in a row had dealt a significant blow to the reputation of Fayuan Temple.

Everyone climbed up the tons of steps and saw a magnificent temple nearby. Several knowledgeable monks had already welcomed them with their palms folded, but Sun Shaozong suddenly stopped and squatted on the ground to observe.

“Did Jie Ming monk die here?”

After the repeated scouring of rainstorms last night, the blood on the ground has disappeared, but the chisel marks made by the iron chisel are still clearly left on the bluestone slab.

“That's right.”

Private Advisor Qi also crouched aside and said, "The two-foot-long, thumb-thick iron chisel pierced through Jie Ming's chest and heart, leaving shallow marks on the ground.”

Sun Shaozong reached out and touched the shallow chisel marks, then looked up at the magnificent temple door not far away. After pondering for a while, he asked again, "During the autopsy, did you find no other scars, let alone any signs of being bound or drugged?”

“No, except for some cotton thread found in his mouth, there were no other scars, and no overpowering drug was tested. From the analysis of the blood stains on his hands, he should have been awake at the time.”

“Furthermore, after repeated exploration, it has been determined that there are no signs of the body being moved. This is indeed the scene of the crime.”

Speaking of this, Private Advisor Qi couldn't help but smile bitterly and said, "This is also the reason why I’m confused. Since he is awake, why did he not fight to the death? You should know that the iron chisel is not very sharp, and it is difficult to pierce the heart with a single blow without hitting it hard with a hammer.”

“And if the murderer holds the iron chisel in one hand and the hammer in the other, how can he still suppress the deceased?”


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