The Fake Heiress and Her Five Villainous Brothers

Chapter 115

Chapter 115

To outsiders, Yuan Chan suddenly seemed to have become sensible, taking on the appearance of an heir. He abandoned his favorite weapons project and remained at home, dedicated to managing the Yuan family's business.

When he handled things well enough, his father Yuan Jianghai would allow him to take his sister out for walks.

Due to carrying multiple disease-causing genes, Yuan Meixi would repeatedly fall ill, then undergo Yuan Jianghai's latest treatment regimen, recover, only to fall ill again in an endless cycle.

This caused her to become thin and frail like withered grass. When Yuan Chan held her, he did so with great care, afraid that any larger movement would cause her pain.

In the laboratory, Yuan Meixi's mental state would deteriorate. She saw many horrific visions, letting out shrill screams and crying, begging for it to end.

At such times, Yuan Jianghai would gently tell her: "Think of your brother. If you don't persevere, he too will experience the same suffering as you."

"Just a few more trials, and the new drug will be developed."

"These disease-causing genes are your value. Your suffering means others won't have to suffer. You've already saved many lives, now save your brother too."

So, each time, Yuan Meixi persevered.

When Yuan Chan took her out for walks, Yuan Meixi's mental state would improve somewhat. She loved all kinds of flowers and plants, and Yuan Chan would pluck many to put in her hands. She enjoyed seeing different scenery, and Yuan Chan varied their walking routes.

But, just like those plucked flowers wilting in the laboratory, she was rapidly withering away.

The next time Yuan Chan visited, she showed hardly any reaction, like a broken wind-up doll, her eyes vacant and devoid of emotion, neither sad nor joyful, just numbly existing.

She had done nothing wrong, yet had to endure so much suffering.

Yuan Chan's heart ached as he held her close.

Miraculously, Yuan Meixi's gaze cleared a little, and she said, "I want to die. Kill me."

Yuan Chan trembled.

Nestled in Yuan Chan's embrace, Yuan Meixi said, "Brother, I can't leave this place anymore. After I die, take that bundle of osmanthus flowers by the window and leave."

Yuan Chan choked up, "I can't do that."

With a weak smile, Yuan Meixi said, "It's okay. Life will return to the ones you love in another form. This time, I want to be born as a healthy child."

Yuan Chan was already sobbing uncontrollably, overwhelmed by a profound sense of helplessness that left him breathless.

He held his frail sister, watching as the once lively young life, like a candle in a storm, flickered and went out.

Her heart would never beat again.

At the funeral, Yuan Chan wore an osmanthus blossom on his chest, and placed many candies in his sister's coffin.

He hoped that the next time she came to this world, she could live a sweet life.

Yuan Jianghai softly recited a eulogy: "She was an obedient and well-behaved daughter with an indomitable spirit. Because of her, many new drugs were born, and many sick children were cured. Now, let us observe three minutes of silence for her."

Below, the guests all bowed their heads and began the silent observance.

Yuan Chan couldn't bear this hypocritical ritual. They were all people who had gotten rich from selling those new drugs, lamenting only the loss of their best test subject.

Yuan Chan left the hall, heading upstairs to retrieve his packed luggage, ready to leave the Yuan family.

A few male servants blocked Yuan Chan's path.

He roared, "Get out of my way!"

The servants said impassively, "Young master, you cannot leave. These are Master Yuan's orders."


The gears of a wheelchair made a faint sound as Yuan Jianghai appeared before Yuan Chan.

He carefully studied his son's face, then broke into a chilling burst of laughter, as if mocking, yet also joyful.

"The first kill is always special. The first person I killed was my mother."

"And you killed your sister. You're my accomplice, the heir of the Yuan family. No matter where you run, that won't change."

"You're 18 now, still in college. I'll let you go for now, but you must return next winter break. I'll introduce you to my business partners."

"You're a good seedling. For now, just endure. Suffering will help you grow faster. When you've made your mark, you can come replace me, come kill me."

"Only when you hold true power will you be truly free."

With those words, Yuan Jianghai waved his hand, and the servants parted, allowing Yuan Chan to pass his father, luggage in tow, without a backward glance.

Many years later, Yuan Jianghai's power remained formidable. From time to time, he would display his might, leaving Yuan Chan painfully aware – this was the Yuan family's way of grooming heirs to power.

But the most painful part of Yuan Chan's heart still belonged to his sister.

He couldn't save her.

If there really was another life, it would be better not to come near him again, but to a better family instead.

After a period of numbness, a rare positive event occurred in Yuan Chan's life – he encountered a bad-tempered female assassin who called herself Bessie, likely an alias.

On their first meeting, her blade was only an inch from his carotid artery.

The extremely close encounter with the opposite sex left Yuan Chan quite shaken.

Less than five minutes into the meeting, Yuan Chan was certain he would marry her one day, and he truly risked his life to win her over.

Time flew by.

After the successive births of five rambunctious sons, Yuan Chan really didn't want any more children.

The old Yuan family forces led by Yuan Jianghai were still active, causing trouble from time to time. Yuan Chan had to protect each child and his wife Bessie, which was quite taxing.

He sincerely hoped his eldest son Yuan Ao would grow up quickly and share the burden, so he could focus on his own weapons research, a passion he had abandoned for too long.

One day, his wife Bessie joyfully spun around, announcing, "I'm pregnant!"

Yuan Chan put down his newspaper and gasped.

Bessie said, "This time, it's definitely a girl!"

Yuan Chan said, "If it's another son, I really might die. Those little demons smashed all the antique porcelain I bought yesterday."

"Don't worry, dear. If it's a boy, we'll just have another one."

"Then we'll have seven children. That's too many."

"If I don't have a daughter, you'll die too."

Yuan Chan chose to compromise, and his wife Bessie put down her knife.

Bessie's belly grew bigger by the day. When her water broke, Yuan Chan rushed her to the hospital.

He paced back and forth at the entrance, feeling agitated. Although he had gone through this five times before, he was still very worried.

Outside the window, there was a large osmanthus tree. For some reason, it was in bloom today, a little early for the season, but its fragrance soothed Yuan Chan's heart.

The nurse and doctor came out.

"Mr. Yuan, the mother and daughter are fine. You can go see them now."

Immense joy welled up in his heart. Yuan Chan entered the hospital room and saw his wife Bessie cradling a newborn baby girl.

It really was a daughter!

His wife Bessie said, "Why don't you hold her? I'm tired."

Yuan Chan took his little precious baby, who was sleeping soundly. She was extremely soft and had delicate features, sure to grow up beautifully.

As he gazed at her, Yuan Chan was reminded of his sister Yuan Meixi. Perhaps due to their blood relation, the baby resembled her a little.

He picked up the test report from the table with one hand and quickly scanned through it. Yuan Chan heaved a sigh of relief - his daughter was healthy.

He whispered softly to the infant, "Life may return in another form to those we love."

"Would you like to be my daughter this time?"

"If so, I'll try my best to be a good father. Let's have a sweet life together."


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