The Extreme Alchemist of the Mighty Cauldron

Chapter 262: Seven Swords Out

Chapter 262: Chapter 262: Seven Swords Out

Translator: 549690339

Deep in the heart of the Ten Thousand Beast Graveyard lie seven extraordinarily large skeletons, each one the size of a small mountain. The bodies were amazingly well-preserved, not having decayed in the slightest, and radiated a dreadful Demon Qi so potent it was suffocating.

Every onlooker was shocked by the sight of these seven Demon Beast skeletons. They were horrifying to behold even in death, evoking a sense of reverence akin to that given to gods. It was chilling to imagine how terrifying the beasts must have been in their lifetimes.

Yet, Feng Qianqiu’s gaze did not rest on these monstrous Demon Beast bodies. Instead, he stared intently at the unoccupied spot in the center of the seven beasts.

The bodies of the seven beasts were enormous, like small mountains, obscuring any view of the ground within the enclosure.

But Feng Qianqiu, hovering in the sky, had a clear view of everything below.

In the middle of the seven Demon Beasts was a shriveled corpse. Astonishingly, it was not a beast but a human.

Indeed, it was the desiccated body of a human lying amongst the Demon Beasts. It appeared conspicuously small yet jarringly out of place.

This was the Ten Thousand Beast Graveyard, after all. Any human body left here would quickly be eradicated by the fearsome Demon Qi.

Yet this human corpse continued to exist in the heart of the Ten Thousand Beast Graveyard, surrounded by seven mountain-like beasts, a horrifying thought to contemplate.

Feng Qianqiu’s eyes were fixed on the corpse, his breathing noticeably uneven as his eyes seemingly gleamed with excitement.

“As I suspected, it is here. My trip to Qian Country has not been wasted,” Feng Qianqiu muttered to himself, his face beaming with joy and excitement.

The fact that something could elicit such a response from a strong warrior like him hinted at the significance of the corpse below.

But Feng Qianqiu did not act rashly. He was well aware of the dangers of the corpse, and of the seven Demon Beast skeletons below.

His gaze shifted to Fang Lin and the others behind him, an ambiguous smirk appearing on his face.

Gu Hanshan was immobilized, the closer he got to the seven Demon Beast bodies, the more intense the Demon Qi became. Gu Hanshan felt that one more step would subject him to a devastating impact from the Demon Qi.

But how could he stop now that he was so close to the seven Demon Beast skeletons?

He pulled out an ancient bronze mirror from his Nine Palace Bag and held it in his hand while swallowing a multitude of pills, gritting his teeth and continuing forward.

Despite the horrific Demon Qi that threatened to tear apart his flesh, Gu Hanshan pressed forward unharmed, protected by the bronze mirror.

Watching this, Feng Qianqiu was amused. The bronze mirror was a prized artifact, capable of deflecting the monstrous Demon Qi in this place, which was a rarity.

But then, after Gu Hanshan had taken seven steps, the glow from the bronze mirror seemed to dim considerably.

Gu Hanshan noticed the reduced power of the mirror, causing slight ripples in his resolve. But, he steeled himself and continued onward.

Gu Hanshan was aware of Feng Qianqiu above, but he had no other option. Retreating at this junction would be a dead end. Fang Lin and the others would certainly kill him, so he’d rather take his chances.

Seeing Gu Hanshan, armed with a bronze mirror, heading straight for the seven Demon Beast skeletons, Fang Lin and his companions knew they must stop him, no matter his intentions.

Fang Lin, once again, invoked the White Elephant Trampling Mountain technique. A huge white elephant phantom enveloped the three of them, alleviating much of the pressure and enhancing their speed significantly.

The heavily injured black-robed man ahead almost fainted with terror at the sight of the three charging toward him, sheltered by the phantom of a gigantic white elephant.

Though severely injured, the black-robed man still had a trick up his sleeve. He drew a black iron chain from his Nine Palace Bag, and, like a Flood Dragon emerging from its cave, launched it towards the white elephant.

The black chain imbued with a chilling aura looked incredibly dark. Amidst the rumbling of the chain, one could vaguely hear the horrific howls and roars of ghosts.

The black chain wrapped around the white elephant, releasing a bizarre power that began to absorb the energy contained within the white elephant.

Being the source of the white elephant’s power, Fang Lin could feel his inner strength steadily sapping away. Despite being under the effect of the Blood Evil Pill, which increased his inner strength tenfold, he couldn’t withstand such a drain on his power.

“Kill him!” Fang Lin commanded coldly.

Qing Jianzi nodded. The seven Longswords behind him flew out from their sheaths, led by the Wandering Dragon Sword, they all aimed at the black-robed man.

The Seven Swords Out attack was Qing Jianzi’s ultimate move. The power of the six other swords was fully transferred to the Wandering Dragon Sword, making it unleash its most formidable force.

This scene filled the black-robed man with dread. He wanted to dodge, but his injured body wouldn’t allow it.

With gritted teeth, the black-robed man pulled out a black bone charm.

As the seven swords arrived, he threw the bone charm without hesitation.

With a resounding crash, the bone charm shattered, and a gigantic black hand emerged from the dust, slapping fiercely at the incoming swords.

The Wandering Dragon Sword hummed like a dragon roar as it circulated around the Ten Thousand Beast Graveyard, the power of the six other swords surged into the Wandering Dragon Sword.

The pitch-black hand was shattered by the Wandering Dragon Sword. Although the sword’s light dimmed considerably, it still held some power.

With a gushing sound, the Wandering Dragon Sword impaled the black-robed man’s chest accurately, piercing his heart.

Despair and bitter resentment filled the black-robed man’s eyes as he fell. His heart was shattered, and even though he was full of resentment, he had no hope of surviving. He collapsed onto the ground.

Qing Jianzi gestured for his swords to return to their scabbards; his face was so pale that it looked scary. His powerful move had clearly drained him greatly.

With the black-robed man dead, the trio heaved a sigh of relief. They had eliminated a major threat, and now, only Gu Hanshan remained.

At this moment, Gu Hanshan, holding the bronze mirror, had reached a spot less than fifty steps away from the seven Demon Beast skeletons.

The bountiful Demon Qi struck him like waves, bombarding the mirror and his body.

A crisp crack echoed in the graveyard as a clear fissure appeared on the bronze mirror in Gu Hanshan’s hand.


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