The Extra's Survival

Chapter 86 - Confrontation

Chapter 86 - Confrontation

As everyone took a rest finding a spot, the healer Gracia was going around for the treatment of the injured.

Except for being tired with some minor wounds, nobody was seriously injured. We have already taken shelter and everyone started to relax a little.

While some annoying voices tried to raise their head and complain about the way things were advancing still they were kept in check by Fredrick.

Except for the four of us who took the lead role, Han, Binn and Lacy of our class also stood out showing thier talents.

Lacy belongs to a noble house. They belong to baron house. Unlike those spineless nobles who didn't do anything before but now trying to show thier dominance now, Lacy took an active role in the battle. Her sword skills were quite good compared to others.

Lacy and Rose were managing the girl's faction.

Lucas sat leaning back against the wall at the corner and thought. Today was quite shocking.

A simple dungeon exploration had become a fight for survival. In a single moment, many things were changing.

Moreover, even that arrogant Brock bowed down his head asked to forgive him for the offence he had shone earlier.

Sure enough, strength is the correct way to make your enemies surrender.

Lucas felt he was quite lucky that he had brought dozen of bombs with him. The blast of the bombs had alone wiped out hundred of goblins before.

'"I was correct to come prepared for the possible dangers."Lucas muttered and patted himself but laughed bitterly after all even after so much preparation he was in danger.

Lucas's heart bled thinking about the bombs, the money required to make bombs was a few million.

"Lucas are you injured. Do you need any treatment?

Lucas was snapped out of his agony by the sweet soft voice of Gracia.

He looked at the blonde-haired girl who looked at him with respect.

"No, I am alright," Lucas spoke.

"You don't need to worry about my exhaustion. Let me heal you, it is better than taking potions and you should save them for the future." Garcia persuaded Lucas as she thought like Fredrick and Parth, he was avoiding being treated so that she may not exhaust herself

One had to take note healing someone required quite a huge amount of mana. Most of the healers trained on increasing mana instead of rank and Gracia was just a 1-Star healer.

With her mana, she can heal up to 20 people who have minor injuries. As for major injuries, it depends on how serious the injury is.

"No. I am totally fine, I don't have any bruises or scratches. Except for physical exhaustion, I am totally fine." Lucas spoke waving his hand and asked Gracia to take care of others.

Previously, Lucas had some cuts and while his mana was exhausted while firing the spikes he brought a potion from the shop which healed him entirely.

Lucas looked at Gracia's silhouette and thought she was unlucky to be trapped with them.

The healers were sent on dungeon exploration with each class so they have real-life experience and they would mostly stay with the instructor and were guarded by them.

Garcia didn't have much fighting experience. On top of that, she didn't know anyone in the class.

pᴀɴda nᴏvel ' She must be feeling out of place as an outsider still she is trying her best to help.'Lucas muttered inwardly. He was used to that type of thing as he was lonely without anyone to rely on when he opened his eyes in this world.

Lucas activated his mana breathe technique. A warm refreshing feeling spread across his body.

"Nothing can be compared to this feeling." Lucas moaned in delight as he took a deep breath of mana breath.

The mana breath skill which he got from the system was quite magical. Not only in replenish your mana quickly but it also calms your mind and also accelerate your recovery.

Lucas generally used mana breath in between the breaks in a fight. He was afraid that this calm and warm feeling might hinder him in a battle so he generally refrains it from using during critical fights.

After all, you can't spare to lose focus even for a second in critical fights.

As Lucas closed his eyes, he started to feel drowsy as the entire day of exhaustion finally hit him.

Taking a small yawn he spoke ' Since I was at the forefront, my time to take on watch duty will be quite late. So I should take a power nap.'

Speaking this Lucas closed his eyes.


In the hallway near the ground floor where many students were resting.

"Shyla, do you think we will be able to survive?"A small female asked in a low voice as she hugged her knees and cuddled tightly to give herself warmth.

The night was cold with a chilly wind blowing. Unlike their rooms on the horizon, there was no temperature regulator here. There were no electricity and candles were used to light up the manor.

Electricity is still a luxury and can be found only in cities, not in an isolated village like this.

The girl had a golden bloodline but her talent was quite poor and she is still stuck in 1-Star since coming to the horizon.

Taking her hand, Shyla spoke" Yue, don't worry. You also saw how strong Rose and Fredrick are. They can take dozens of monsters easily. Even if many goblins appear, they are just low-level ones and the instructor are still fighting to clear the high ranked, keeping us safe from them."Shyla said in a firm tone, trying to sound confident, she was also trying to convince herself and give her hope that they will be safe.

Yue bit her lips tightly as her eyes moistened and she started to sob"Shyla, I...I am so sacred. Why we are the only ones in this type of mess whereas other classes will be safe and might have already finished their work...Why.Just...Why?"

Shyla, who was barely able to calm down her emotion was not able to hold back seeing Yue's tears after all what she said was right.

Though she has faith in Fredrick and others who knows if they also abandon them if a bigger threat appears.

This kind of conversation could be heard everywhere inside.

Rose noticed this and walked beside them and patted on both Shyla and Yue's shoulders and said "You don't have to worry too much. I swear on the prestige of my house that I will protect you till I die.

All you have to do is support us in any way you can."

Rose's declaration pulled the female students out of thier darkness. They looked at Rose's firm and resolute eyes which were brimming with determination and confidence.

Seeing her assuring them calm them down a bit.

"She did well," Parth spoke as she looked at Rose's silhouette with a hint of admiration.

"Well. She wouldn't be Rose if she hadn't that in her." Fredrick stared at Rose.

Seeding Rose's determination also encouraged him. It would be a lie if he say he is alright. Even the panicked seeing the direction in which the situation was heading. Leading the people who yearn for survival along with fending off the monster had put very big pressure on his shoulder.

Since he was the strongest in the class, he had to take responsibility for all these students. In a way, thier life and death lay in his hands.

In the morning, they were all laughing and chatting happily and filled with excitement about visiting the dungeon but now they are trapped in between monsters, fighting just to get out of this place.

Fredrick sighed. There is no time of thinking about the past.

Parth and Fredrick were chatting about what to do next. Rose joined them later and they went out to take note of the situation.

The cold nights with no light of stars and moons along with the shrill sound of the crickets and other insects in a desolate place with no life gave them a frightening feeling.

They can't help but shuddered. The atmosphere looked like an abandoned ghost town where a ghost may erupt at any time.

The breeze blown by the wind was filled with the bloody smell of the deaths of the people and monsters.

It was fortunate there were no monster corpses of monster or goblin near this house.

As the trio looked outside, Parth can't help asking"Will be the instructor be fine?"

"Probably," Rose spoke casually without any sorrow.

Fredrick was stunned for a moment hearing Rose reply without emotion but he could clearly feel the agony in her tone, but he soon got a hang of it.

"We have got no time to worry about them.No matter what happens, we just have to move forward. For this moment only our survival matters, "Fredrick spoke clenching his fist with a cold expression.

He had already decided to slaughter any monster who try to come between them tomorrow.

He didn't sleep but just took some rest as he was worried about the monsters attacking at the night.

Soon the scout who was on watch returned and reported that nothing odd was noticed.


In dense bushes, an eye emerged from the darkness emitting yellow light.

It was easy to notice the eye in the darkness and he even hid his body quite well imitating his surrounding.

The wolf by his side smelled and gave a small howl.

The monster looked in a certain direction and spike drooling saliva.

" Hahlak jolaloa jaimalo, karghk karhookkab pabhsoeolll aulwloaklsl qualamsbsike.."[So here you were hiding humans, I will report it to the chief, Hehehe I can't wait to test your tender flesh.]


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