The Extra's Odyssey

Chapter 151 Blood Prince [2]

Tristan and Nathan were sitting in a different tavern.

Like the previous one, this tavern was also crowded, rather it was livelier than the previous one.

Nathan ordered two garlic teas and offered one to Tristan.

Tristan, who by now wanted to burn all the garlic in the world, had his lips pressed into a thin line.

In his previous stupor, he had failed to realize one crucial fact.

Even if he had been looking for Klyntarn's traces for a few years, given the fact he always used a disguise and even now had a different identity, how did Mr. Pepe find him?

It was at this moment Tristan knew he had fucked up.

The person in front of him had an unknown background, his strength was unknown, and the extent of his intelligence network was unknown.

What was worse was that he also possibly had a method to track Tristan.

Tristan sipped the tea.

He wasn't in a hurry about getting information about Klyntarn from Nathan.

In his eyes, if anyone understood about the parasite's threat, they would've already fled the planet by now.

Klyntarn was a calamity that could devour planets.

With its ability to host corpses, Klyntarn also could use them to monitor even the remotest place. The parasite would gain the corpses' memories and abilities, becoming indistinguishable from the original.

Yet, Nathan had been causally waving Klyntarn's name out in the open.

Mr. Pepe or his associates probably stumbled upon that name by chance. They did not know the weight it carried.

Tristan immediately tried to trick the information out of Nathan. He didn't think Nathan would've much information, anyway.

"Yes, I've heard about that name. But before we begin, can Mr. Pepe tell me how he knows about Klyntarn?"

Nathan, who saw Tristan taking him lightly, smirked.

Tristan was hooked. It was now time for line and sinker.

Nathan hunched over the table and whispered.

"My source wants to remain anonymous. Besides, I have something better for you. Don't you want to know Klyntarn's location?"

"I doubt you would know that."

Nathan smiled and brought a piece of paper out.

"Then how about we make a deal?"


Nathan passed Tristan the paper.

It was an Oath.

Nathan had written Tristan's name, background, and goals in Oath.

This was enough to tell Tristan that Nathan knew about him, a lot at that.

Suddenly, Nathan stopped speaking in a jovial tone and a cold voice came from his mouth.

"20 years… I will kill Klyntarn in 20 years. In return, work under me."

Tristan's brows jumped, but they quickly returned to their normal shape.

He sighed.

He had wasted his time on a madman. 20 years weren't even enough to reach Klyntarn's rank, let alone being able to kill someone unkillable.

"I don't know where you heard that name, but I would advise against using it out in the open. Even walls…."

His voice slowly came to a halt as he further read the Oath in his hands.

Tristan's brows were high in shock.

Nathan, ignoring his surprise, spoke leisurely.

"Isn't that too harsh for someone who has the same goal?"

Clutter- Clutter-

The table started shaking heavily.

No one was touching the table, but it continued to shake intensely.

Tristan raised his head from the Oath and looked Nathan in eyes.

"How do you know about me?"

His intense bloodlust combined with bloodline abilities started going wild.

It was to the point Nathan, who was calmly smiling on the outside, was freaking on inside.

His blood was trying to rampage and move against its natural flow under Tristan's influence. It was trying to break his nerves, his flesh, his muscles, and go to the ruler in front of it.

To the Blood Prince.

Nathan's body was drenched in sweat. He was coating his body in ether to stop any outside influence from having control over him.

However, with Tristan's racial abilities, it was proving difficult.

'He can influence the blood of others. He's at the least a Virtuoso.'

This news only made Nathan happy. If he could bring Tristan under him, he would gain a powerful ally.

"Does it matter? What should matter is that I can help you get your revenge."


Tristan gnashed his teeth. His grip crumpled the paper, almost tearing it apart.

Being reminded of his hatred and past, he was losing himself to his rage.

Before Tristan would do something, Nathan warned him.

"I wouldn't cause more trouble if I were you. Don't forget where we are."

Nathan's voice made him return to reality.

Looking around, he saw the whole tavern had quieted down.

Everyone was looking here, at the source of oppression.

Tristan breathed heavily and tried to calm himself.

"I'm sorry. I got excited while we were talking."

After Tristan apologized, the crowd dispersed.

Fights in taverns were common, and both of them were wearing a different sets of clothes.

However, he could feel the vigilant eyes watching him.

"So, what will be your answer?'

Tristan glared at Nathan.

"You don't need to be that angry; you can refuse if you want. Just that, as an upright citizen, I have a duty to report 'foreigners'. Though I can always make an exception for my friends."

"I can report you, too."

Nathan scoffed.

"For what? Feeding you garlic?"

Tristan's arms shook, and he fell into a dilemma.

He could agree to Nathan's demand. However, that was no different from becoming his slave.

Besides, with his ability to divide himself, killing Klyntarn was close to impossible even for those in the same rank as him.

It wasn't for nothing that dozens of races had failed to kill Klyntarn.

Tristan weighed his options. However, he could only gulp at the results.

He couldn't refuse Nathan, or he would be reported.

He could work under him for 20 years, till Nathan got killed for not completing the Oath. But that way he would be wasting 20 years. In that time, Klyntarn would only get stronger.

Tristan was already far weaker than Klyntarn, he needed every little advantage he could get. He could not waste even a year, let alone 2 decades.

Watching Tristan's contemplating figure, Nathan decided it was time for the sinker.

"If you are so much fence, how about this."

Nathan passed the Oath he prepared before coming to find Tristan.

"…what is this? Are you sure about this?"

The Oath dictated that Nathan was going to fight Vile Reaper in the upcoming tournament. As long as Tristan finds Nathan's performance agreeable, he has to join Nathan's crew.

"Do you seriously think you can win against Vile reaper?"

Vile reaper was famous for his evil deeds. He was a regular criminal with many major crimes.

Ignoring his sadistic tendencies, his combat ability was the real deal. With his ability to teleport at a thought, he could dispatch his enemies before they could react.

While Mr. Pepe, a mage, wouldn't even be able to keep up with normal aura users.

The scales of the battle were tipped heavily against him.

There was no way to win.

'But if he can…'

Tristan closed his eyes.

He didn't want revenge. There was no point.

He could never defeat a monstrosity like Klyntarn.

No one could do that.

Especially not an Iota rank within 20 years.

It wasn't possible. He knew that.

Just like how he knew his disguise skills were perfect. Like how he knew that all those who knew about him had been killed by that parasite.

Tristan chuckled.

It seems he didn't know a lot of things.

"Fine, I'll do as you say."

The Oath shined as Tristan injected his energy into it.

'I'll take this damn gamble.'

His chuckles turned into full-blown laughter when he realized that at some point he had entered too deep into the rabbit hole of gambling.

This time he was gambling with his past, his present, and his future.

Looking at Tristan bellowing, Nathan didn't see a dignified prince but an addicted gambler who had decided to gamble his everything at the chance coming his way.

'Hook, line and sinker.'


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