The Extra's Odyssey

Chapter 148 Seen Through [2]

I was already planning on reaching Enma rank by the end of the year. The path would be arduous, but not impossible.

If the being felt the need to warn me, then it meant two things.

One, it has no desire to make me use [Synchronization] because reaching Enma-rank wasn't something that needed me to do extremely dangerous things.

Two and most important, something was going to happen by the end of the year.

The problem was… I did not know what this something was. Nothing was coming up this year that, if I wanted, I couldn't ignore.

The threats in Leon's 1st year were still manageable. Sure, the 2nd half of the 1st year will be dangerous, but I wasn't even planning to go with them.

It will be from the 2nd year that the threats will become so dangerous that ignoring them could lead to instant death.

However, there was one thing that could change that estimation.


"At first glance, it seemed 'it' was trying to help me, however, given the tense situation between Outsiders, I couldn't be sure about that."

X wanted to follow the story. Y wanted to change it. While I was doing whatever helped me the best.

Although I could work with at least one of them, it was also very dangerous.

Why bring Outsiders when they might fight amongst themselves?

The being was planning something huge.

And it most definitely involves me, too.

"I needed more information and given [Synchronization] description, I thought I get some answers from it."

There was still a chance that the being was trying to set me up while acting friendly.

I made it look like I had to use [Synchronization] unwillingly when in truth it was something I planned.

It was to catch the being off guard in case it tries to stop me or interfere. From the earlier assumptions, where the being wasn't forcing me to use [Synchronization], it was also possible that it actually didn't want me to use the skill, at least until a specific time.

Maybe I was being paranoid. But, when I didn't even know my enemies, being prepared for every possible scenario was the least I could do.

A hollow chuckle left my lips.

Catch it off guard?

It had completely seen through me.

"So much for having a plan for every situation."

(But how did you know?)

"Know what?"

(That you will be forced to use [Synchronization]?)

I sat up while still looking at the only constellation left in my soul.

"When the infiltration began and bombs went off, due to the Aegis-Umbra non-aggression pact, Iris and everyone else would know that there was another party interfering."

"Naturally, the first candidate as the culprit will be Mr. Pepe, the newcomer with an unknown background who suddenly appeared for the first time and had unknown motives."

"It was already suspicious that someone like Mr. Pepe was participating in a small tournament."

This was why I acted out and drew attention to myself during the tournament.

The bombs were never to get the security thinned. They were to tell everyone that there was another party trying to steal and that they needed to protect the item.

I also purposely broke rules and annoyed Iris to make sure that she sends someone strong to catch the culprit red-handed.

The appearance of Isabell was unexpected, but it ultimately helped.


I stood up and patted my clothes.

(Why are you rushing everything? Couldn't you have gotten answers from X even without [Synchronization]?)

I turned to Eth.

"It's a gut feeling. It's telling me that…"

Facing Eth, my breath stifled.

His green eyes had a golden shade to them as he stared at me.


His face distorted.

(Hey, what's wrong?)

His skin cracked, his nose and ears melted, his cheeks sank, and dust covered him. He became the corpse I saw in that dream.

I felt a chill run through me. What is this? Why did he become like this...?

My throat dried up.

I tried to move, but could only fall to my knees.


However, Eth caught me before I could fall.

Gathering courage, I looked at his face again, only to find everything normal.

There were no golden eyes, no decomposed face, nothing.

(Why are you spacing like this?)

Speaking like this, he quietly muttered to himself.

(Was the shock too great for him? Despite his high mental strength, he easily falls when it comes to his weak points.)

(His mind is in shambles.)

Eth helped me sit with a worried expression.

It took me a few minutes to calm myself.

"I'm sorry… I'm still not over the skill's effect."

I decided to not tell Eth about the dream I saw, at least not yet.

Before Eth could speak, I pushed to shift his attention.

"We should meet Caim. He would be shocked, if nothing else, due to what happened earlier."

As of now, I had told Caim that I don't remember much from my past. Eth was a piece of soul from the original soul and the chains were a defense mechanism against mind-reading abilities that I couldn't yet control.

Although the lies weren't exactly believable, he still bought them.

Eth kept staring at me without answering.

Taking a few moments, he sighed.

(You should go outside and take a rest. I'll talk with Caim.)


(No buts. You aren't thinking properly right now. It would spell a disaster if you slipped up in front of Caim)

Eth was right.

Even if Caim was chained, he was still an important source of information. Also, if possible, I didn't want to harm him, not anymore.

Nodding my head, I took one last look at the giant spear constellation and left.

I had yet to ask what happened to Eth while I used [Synchronization], but I left without asking anything.

Chances were that he didn't remember anything.

But I didn't ask.

I was running away. Trying not to look at the clues in front of me.


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