The Extra of The Lunerra

Chapter 12: Volume I - 11: Second to Last

Chapter 12: Volume I - Chapter 11: Second to Last

I tried to pull myself together, I tried not to let my heart fall victim to the excitement, because if I wanted to know what kind of path Adrian was on, I would have to be friends with him sooner or later.

Adrian... He was someone who really helped me a lot in my old life, just as a character in a game, yes, but there was also something I had to remember.

The past is the past, and the Adrian standing in front of me now is someone I don't know.

So I shouldn't act like an idiot, I shouldn't get excited, I should treat this person who helped me more than anyone I've ever met in my life, even though he was just a game character I envied, as the person I finally decided to change into.


I didn't stutter... Nice, a good step.

"You know history pretty well, don't you?"

With that, I hesitated for a moment.

I just said I shouldn't look like an idiot, but...

History? What about history? Why did you come to me for that?

I don't understand...

"Yes, I like history."

I formed a slight smile on my face, trying to give him a good first impression, even if I didn't understand exactly what it was.

"So have you ever heard of anything or anyone important called 'Lithoa'?"

When I heard the words coming out of his mouth, everything suddenly clicked into place.

So this is what he was curious about. He wants to know the true identity of the old man inside him... Right, that annoying geezer should be with him right now.

So I put my hand to my chin and started thinking, how can I give him an answer?

I paused for a moment as I continued to think.

Aha, I found it.

An involuntary grin appeared on my face.

Let's tease Lithoa a bit.

"Oh, yes. I know a geezer who goes by that name."

Adrian's eyes widened as I said this, and then he suddenly grabbed his head as if he had a headache. Lithoa must have screamed inside his head or something.

"Sorry... A little headache... Anyway, are you sure this Lithoa is a geezer?"

I mean, he may sound and look like a man in his forties, but he's actually a hundred and sixty years old. That's why I call him a geezer.

He was almost in his eighties when the awakening happened, and then through clearing a dungeon, he gained a unique skill and became sort of immortal. Only to live about sixty more years and die tragically.

Well, I'd say he got what he deserved. With a personality like that, he's not worthy of my respect or love. Besides, it makes me feel good to call him a geezer, and given his lack of real-life influence, there's nothing stopping me from talking about him behind his back.

"Yes, I'm sure. This old man begged a king for a ridiculous item about thirty years ago, and then the king banished him to a dungeon. That's all I know."

Of course, this is not the cause of Lithoa's death. It's just one of the things he's been through in his life, but I'm sure that proud bastard would have gone mad by just remembering it.

And that's what happened, Adrian held his head again after my words.

Actually... I thought I could take out all the anger I couldn't take out while playing the game.

To think of that old man screaming his head off... It feels really great.

Adrian... I'm sorry for the headaches you're gonna get.

"I see... That's enough information, sorry to bother you."

Adrian turned around and sat back in his own chair and buried his head directly in his arms and waited. He even trembled a few times, I could imagine that old man in his head looking at me and making threats.

It was really an amazing feeling.


After talking to Adrian, we continued with the lectures throughout the day.

In some of the lectures, I was bored because I was being told things I already knew, but not everyone was as understanding as the history professor. So I pretended to focus on the lectures and thus, when we finished our last lecture, our history professor entered the classroom again. She gave us all a quick look, then looked at the door and told the janitors who were waiting outside to come in.

When the janitors brought some boxes into the classroom, I remembered what had happened: we were going to be given some special equipment.

"Come to me on a first-name basis! First Adrian Caleo."

The list in his hand was alphabetical, so at the professor's call, Adrian stood up and walked over to the boxes.

The professor opened one of the boxes and took out a watch, a name badge, and a tablet, then entered some numbers into them. Then Adrian's name and a large number '#1' appeared on the name badge.

"Adrian Caleo, you were ranked first out of all the freshmen."

Suddenly a deep silence fell over the classroom. Each of the students looked like a rabbit in headlights when they heard that Adrian was ranked first.

I wasn't too surprised, as I had already guessed that he would be at least in the top ten. Still, it's not really a simple thing to be ranked first... Adrian must have practiced well before coming to the academy.

"It would be best for you to wear this watch on your wrist as long as you are in the academy. Once you've transferred the data from your phone, you can do everything you can do with your watch. Apart from the watch, we will use the tablet instead of books in class and as long as you don't damage it, you can still use it for personal things. Also, do not take this name badge off under any circumstances. It's a rule of the academy, so make sure you follow it."

"Got it. Thank you, professor."

Adrian put the watch on his wrist, pinned his name badge to his uniform, and then returned to his seat, tablet in hand.

Unlike before, the whole class was now paying attention to him. Well, it must have been strange for them to have a first-ranked student in their class.

"Aiden Tenebra!"

When the professor called my name, I sighed slightly so that no one would notice. As an extra, I came right after the main character... It was an interesting coincidence.

I walked slowly and calmly to the professor, then stood in front of her, just like Adrian had done, and looked her in the eyes.

"Aiden Tenebra..."

She sounded disappointed for some reason... Is there a problem I wonder?

"You were ranked six hundred and twenty-fourth out of all the freshmen."

To be honest, I was genuinely surprised, so much so that if I were alone, I would have a huge grin on my face, but the reason I wanted to laugh was not because of my tragic result. It was more about the stats I had and the fact that with this body that had hardly ever exercised, it was funny to think that there could be someone worse than me.

It's not easy to increase statistics in this world. I'm not just saying that, once you get to D- grade, it's really hard to go further. Because the limits of the human body, which is already quite developed compared to normal because of the mana that can be accessed, start to be exceeded at this level.

But even so, the road up to grade D is not too troublesome. Of course, it's not easy. If a person doesn't make an effort to get stronger, he or she will stay where he or she is. Still, the path from F- grade to D- grade is easier than the higher levels.

For example, in a world where most people, with very rare exceptions, can gain access to the system after the age of seventeen and start to become stronger for real, characters like Adrian and Julian, who are only eighteen, have already reached around E+ grade and are even about to go beyond.

"The same thing I just said applies to you."

"Got it, thanks."

I put the watch on my right wrist and took a look at my name badge.


Aiden Tenebra




After attaching the card to my uniform, I picked up the tablet and walked toward my seat, but in the process, I felt something strange. Curious, I looked up and looked around, and it didn't take me long to realize what was going on.

My dear classmates were looking at me with very 'nice' expressions.

I think I've already become the target of some troublesome people... I don't care in the slightest what my ranking is, but this could be a bit of a problem.


After I took my seat, the distribution of the devices continued, but there were only two people that the class in general kept an eye on. One of them was Adrian, who was the target of many different emotions, especially jealousy as he was naturally in the first place, and the other was unfortunately me for the opposite reasons.

Still, I wasn't really bothered, I didn't care.

"Everyone got their stuff, right?"

Even though the list was finished, the professor checked everyone one last time and then told the staff to take the boxes back.

"Okay! That's all your theory lessons for today, so now go to the changing rooms to change and put on your training clothes. I will accompany you as your guidance counselor, but once you have found your most suitable trainer, you will have nothing to do with me."

With that, the professor led the entire class in a straight line to the locker rooms.

Along the corridors, I could see students gathering from other classes. Some I recognized, some I couldn't quite remember, and many more, but as I kept moving forward I inevitably paused.

My eyes widened as I saw a figure.

I imagined all the two-dimensional games I'd played, all the animated movies and anime I'd watched, and more, all of them with carefully drawn characters, almost none of them ugly.

That's exactly why after a while I had seen so many of them that no matter how handsome or beautiful a character was drawn, it started to seem normal to me. This was true even in real life.

Well, I just disproved my own theory.

Because this world, whose graphics are no longer limited to animations and certain lines, especially with the effect of the 'charm' statistic, was showing me a view that I will never forget in my life in a way I never imagined.

Golden blonde hair of average length for a girl, blood red eyes that almost seemed to glow, perfectly smooth skin, and flawless features.

From what I saw when I played the game, this character was absolutely beautiful, I never denied that, but I never imagined that Lucia Quie could look like this in this world that had become reality...


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