The Exiled Life of the Noble Girl

Chapter 12

Chapter 12

“How can that be allowed!”

Mrs. Wang was somewhat frustrated that her sister didn’t seem to understand. This girl is usually quite clever, so why is she so unguarded now?

“Can she just say anything and you’ll believe it?”

Well, it wasn’t exactly like that. A good girl fallen on hard times must have her sad stories that she doesn’t want to tell, and Wang Chunhua didn’t pry.

If you say she committed some crime and ran away, Wang Chunhua wouldn’t believe it. She explained, “Sister-in-law doesn’t know her situation. Her shoulders can’t carry and her hands can’t hold anything - what crime could she have committed?”

“Murder and arson may not work, but petty theft still counts! Look at the way she looks - she can even read and write. She doesn’t seem like she’s from a poor family, so how could she have fallen to this point for no reason? I'm afraid she deliberately hid here in this poor place.”

Wang Chunhua’s first reaction was to think about what Dong Shan said about Li Mingwei almost getting robbed of her gold hairpin. Gold is valuable, even just one hairpin is worth a few taels, and with her skills she could easily earn that in a year.

Besides, if you're going to steal, you wouldn't just take one right? That would be a waste. If it were her, she would definitely take a whole bag full - gold, silver, jade, she wouldn't spare anything!

But after spending so many days together, deep down Wang Chunhua still believed Li Mingwei was a good person.

"Sister-in-law, I understand what you said, but she's been at my house for so many days already, and I really feel like she's not a bad person."

Seeing that she couldn't get through to her sister, Mrs. Wang furrowed her brows.

Wang Dazhuang’s eyes darted between the two arguing women. He didn't know whose side to take for the moment.

Seeing this, Mrs. Wang glared sharply at him. “Say something!”


Wang Dazhuang hesitated. He had only met the girl once, and she seemed polite enough. He couldn't really explain why.

“Alright, Chunhua’s not a child anymore. If she feels it’s fine, she must have her reasons. Don't make a big deal out of it, it's just a young girl. In this unfamiliar place she can't do much, even if she did anything we could just kick her out. Who could help her then?”

But he still reminded Wang Chunhua, “I know your heart is kind, but you can never truly know someone. Still gotta be cautious in everything.”

Hearing his last two sentences, Mrs. Wang’s expression finally softened a bit. She approved, “What your brother said makes sense. Still need to be vigilant about things that need vigilance. Especially with your husband coming back, don't let them be alone together. Look how pretty her face is, maybe that's why your husband brought her back.”


Wang Chunhua thought back to when Li Mingwei first appeared at her door. She could hardly be described as pretty. Her body even had a sour smell that still made Wang Chunhua feel nauseous when she recalled it.

She made a sound of disgust. She didn’t want to think about it anymore.

“Alright alright, I got it sister-in-law, don’t worry. I know what kind of person Dong Shan is, do you think I can’t figure it out?”

On this point, both Wang Dazhuang and Mrs. Wang agreed. Over the years Wang Chunhua married into the Dong family, every spring planting and autumn harvest Dong Shan would come help out tirelessly. Everyone in the village sang his praises.

“That’s why we have to be careful not to let others snatch him away!”

“Okay okay, I’ll remember.”

Speaking of which, Wang Chunhua suddenly remembered to ask about Dong Shan, “When did he leave home? He still hasn’t come back yet.”

“Just left two or three days ago, probably still at his uncle’s place.”

“The family is that busy?”

Mrs. Wang was a little embarrassed, “Xiao Gang that kid had a craving for meat and insisted brother-in-law take him hunting up the mountain, delaying two or three days.”

Wang Chunhua understood and laughed. Xiao Gang was her eldest nephew, the eldest son of Wang Dazhuang and Mrs. Wang. As the first grandson in the family, he was a bit mischievous.

“It’s not delaying much. Meat is a rare treat at home, and the kids are all growing, it’s normal for them to crave it.”

The Wangs weren't that well-off after all, with many mouths to feed. And the Dongs had been saving money for Dong Lei’s schooling, rarely eating meat and frugally getting by. Let alone the Wangs.

After a simple exchange about each other’s families’ recent affairs, Wang Dazhuang also helped carry the vegetables Mrs. Wang brought into the cellar. It was only then that Li Mingwei came back with the meat.

“What took you so long just to buy meat?”

Wang Chunhua had stood at the door watching for her for a good while, worried that she might have run into Wu Dong and them, and wondering if she should go take a look.

“I ran into Yu Boss again and she gave me more work.”

“So soon?”

It had only been a few days! There was work for her already? Wang Chunhua was overjoyed to see the handkerchief and purse in Li Mingwei’s hands, as if what she was holding was already copper coins.

“Then you can finish earning money for winter clothes very quickly. And make two thick pairs of shoes, then I won’t have to worry about you being cold.”

“Yes.” Li Mingwei nodded.

Wang Chunhua took the meat from her and headed to the kitchen to start cooking. With Mrs. Wang today, she was much more nimble-handed than Li Mingwei, working very well together with Wang Chunhua.

Li Mingwei stood at the kitchen door for a while feeling useless. She silently exited to go embroider flowers and earn money.

The guests were staying for one night. After dinner, Wang Chunhua tidied up Dong Lei’s room for the couple to rest.

Wang Dazhuang rarely visited, so he went out for a stroll and bought some small things for Dong Lei and Dong Yan. Dong Lei was elated when he came home from school and saw them.

His little sister was still too young to play, so they might as well all be his.

“Uncle is the best, I love uncle the most!”

Mrs. Wang pretended to be jealous and teased him. “What about auntie?”

Dong Lei’s little head spun quickly. He rushed up and hugged Mrs. Wang. “I love uncle the most, and I love auntie the most most!”

Everyone burst out laughing merrily.Rêađ lat𝒆st ch𝒂/p/ters on n𝒐/v/𝒆/l(b)i𝒏(.)c/𝒐/m

Sensing Mrs. Wang’s wariness of her, Li Mingwei had obediently stayed inside embroidering the whole afternoon. Hearing the laughter now, she finally came out to take a look.

Seeing her emerge, Dong Lei also rushed to hug her. “Auntie, I love auntie the most most most! Teacher praised my writing for improving today!”

Li Mingwei smoothed his hair for him, “Then play for a bit, and we’ll continue practicing writing later.”

“Ah? Can’t we do it later? Uncle just bought me new toys I haven't played with yet.”


Dong Lei’s mother directly attacked. The teacher’s praise was something her son had never received before. How could she allow him to slack off at this time?

“Go do your homework now. Let auntie watch you. We're having meat for dinner today. If you don’t behave, I won’t let you have any meat.”

His mother’s threat instantly made Dong Lei’s face fall. He dejectedly went to set up the table and took out his books and writing supplies.

Li Mingwei smiled and sat down beside him, flipping open his workbook. Gently she asked, “So where does today’s assignment start and end?”

Dong Lei pointed out two or three pages for her. As always, Li Mingwei first had him read aloud to check for any inaccuracies in pronunciation and punctuation, correcting them first before letting him copy.


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