The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 9: A Peculiarly Unique Bead, A Delightfully Odd Egg

Chapter 9: A Peculiarly Unique Bead, A Delightfully Odd Egg

A Peculiarly Unique Bead, A Delightfully Odd Egg . . .

Cha Eun slowly donned his clothing, the fabric falling into place with a soothing embrace. A sense of relaxation washed over him; he had embarked on a journey to master the most revered martial arts method in the annals of existence—the East-rising Purple Qi.

Curiosity piqued, he decided to test his newfound power using a conventional method. With a focused intent, he directed his cultivated qi towards his palm, and to his delight, it began to radiate a brilliant primrose yellow light.

"Grade 1 of the Diyuan Level!" Cha Eun exclaimed, a smile playing at the corners of his lips. What a pleasant revelation!

He had quickly discerned that this mortal realm differed significantly from the Qing-Yun Realm of his previous life. In Qing-Yun Realm, the lowest grade was Lingyuan. During his previous life, he had ascended to the pinnacle of the Daoyuan Level, the highest grade attainable in the Qing-Yun Realm.

However, in this mortal realm, the hierarchy began with the Renyuan Level. Renyuan, Diyuan, and Tianyuan were the sole grades in the mortal realm, with Lingyuan being an exclusive realm of the Qing-Yun Realm.

The nine tiers of the Renyuan Level symbolized the nine steps to becoming a hero, while the Diyuan Level's nine tiers resembled nine ever-increasing mountain peaks, each more challenging to ascend than the last. The Tianyuan Level's nine tiers were akin to nine distinct celestial clouds at varying altitudes, with each advancement bringing one closer to the heavens.

"At Grade 1 of the Renyuan Level, individuals can establish themselves in the mortal world, while reaching Grade 5 can bring wealth. Yet, beyond life and death, the ultimate destination for all cultivators in this world is the 9th level—a level that truly elevates them above the ordinary," Cha Eun mused.

A cultivator at the Diyuan Level was considered a genuine practitioner, often with numerous accomplishments to their name. However, advancing within the Diyuan Level was akin to scaling the tallest and most formidable mountains in existence.

"Indeed, I've already surpassed ordinary individuals," Cha Eun acknowledged, his demeanor showing a trace of pride. In his previous life, it had taken a full year to advance from Grade 1 of the Renyuan Level to Grade 1 of the Diyuan Level. This time, he had achieved it in just one day.

"Such remarkable progress," Cha Eun marveled, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. Speed of cultivation like this was beyond his wildest dreams in his previous life. Though he recognized it as a benefit of practicing the East-rising Purple Qi, he was content enough that he wouldn't regret any possible future deaths. Only those who had experienced cultivation understood the arduous path to growth.

The former Cha Eun, the foppish playboy, had acquired some rudimentary spiritual kung fu under the pressure of his father. He had reached approximately level 3 of the Renyuan Grade. Living in the General's House had its advantages after all, even if Lord Cha had accumulated substantial impurities in his qi.

"It's fortunate he laid the foundation for me, even though he severely debilitated his own body to the point where I can't even bear to look at it," Cha Eun reflected, grateful for the opportunity. He chose not to dwell on it further, satisfied with his current situation.

"I wonder...could there be additional functions within the sphere?" Cha Eun pondered, his spirits high.

While relishing the remarkable progress in his cultivation journey, Cha Eun found himself increasingly fascinated by the enigmatic Pure Heavenly Crystal. He had barely set foot in the space within the sphere and harnessed the qi emanating from the crystal when a profound transformation occurred. The ablution of his muscles and bones was already underway, a marvel in itself. Moreover, his previously subpar physique had skyrocketed to the Diyuan Grade—a testament to the crystal's extraordinary power.

"What if... What if I were to take another piece? What might happen... I mean, I can't help but chuckle at the thought," Cha Eun contemplated aloud.

Driven by curiosity, he boldly reentered the sphere, determination in his eyes. He made a beeline for the coveted Pure Heavenly Crystal, a mischievous grin dancing on his lips. Stroking his chin, he pondered, "Should I... carve off another piece?"

Without hesitation, Cha Eun sprung into action, reaching out to grasp the Pure Heavenly Crystal. His prior attempts to cut it with a knife had been in vain, but now, armed with the power of the Diyuan Grade, he was confident, thinking, "This time, I can certainly manipulate this resilient material, no matter what!"


A deafening boom shattered the silence as purple lights assaulted him mercilessly. Cha Eun was sent crashing to the floor, his hip narrowly avoiding disintegration into eight pieces. Though his body screamed with agony, the shock rendered him momentarily oblivious to the pain.

The Pure Heavenly Crystal loomed tantalizingly close, yet frustratingly out of reach. It seemed no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't bridge the gap. Worse yet, every attempt to lay hands on it resulted in a brutal onslaught of the purple lights radiating from within the crystal.

"What's going on? I endured countless hardships to acquire this thing, and now that it's finally within my grasp, it taunts me from a distance! Is this justice?" Cha Eun lamented, massaging his throbbing hip as exasperation contorted his features.

Undeterred, he made another valiant effort, only to meet with the same stubborn resistance.

After multiple futile attempts, Cha Eun collapsed dejectedly onto the space's floor, dirt smudging his dispirited countenance. "It's truly out of reach!" he grumbled.

Gazing up at the Pure Heavenly Crystal, perched high above, Cha Eun sighed audibly. "I've never encountered anything quite like this... I possess it, it's right there, yet it eludes my touch! You... confined space within the sphere, have you no sense of reason?"

After several more fruitless endeavors, Cha Eun reclined wearily on the chamber's floor. It finally dawned on him that despite securing the Pure Heavenly Crystal within the sphere, his own level was insufficient to exercise dominion over this realm. He lacked the authority, or more aptly, the power to command it.

Aware that harnessing the Pure Heavenly Crystal's potential at this point would likely result in squandering its unparalleled benefits, Cha Eun hesitated. While the crystal could grant an immediate, meteoric rise in strength, it might also bring unforeseen complications. Its strength wasn't derived from the arduous path of cultivation, potentially leaving a cultivator with a weak foundation. Achieving enduring power would be an uphill battle.

Yet, the allure of overnight ascension was undeniably tempting. With the crystal tantalizingly close yet tantalizingly out of reach, Cha Eun's interest began to wane.

"Very well. This place will serve as a suitable storage room," Cha Eun conceded, opting for a pragmatic alternative to comfort himself. He exited the space, retrieved a chair from outside, and attempted to stow it within the sphere.

"Um, not working?" Cha Eun scratched his head, perplexed by the peculiar outcome.

"Perhaps a smaller one might work," Cha Eun Xiao mused aloud, his eyes scanning the surroundings. In his hand, he held a stone about the size of an egg. However, to his surprise, this attempt proved just as fruitless.

"What could be the issue?" he wondered, his brows furrowing in confusion. "If even I can enter, why can't this small stone?"

Determined, he made several more attempts, growing increasingly perplexed with each failure. Frustration began to cloud his features.

Finally, Cha Eun Xiao decided to experiment with something else. He retrieved a jade-crystal, an heirloom containing the universe's essence passed down from his father. This time, something extraordinary occurred.

While the jade-crystal didn't enter the space, something peculiar happened. Cha Eun Xiao inspected it closely, his expression alternating between delight and frustration.

To an untrained eye, the jade-crystal appeared unchanged, retaining its size and sheen. However, what truly mattered was the essential qi it harbored, and that had vanished, rendering it a mere ornament—visually pleasing but functionally useless.

"Could it be that this space only accepts items of a certain, higher caliber?" Cha Eun Xiao pondered, deep in thought. "In other words, for any valuable treasure to gain access to this space, it must meet or exceed a certain standard. This jade-crystal, as an example, possesses elements that meet the requirement, but the rest falls short."

He rubbed his chin, contemplating the space's discerning tastes. "It appears to be quite selective in its choices, doesn't it?"

After a period of contemplation, Cha Eun Xiao stumbled upon inscriptions on the wall. "To absorb the essence of the sky and the earth and gather qi from everything to expand the space and nurture yourself. Only then can you become the unparalleled Monarch of this unbound space... This is the first temple of the unbound space. To open the second temple, you need to master the second degree of East-rising Purple Qi," the inscriptions revealed.

In essence, Cha Eun Xiao realized that he needed to amass more valuable items to expand the space within the sphere, enabling a mutually beneficial exchange. It was a symbiotic relationship: the space could thrive by absorbing the essence of treasures, while he, in turn, would reap the benefits of a larger, more versatile space.

"Hmm, so that's the way of it," he mused. "I've only just begun my journey with the East-rising Purple Qi, and I'm not even at the first degree—merely a beginner."

Considering his current circumstances, Cha Eun Xiao had no way of knowing the prerequisites for entering the second temple. Achieving the second degree would likely require reaching the Grade of Tianyuan, a realization that left him pondering the number of degrees the East-rising Purple Qi encompassed.

"This is..." Cha Eun Xiao sighed deeply, acknowledging the vast, uncertain path ahead. "I'm merely a novice, and there seems to be no end in sight."

Nonetheless, he harbored unwavering determination to cultivate the East-rising Purple Qi to its pinnacle, no matter how arduous the journey.

The pressing issue, however, was acquiring the treasures necessary for space expansion. Among the General's House possessions, only the jade-crystal somewhat met the criteria—a partial pass at best. This circumstance weighed heavily on his mind.

"How can I accumulate countless treasures when I have nothing to begin with?" Cha Eun Xiao's despondent musings filled the space. "Even if a valuable treasure were to appear, it would likely be in the hands of noble families, reserved as tributes for kings. And even if one were accessible, the financial means to secure it would be lacking. I'm far from being able to conduct a successful robbery. At my current level, attempting to steal a high-level treasure might result in instant defeat from the slightest enemy interference. What am I even complaining about? A skilled cook can't prepare a meal without rice, just as I can't achieve something beyond my capabilities."

Unbeknownst to Cha Eun Xiao, the space seemed to react to his lament. Purple qi filled the air, and the space trembled. In a corner of the room, a serene tunnel emerged.

Cha Eun Xiao stood in disbelief, dumbfounded by the unexpected turn of events. "Is it possible the space pitied my pitiful whining? I mean, did the space show pity?"

He ventured through the tunnel, leading to a purple table at the far end. Upon the table rested a lotus pedestal, and at its center—an egg?

Endless purple qi flowed from the pedestal into the egg, while the surplus qi dispersed frantically.

"An egg?" Cha Eun Xiao scratched his head, baffled. "Or perhaps... a duck egg?"

It appeared to be an egg, albeit slightly larger than the norm. To him, it seemed akin to an egg with double yolks. His curiosity piqued, he stretched out his hand to examine

it more closely, but to his astonishment, he couldn't pick it up.

Panic set in as he channeled his powers, attempting to lift the egg. However, his efforts were in vain. The egg remained firmly in place.

"!" Cha Eun Xiao's eyes widened in disbelief. In the next instant, a burning sensation surged within his chest.


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