The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 46: Obsessed with The Dan

Chapter 46: Obsessed with The Dan

Obsessed with The Dan . . .

Cha-Eun Xiao could sense the overwhelming fear emanating from Mu Zi-He as she observed the unfolding situation. She leaned in closer, her eyes fixed on the man who had stirred up this commotion. "It looks like Mu Zi-He is regretting his words now," she said with a hint of sympathy in her voice. "He's trying to find a way to explain himself, but it seems he's too stunned to speak."

In the blink of an eye, the fiery rage that had filled Mu Zi-He's chest had given way to sheer terror. Beads of sweat poured from his forehead, drenching his clothes. It was an involuntary reaction, a physical manifestation of his dread. Despite his years of cultivation and heightened instincts, he seemed oblivious to the fact that he was perspiring so profusely.

At that moment, Mu Zi-He's thoughts were consumed by one overpowering realization – if the House of the Chaotic Storm chose to take action against the Mu Clan, their fate would be sealed. He didn't need them to directly intervene; a mere hint of their desire to see the Mu Clan destroyed would be enough to rally countless individuals willing to assist. While the so-called eight noble clans held sway in the mortal world, their influence in the realm of martial cultivation was negligible. It wouldn't be challenging at all to wipe them out with a flick of the finger.

Mu Zi-He's son, realizing the gravity of the situation, rose to his feet and nervously implored, "Lady Xiu Er, please..."

However, Xiu Er's response was far from accommodating. She sneered and retorted, "Who gave you permission to address me as Xiu Er?"

Two imposing figures in black attire, standing beside her, placed their hands firmly on their sword hilts, their eyes emanating a lethal aura. They awaited only a word from Xiu Er to unsheathe their blades and divide the two Mu Clan members into pieces.

Mu Zi-He's son trembled with fear as he stammered, "I... I understand. I shouldn't have addressed you so casually. These past few days have been challenging for the Mu Clan, and my father's temper got the better of him. He spoke thoughtlessly..."

Lady Xiu Er simply harrumphed and then resumed her seat without uttering another word.

The father and son from the Mu Clan were left standing there, utterly flabbergasted. It felt as though they were teetering on the precipice of an abyss, their bodies trembling as if they might collapse at any moment.

One of the black-clad men fixed his piercing gaze on Mu Zi-He and issued a clear statement, "The Shadow Blades await your command at any time." With that, he turned and walked away briskly.

In this round of the auction, the supreme dan bead was undoubtedly secured by Xiu Er. However, the audience had ceased to be concerned about the ownership of the bead. The moment Xiu Er revealed her identity, the destiny of the supreme dan bead was sealed. Anyone who dared to bid further risked invoking the wrath of the House of the Chaotic Storm, an act tantamount to courting death.

Sympathy now mixed with schadenfreude as the onlookers contemplated the unfortunate fate of the Mu Clan. "What a stroke of bad luck," they whispered to one another. "Look at the individuals they sent to represent them in this auction. The young one lacks composure and has stumbled repeatedly, bringing disgrace to their clan in front of everyone. The elder is even worse; not only is he brash, but he also lacks foresight. He's managed to make a formidable force like the House of the Chaotic Storm their sworn enemy."

"When they return to their clan, the clan elders will probably exact a heavy toll for their recklessness," many observed with a sense of satisfaction.

Guan Wan-Shan, the auctioneer, finally called out "one and a half million" for the third time and brought the gavel down with a resounding thud. "Sold!"

Mu Zi-He's body trembled uncontrollably. It dawned on him that his stubborn insistence on raising the bid had not only cost Master Bai a substantial sum of money but had also deeply offended Xiu Of The Heavens. He glanced at Guan Wan-Shan, realizing too late that the auctioneer had attempted to prevent this disastrous outcome. Mu Zi-He couldn't help but regret his failure to recognize that kindness at the time.

Mu Zi-He turned his imploring eyes toward Guan Wan-Shan, his voice barely above a murmur as he addressed the auctioneer. "Brother Guan…"

Guan Wan-Shan, his expression stoic and unwavering, waved his hand dismissively. "I'm just a humble servant of the salesroom, a mere mortal whose days are numbered. How can I accept such a familiar title from a distinguished member of the Cha Clan? I lack the qualifications," he replied, his words laced with a sense of humility.

Mu Zi-He's bitterness was palpable as he continued, "Brother Guan, please don't say that. My actions earlier were impulsive, and I deeply regret them. I offer my sincere apologies. I beseech Brother Guan to speak on my behalf..." He was acutely aware that he had thoroughly embarrassed himself in front of the entire audience, and his last hope lay in the hands of Guan Wan-Shan.

Before Mu Zi-He could finish his sentence, Xiu Er interjected with an icy tone, "Why has this auction come to a halt? What are we waiting for? Do you no longer wish to conduct business at the Ling-Bao Hall Salesroom?" Her words cut through the tension in the room, leaving Guan Wan-Shan silenced and unable to respond.

It was evident that Xiu Of The Heavens was not in a forgiving mood.

Under the circumstances, no one in their right mind would dare to extend a helping hand to Mu Zi-He. Such an act would be seen as a direct challenge to the House of the Chaotic Storm, a grave mistake that could cost one's life.

Mu Zi-He glanced around the room, only to find that the audience had averted their gazes and turned away from him. It was as if he carried a deadly plague, and no one wanted to come into contact with him.

In the midst of his despair, Mu Zi-He stood there, appearing to have aged several years in an instant. His son approached him quietly and whispered, "Father?"

It was only then that Mu Zi-He snapped back to reality, sighing heavily. He weakly waved his hand and replied, "There's no need to say more..."

With unsteady steps, he rose from his seat and stumbled out of the salesroom. Mu Zi-He's demeanor resembled that of a walking corpse, defeated and broken.

His son followed behind him in silence.

No one made an attempt to stop them, bid them farewell, or even acknowledged their departure, not even the salesroom's staff. It was a unanimous understanding among the onlookers that, having offended Xiu Of The Heavens, the Mu Clan needed to make a swift exit. Delaying any further might cost them their only chance to escape unscathed.

People watched the father and son exit the room, their gazes akin to those directed at lifeless bodies steeped in the scent of impending doom.

Xiu Er observed their departure with a sneer, then promptly shifted her attention away from them.

The unspoken consensus was clear: If Xiu Of The Heavens wished harm upon you, evading her would be a futile endeavor. Not even the vast expanse of the world could provide sanctuary. The Mu Clan, as significant as it might be, stood no chance of hiding effectively.

"The fifth supreme dan bead..." the auction continued, but the air was laden with the weight of recent events, and the shadow of the House of the Chaotic Storm loomed large over the proceedings.

Guan Wan-Shan's authoritative voice once again reverberated through the auction hall, successfully recapturing the attention of the attendees. All eyes were fixated on the stage, awaiting the next offering.

Then, unexpectedly, a clear and emotionless voice broke the silence. "One million," declared Xiu Er without a hint of sentiment in her tone.

A hush fell over the room, as no one dared to challenge her bid.

Guan Wan-Shan, perhaps feeling the tension in the air, let out a slight sigh and promptly declared, "Sold!" Without counting to three, he sealed the deal with a resounding thud of the gavel.

A collective sigh of relief swept through the crowd. The atmosphere had grown heavy, but now it seemed that things were returning to normal.

As the auction progressed to the sixth supreme dan bead, Xiu Er once again raised her paddle and calmly bid, "One million."

This time, her bid elicited a murmur of surprise from the audience. It appeared somewhat excessive for Lady Xiu Er to bid once more.

Somebody couldn't help but voice their thoughts, "We understand you're upset, but there's a limit. We conceded to you once, but are you planning to secure all the supreme dan beads? The House of the Chaotic Storm is formidable, but you can't expect to suppress all of us!"

Xiu Er gracefully rose from her seat and responded serenely, "I beg your pardon. My earlier display of displeasure had nothing to do with any of you. I am acting upon strict orders from my master, who has tasked me with acquiring three dan beads during this auction. Therefore, I must continue to bid. I would greatly appreciate your understanding. Rest assured, your patience will be duly rewarded another day."

With Xiu Er's explanation, a sense of ease swept over the room, quelling the tension. Someone even responded with warmth, "Lady Xiu Er, there's no need to apologize. If Master Bai has given you orders, you have every right to secure as many beads as you require. If I had won a bead, I would gladly present it to Master Bai myself."

Although everyone outwardly supported her, they couldn't help but grumble privately about the audacious individual who had made such a bold statement. How shameless could one be?

Yet, simultaneously, many regretted not being the first to offer such support. It was an effortless way to foster a favorable relationship with Master Bai. Even if it meant being shameless, why hadn't they seized the opportunity?

Little did they know that Cha-Eun Xiao was seething with frustration. He keenly perceived that Xiu Er's anger earlier had been merely a facade, and the Mu Clan held no significance in her eyes. Yet, she had cunningly used this pretense of fury to acquire two supreme dan beads at the lowest possible price.

What irked Cha-Eun Xiao even more was his inability to challenge her actions. After all, she had rightfully paid for the dan beads, and the price was fair.

As he contemplated this, his wariness of Xiu Er grew. "She may be a maid, but her status is far from ordinary. Just who is this Master Bai, and what kind of influence does the House of the Chaotic Storm possess? Why does it instill such fear in everyone?"

Subsequently, as the auction progressed to the seventh supreme dan bead and beyond, the competition intensified dramatically. The battle for these remaining four beads escalated to astonishing proportions, with numerous groups vying for their possession. They were determined not to yield as long as they had a single coin to spare.

The seventh dan bead ultimately fetched a staggering one million and 450 thousand, setting a new high bar for prices. Yet, the eighth dan bead shattered that record, reaching an astonishing one million and 600 thousand. The scale of the bidding war had grown truly horrifying.

The auction had already been a whirlwind of emotions and escalating prices, but the frenzy reached a fever pitch with the ninth dan bead, which fetched a staggering one million and 750 thousand.

Cha-Eun Xiao, who had been seething with frustration earlier, now found himself grinning from ear to ear. It was as if he could envision a vast stream of wealth pouring into his coffers, as boundless as the mighty Chang-Jiang River.

But the most anticipated moment had arrived—the announcement of the last supreme dan bead. Guan Wan-Shan, the auctioneer, could barely contain his excitement as he declared, "Ladies and gentlemen, this is the final supreme dan bead of the auction! The starting price and bidding rules remain the same..."

However, Guan Wan-Shan barely had a chance to finish his sentence before the first bid came flying in. "One million and 750 thousand!" declared a bidder.

In the blink of an eye, several voices chimed in simultaneously.

"One million and 800 thousand!"

"One million and 850 thousand!"

"Two million!"

The room fell briefly into silence after the jaw-dropping two-million bid, as if everyone was collectively holding their breath. Then, out of nowhere, a soft voice broke the silence, "Two million and 250 thousand..."

In that moment, all eyes turned toward the source of the bid. It was a voice that seemed to carry the weight of determination and desire. The Ling-Yun Sect's premier dan-maker, Shi Yue, sat there restlessly, his gaze fixed on Xiao Mo-Yan. His expression was akin to a plea, silently beseeching him.

The stakes had never been higher, and the competition for this final supreme dan bead had reached a crescendo. The outcome of this intense bidding war remained uncertain, and the tension in the room was palpable.


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