The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 41: If Nobody Wants It, Count Me In! I’ll take It!

Chapter 41: If Nobody Wants It, Count Me In! I'll take It!

If Nobody Wants It, Count Me In! I'll take It! . . .

Guan Wan-Shan's voice resonated through the hall as he introduced the next item, a mysterious and enigmatic stone known as the Cosmic Hades. He decided not to delve into redundant details, as he assumed most attendees were already familiar with this peculiar item. The stone had been stored in their archives for hundreds of years, during which countless attempts had failed to unlock its true value and uses. Therefore, he declared that there would be no starting price for this item and invited bids to commence.

As he concluded his introduction, a hushed silence enveloped the crowd. Every individual present recognized the infamous Cosmic Hades, a truly mysterious and invaluable entity. Its mere air of mystery rendered it a significant treasure, and everyone was aware of its extraordinary potential.

However, despite the passage of three millennia, no one had been able to decipher its purpose. The Cosmic Hades defied conventional methods of cutting, crushing, or melting. It remained an enigma, and even considering it as a cooling tool for food and beverages seemed inadequate. The frigid and aggressive cold qi it emitted posed a severe threat to anyone, even a Tianyuan Grade expert, who attempted to harness its power. The unanswered question lingered: who could unlock its potential, and more crucially, how?

In the past, many had tried to unlock its secrets, and some had perished due to its extreme coldness. Over time, a sense of trepidation had emerged, deterring individuals from approaching the Cosmic Hades. Thus, when the stone appeared once more, an uneasy silence settled over the room, thickening the atmosphere.

Guan Wan-Shan, however, remained composed on the stage, showing no signs of nervousness. This was a different scenario compared to the awkward silence that had accompanied the Jade Ruyi auction. Failure to elicit bids for the Cosmic Hades would not reflect poorly on him or the Ling-Bao Hall. In fact, presenting the stone served a dual purpose: it offered the potential for a successful sale while also diffusing any tension in the room.

While most attendees regarded the Cosmic Hades with indifference or wariness, there were a few who possessed deeper knowledge about the stone. A story existed that connected Ling-Bao Hall to the Cosmic Hades, and it was the reason behind its inclusion in this auction.

In the early days of Wan Zheng-Hao's tenure as the owner of Ling-Bao Hall, the establishment faced a dearth of valuable items to attract customers. In the midst of a downturn, the Cosmic Hades had unexpectedly made an appearance. Possessing unusual attributes, it had made many reluctant to keep it, but Wan Zheng-Hao saw an opportunity. Determined and resolute, he had invested a significant portion of his wealth to acquire the stone, recognizing its potential significance.

As time passed, the fame of Cha-Eun Xiao's salesroom, known as 'Cosmic Hades,' continued to grow far and wide. The name had a mysterious and fanciful ring to it, and it didn't take long before everyone in the region had heard of Ling-Bao Hall.

Yet, an unexpected and rather peculiar pattern emerged. Each time they sold a particular stone, it would somehow find its way back to their salesroom. This odd recurrence had taken place dozens of times over the years. In fact, for the past two centuries, this stone had been quietly stored in the salesroom's vault, untouched and unasked about. It became the subject of laughter and jest, as the salesroom had unwittingly acquired a seemingly worthless gem, becoming the butt of many jokes.

However, to the Ling-Bao Hall, this peculiar stone held special significance. It was not just a treasure but also the catalyst for their tremendous success and the crown jewel of their collection. Therefore, during their grand auctions, they never failed to showcase the Cosmic Hades.

They referred to it as "seeking the man with destiny," although most people understood that they were simply hoping to get lucky and finally rid themselves of the stone. Perhaps, when the founder of the Ling-Bao Hall first acquired it, it had played a pivotal role in their success, justifying the hefty price he paid.

Now, though, it was nothing more than a useless burden for the salesroom. People found it ironic that something that had once been their salvation had become a source of amusement.

But there was no way to hide it or dispose of it quietly. The world knew it belonged to them, so the only option was to sell it publicly. They bought it, they sold it – it seemed straightforward. Yet, no one ever emerged as the fabled "man with destiny."

Guan Wan-Shan couldn't hide his disappointment when he received orders to put the stone up for auction once again. Just as he was preparing to announce the auction's failure and return the stone to storage, a voice from balcony No.17 disrupted his plans. "250 thousand!" It was Master Feng, and Guan Wan-Shan's annoyance quickly turned to gratitude and joy.

In that moment, he couldn't help but think, "Oh, my dear friend, you've truly come to our rescue. I hope you won't change your mind, Feng. Your generosity means the world to us!"

The onlookers, however, were less appreciative. They exchanged bewildered glances and muttered comments about the audacious bid.

"Does he even understand the value of the Cosmic Hades?"

"He actually paid 250 thousand for it?"

"I'm pretty sure Guan Zheng-Hao spent less on it back in the day."

"No one has ever spent this much on that stone!"

"He's a foolishly rich eccentric…"

"I thought he was a shrewd negotiator, always trying to buy things for the lowest prices. I must have misjudged him!"

Meanwhile, the girl in white furrowed her brow, momentarily considering bidding on the stone but ultimately deciding against it. She didn't want to escalate tensions with the enigmatic Master Feng, especially after their recent disagreement. Moreover, having a cold stone around her master, who was currently in a weakened state, seemed pointless and potentially problematic. It was, after all, just a peculiar stone, not worth fighting over.

Cha-Eun Xiao, on the other hand, felt a unique sense of excitement that set him apart from the crowd.

Cha-Eun Xiao had entered the auction hall with a clear purpose in mind—to acquire valuable medicines and treasures that would nourish his spiritual space. The mere mention of the Cosmic Hades would not have piqued his interest under normal circumstances.

However, when that peculiar stone made its appearance and an inexplicable chill filled the room, Cha-Eun Xiao experienced an astonishing reaction from within his own body. A sudden tremor coursed through the spiritual space within him, followed by an overwhelming sense of eagerness, more profound than any he had felt before—even when absorbing the Pure Heavenly Crystal. This unexpected sensation left Cha-Eun Xiao utterly astounded.

Within the depths of his spiritual space, he could almost hear the fervent cries of eagerness. It was a sensation he couldn't ignore.

"What could this be?" Cha-Eun Xiao wondered aloud. Could it be that the Cosmic Hades held a power even greater than the Pure Heavenly Crystal? Regardless, it was undoubtedly something that could greatly benefit his spiritual space. Without hesitation, Cha-Eun Xiao decided to place a bid, and not just any bid, but a substantial one—250 thousand.

He understood that while this stone might appear worthless to others, it could potentially unlock a significant improvement for him, perhaps a transformative moment in his life. The price, in his view, was not only reasonable but could have been higher without causing him to flinch.

Yet, no one else seemed inclined to make an offer, even after Guan Wan-Shan had called out for potential buyers three times. Without complications or rival bidders, Cha-Eun Xiao secured the Cosmic Hades for himself.

Meanwhile, in balcony No.7, a young woman dressed in cyan fixated her gaze upon the Cosmic Hades, her eyes sparkling with intrigue. She turned to her companion and instructed, "Investigate the person in balcony No.17. Find out who he is, his origin, and his background."

A middle-aged woman standing behind the young woman promptly acknowledged her request and prepared to depart. However, the woman in cyan suddenly halted her with a decisive command.

At the same time, an intriguing development unfolded in balcony No.2, occupied by the Ling-Yun Sect.

Xiao Mo-Yan, a sage-like figure adorned with three long wisps of mustache, and the leader of the Ling-Yun Sect, spoke serenely, "This man... he's no fool. But why is he so confident? Does he possess knowledge of how to harness the power of that stone?"

Another man seated within the same balcony, the chief dan-maker of the Ling-Yun Sect, chimed in, "This individual is exceptional. He has been orchestrating the entire auction today, boldly competing when others are conserving their resources for supreme dan beads. He has already seized most of the valuable items. I dare say, he is on track to be the ultimate victor of this auction..."

Xiao Mo-Yan's eyes gleamed with interest as he remarked thoughtfully, "What truly intrigues me is that this man appears to have no interest in the supreme dan beads..."


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